Medieval peasants got a lot more vacation time than you


Well-Known Member
whoa now.

never said you guys were evil, and i do my part to hate on the game, although it does hurt you, the player.

but your game is pretty much inescapable, those soybeans and corn find their way into just about everything on the supermarket shelves.
I do not give two shits what people do with my corn and soybeans after I sell them. Make it into ethanol, make it into corn flakes, pour it in a swimming pool do a little dance - I could not care less.

You do not have to buy anything with corn or soy in it.

What do you suggest I do, stop growing corn and soybeans?

and yes, the technology nowadays on large scale farms is fucking amazing. many people here probably don't know how much i've studied up on all different kinds of farming in preparation to eventually make a living as some type of farmer.

i'm thinking alpacas right now.
Alpaca fur that can be used to make ropes to kill kittens with.


Well-Known Member
lol at buck farming. He'd have to be up before 11 and his post count is going to go way down. My family "gentlemans" farm keeps my mother and sister busy and they have less than 30 animals.


Well-Known Member
Alpaca fur that can be used to make ropes to kill kittens with.
that's exactly what i plan to do with it, and i'm not about to let some kitten apologist pansy who is racked with feline guilt stop me. i never enslaved any kittens or forced them to play with balls of yarn for a video to post on youtube.

lol at buck farming. He'd have to be up before 11 and his post count is going to go way down. My family "gentlemans" farm keeps my mother and sister busy and they have less than 30 animals.
if you think i enjoy keeping guard until 7 am and then sleeping when the sun comes up, you're even dumber than i thought.


Well-Known Member
i appreciate the mental image of you hovering around "protecting" your 11 plants with a hatchet. tons of work all that watering is for a plant worth more than any other product. Imagine how many pieces of corn youd need to grow and weed to sustain yourself. How much alpaca fur you need to spin to make a dollar. Animals eat a shitload, vets cost shitloads, and you have to get rid of shitloads of shit.
You know animals get up when they get up, and they are hungry and pissed and you better let them out or you spend the rest of the day fixing the barn door. They dont go on vacation. ever. so you gonna trust your alpacas with billy-bob the farm hand feeding them?
nah, you need to just sit in front of your pc mega posting and playing tetris waiting for your wife to come home.


Well-Known Member
i appreciate the mental image of you hovering around "protecting" your 11 plants with a hatchet. tons of work all that watering is for a plant worth more than any other product. Imagine how many pieces of corn youd need to grow and weed to sustain yourself. How much alpaca fur you need to spin to make a dollar. Animals eat a shitload, vets cost shitloads, and you have to get rid of shitloads of shit.
You know animals get up when they get up, and they are hungry and pissed and you better let them out or you spend the rest of the day fixing the barn door. They dont go on vacation. ever. so you gonna trust your alpacas with billy-bob the farm hand feeding them?
nah, you need to just sit in front of your pc mega posting and playing tetris waiting for your wife to come home.
you sound bitter.

why so bitter?