So, it's time to put my pics where my mouth is or something like that? these are for the Yorkshireman if you're watching

Say hello to my beautiful babies! I love them!
Although, since it's my first grow, I need some advice. I'm having trouble keeping the temperature down in my tent, usually sits at about 30 degrees C which is at least 5 degrees too hot! outside O2 is a non starter cause the cupboard is right in the middle of the house so without major work it's not going to happen.
Since the pics were taken about a week ago I've got myself a nifty wee Humidifier from a delightful Hydroponics company in Sommerset (cheers guys) which has sorted my humidity problems out. I'm running a single 600w HID and to be honest, whilst it isn't burning or harming the plants directly I can't help but feel it's the temperature culprit! There's also a big 12 inch 3 speed oscillating fan going in there as well which stops the temp from going over board and I've been hanging damp towels as well but that's not really a solution just a temporary fix.
As always, any advice would be greatly appreciated and any abuse discarded.
Peace all from the outreaches of Scotland.