have to harvest

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Active Member
I have 7 plants that I must harvest asap. My grow was found by a group of kids I believe because I saw them in the part of the woods along with foot prints at my grow.but any way, how much will my grow suffer? All the hairs are still white and its only the 11th. This is a big let down.let me know what the outcome of harvesting today would be


Well-Known Member
Pictures would be helpful, but maybe the kid's didn't know what the were looking at. If they were teens, then I would worry a little. If they were 12 year olds, I don't think you would have anything to worry about. That is unless they were like me at 12, then that shit would be gone. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Pictures would be helpful, but maybe the kid's didn't know what the were looking at. If they were teens, then I would worry a little. If they were 12 year olds, I don't think you would have anything to worry about. That is unless they were like me at 12, then that shit would be gone. Good luck.
im sorry but i had to laugh at this..
on topic...
depending on how old they are, they will suffer quite a bit.. how did you see them at your grow site?


Active Member
im sorry but i had to laugh at this..
on topic...
depending on how old they are, they will suffer quite a bit.. how did you see them at your grow site?
The area my plants are in is viewable from my house, I saw the kids go in and trust me I'm sure they know what it is


Well-Known Member
The area my plants are in is viewable from my house, I saw the kids go in and trust me I'm sure they know what it is
ah, i gotcha now.. i would harvest anyways just to be safe...
better to bite the bullet and be safe then sorry....


Well-Known Member
How big are they? Dig them up and move them...you gotta try something because harvesting now is useless


Active Member
lol im with Popcorn. Set some traps bro. Ur alrdy growing MJ might as well get cray with it lol set some bear traps LMAO


Active Member
what? digem up? never in flowering when that tall or ull stress the shit outta them. Electric fence could work, sit and watch from ur house with a rifle and scope on it, tie 2 dobermans in that area or simply make a deal with them, keep them off plants till ready and throw them an 1/8 or 2 or 3.


Active Member
Get a deer horn(gas or propane exploders they are loud) and a motion detector. Trust me when they set off that deer horn(BOOOOOOOM)they will never come back.
It will probably scare the shit out of half the neighborhood as well lol.
Or get a live hornets nest and some trip line so when they come and they will come to get those plants they trip the wire and the hornets nest will fall and they will think twice before trying to get them plants again.

This is just two examples of non lethal and legal way's to deter thieves.

Or confront them and offer to give them some if they promise to leave them alone(but can you trust them).
Do we really think booby trapping is advisable, especially in light of the NY man recently DECAPITATED by a trap round his own grow?
And these are kids, so althoug non-lethal there will be re-percussion in the worst case scenario (which i find it only responsible to prepare a contingency for, given the nature of our trade).
If OP wants not only a cultivation charge but also endangering a minor as well as a myriad of others, and having that shit on his conscience?
Then by all means....
But i think OPs best course of action would be a re-plant, if possible.
Even with 5 footers, you can manage.
It would be pretty much useless to chop now.

OP, you said its vivible from your house... Is it on YOUR property? This could change the game.


Active Member
I read that article about the stupid idiot that forgot where he put his snare lines lol got what he deserved. Non lethal methods will usually go unreported because most thieves will not call a cop and say hey I just got stung several time by hornets while I was trying to steal MJ plants. Transplanting them now will only kill them and he would be better of just letting the kids steal the plants. He needs to confront or deter.
Also theres no law prohibiting a landowner from protecting his property with non lethal measures.
There aren't many laws prohibiting a landowner from protecting his property WITH LETHAL MEASURES. Someone trespassing into ur land/home, they get shot in the US unless on their way out. Maybe not kids but hey, they'll become adults some day...


Well-Known Member
odds are if they are still there. they don't know what they are orrrrr, they called the police , they don't know if they are done or not , they would of cut them down. no matter what if they smoked, regular people don't know if they are done or not,


Active Member
I read that article about the stupid idiot that forgot where he put his snare lines lol got what he deserved. Non lethal methods will usually go unreported because most thieves will not call a cop and say hey I just got stung several time by hornets while I was trying to steal MJ plants. Transplanting them now will only kill them and he would be better of just letting the kids steal the plants. He needs to confront or deter.
Also theres no law prohibiting a landowner from protecting his property with non lethal measures.
In my country, when an individual is on your land you have the right to REMOVE them.
It's called Criminal Trespass, and yes it is an offense regrettably I've several tickets from my youth to re-enforce that statement.
This is why i ask who's property it is, because although non lethal booby traps (to some) are an option... Well, i suppose its the kind of person you are.
I'm no flower-in-the hair dirtfoot, but i am a hippie of sorts.
And i don't like the prospect of intentionally harming another sentient human being... Unless of course they have it coming :D
As of yet, these kids have not perpetrated any action to warrant recourse. Least of all so brutal as a furious stinging from a wasps hive.
OPs luck, one will be allergic and an ambulance will get called right out to the grow site.
Kids are stupid, and panic when hurt.
Last thing you need is some pissed off parent knocking on your door with a local officer and a bone to pick.


New Member
Well you saw them....I would go out beside the plants and dig a few graves and leave a note as a head stone..."I have been watching you and know who you are" JAS


Well-Known Member
man i would SCARE this kids!!! have a unloaded shot gun you can show them once lol, i dont know where you live and wouldnt want to get you in trouble but where i live, ITS YOUR PROPERTY im not saying go hurt anyone AT ALL! lol, just nothing wrong with a little fear and you almost have to under this generations ass! i feel for you, my outdoor got taken over by kids.....fu#&ing GOPHERS! horrible they tore chicken wire down, they loved they stuff, even over my garden of lettuce and tomatoes !! GOOD LUCK man!!.......one love


Well-Known Member
Just confront the kids
just ask them flat out " how bad will it affect yield if i chop now ? "
i promise they can tell you... theyre waiting for them to be ready :o
otherwise they would've snatched and grabbed em and you wouldnt be worried about it right now
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