what's the reasons of a Fan [Newbie]

Can someone list the reasons of having a fan on a plant?...
Also how fast the fan should be and how close to the plant?
how long do I put the fan on the plant for?

Sorry for the stupid questions


I'm a noob but I heard fans both strengthen the structure of the plant and blow away bad gases that gather under the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Can someone list the reasons of having a fan on a plant?...
Also how fast the fan should be and how close to the plant?
how long do I put the fan on the plant for?

Sorry for the stupid questions
1: having a oscillating fan blowing on the plant strengthens it's stem.
2: no idea, not fast enough to where it will blow the plant over
3: as much as you want, mine is 24/7
Hey there, the main reason for having a fan in the grow room is to provide good circulation for the plant. There are many benefits of having good circuiting. Good circulation removes the toxins and pathogens from the leaf surface, and helps the plants absorb carbon dioxide from air. In addition, plant-eating insects may find it more difficult to settle in for a good meal when the wind keeps them moving along. These are just a few reasons for having a fan. I keep my fan on 24hours a day and on medium speed.


Well-Known Member
added to the reasons listed above is the need for good air circulation to avoid mould and fungus either on the soil or the plant.
The stems will grow thicker resulting in bigger buds too, yum yum!


New Member
if a plant is really covered with trichomes air flow is essential, it also helps prevent molds and powdery mildew from growing, of course if your room is anywhere over 40% humidity your growing powdery mildew no matter what. it also helps in a small way to prevent spider mites, as they really dont like to have to hang on all the time.

also in the dark photoperiod your plants transpire or exhale so to speak, they sweat water onto the leaves, this is one way it gets rid of oxygen. you must blow the air away and dry the leaves of the water. so a fan is very essential in the dark.
1. Strengthens stem
2. circulates air
3. Keep mine on all day

Go and see what my plant looks like I just posted a thread in newbie. (Although you cant see the fan:wall: )