BigGuyTok'n's Outdoor Grow 2008


Well-Known Member
Not a lot to say other than they're doing good and growing like crazy.
I found a small branch/bud that got broken off of LR5 and I have it drying for a sneak preveiw of how she smokes, don't worry I'll let you all know. It wasn't anywhere near ready yet but it is a crystally hairy little thing.
Here are the pics I took tonight.



Well-Known Member
It would be cool to see a couple more side shots so we could see how big they are!
OK forest I'll see what I can do with the next batch of photos.
Being as they are all surrounded by welded wire fencing, either 3 or 4' tall, it's a little tricky to take shots through the wire, but I'll remember that request and try to get more side shots.
I know the photos don't really do them justice and also make it hard to judge actual size so I'll figure something out.:peace:


Well-Known Member
It would be cool to see a couple more side shots so we could see how big they are!
Cool! Thanks! It was just a thought for the next time you snap some photos...
OK mostly just for you forest, I have 2 shots of every plant with the only exception being K4, I even got 2 of the wild plant.:joint::hump::peace:
lookin good:peace:
Thanks kushmonster stop in anytime, always a pleasure.:peace:

I'm not going to write much about the ladies, there are 39 pics here total of my 19 plants that I'm growing.
I just fired up a bowl from the branch that fell off of LR5 the other day and I'm ripped. No pain in my foot or my hip w/ a very cerebral buzz that creeps on after about 5 minutes. Taste I'm sure will improve with an actual finished product as of now it's kinda lemon-grassy heavy on the grassy part (well I only dried it 3 days).
Wow I can't wait for these babies to finish, they are going to be Kick-Ass !!!:mrgreen:bongsmilie:mrgreen:bongsmilie:mrgreen:bongsmilie
Damn, wrote all that and almost forgot the pics....:roll:



Well-Known Member
Thanks for that! You got some nice thick stalks there (not a come on).

I cant wait for mine to look like that. At what point did you see your most explosive growth thus far?


Well-Known Member
Flawless man! Keep it up! You've got a jungle going! And thats excellent news about the sample! It will only get better with growth/flushing drying and curing :) ! Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
lookin awesome big guy i haven't been on in a while so i figured id better drop a line...
keep up the good work bro thats a nice little preview of what your crop is gonna be but better!!!bongsmilie
well ill have new pics up tomorrow, but very nice ladies...peace out


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that! You got some nice thick stalks there (not a come on).
Are you sure it's not a come on......just kidding:roll:, thanks.
I cant wait for mine to look like that. They will eventually. At what point did you see your most explosive growth thus far?Now:mrgreen:
Lookin Good. The Lowryders Look FunnyYeah, they do have some strange looking leaves, but they sure are budding up nicely, and smell really sweet, especially #3[/quote]

Flawless man! Keep it up! You've got a jungle going! And thats excellent news about the sample! It will only get better with growth/flushing drying and curing :) ! Keep it up!Thanks tgp, yeah I'm getting excited thinking of how killer these gals are going to get....Dankity Dank Dank !!!
lookin awesome big guy i haven't been on in a while so i figured id better drop a line...
keep up the good work bro thats a nice little preview of what your crop is gonna be but better!!!bongsmilieOnce again, thanks for dropping in and the kind words, stop by anytime.:peace:
well ill have new pics up tomorrow, but very nice ladies...peace outI'm looking forward to the bud- porn.
Thanks everybody for stopping in, Ill have mlore pics in a day or two.:mrgreen::peace:
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Well-Known Member
so big guy how did your plants hold up with all this rain we had last week?
Surprisingly well, they are up on high ground and the wind laid 1 down a bit and broke 1 small budding branch (sample) off of another. Thanks for asking.
Now the surrounding areas can't say the same, there are still lots of closed roads and really wet areas around. It's still a real pain driving anywhere as the freeways still have closed down sections.:peace:


Well-Known Member
you babies are looking soo good.

as for me...i just found a path leading twords my grow spot!!!. not good at all


Well-Known Member
yeah that is scary skunkone, glad to hear everything is right on for you bigguy. Was it foresight that made you plant on higher ground or just luck. Yeah i just tried to go camping fathers day weekend towards madison couldnt get to the site.


Well-Known Member
you babies are looking soo good.

as for me...i just found a path leading twords my grow spot!!!. not good at all
Thanks Skunkone, yeah it is definately not a good sign to find a path unless you made it. And thats not good either, too obvious, but you know that.:peace:
yeah that is scary skunkone, glad to hear everything is right on for you bigguy. Was it foresight that made you plant on higher ground or just luck. Yeah i just tried to go camping fathers day weekend towards madison couldnt get to the site.
Actually a little of both, down lower would have had too many surrounding trees and not enough light (imo) and I was a little worried about not being able to control their watering.
I also put them there because they are out of sight of my GF's parents.
Yesterday was the first day that I had to water all 20 plants and let me tell you, thats a lot of carring jugs (4 at a time) up the hill that I'll be doing this summer.
Yeah Madison and the Dells got pretty messed up and they routed all the traffic through Portage, which is under construction, it was a mess.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your going to get real fit in the summer!! Especially on hotter days! Just hope its alright on the hip! However not long until your Low Ryders are ready :P So hopefully they'l help your journey! :) Perhaps set up a hose? and have your ph metre and nutes etc at the top of the hill with empty jugs, that way you mix things there and then and the only time you have to carry thing up the hill is once with the hose and empty jugs? Or is it wayyy to far for a hose lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your going to get real fit in the summer!! Especially on hotter days! Just hope its alright on the hip! However not long until your Low Ryders are ready :P So hopefully they'l help your journey! :) Perhaps set up a hose? and have your ph metre and nutes etc at the top of the hill with empty jugs, that way you mix things there and then and the only time you have to carry thing up the hill is once with the hose and empty jugs? Or is it wayyy to far for a hose lol
The hip is doing great, just had my semi-annual check-up yesterday and he said I didn't have to come back for a year. Also prescribed some 800 mg ibuprophen and more 5/500 vicodin for the pain in the the foot on the other side. They don't really know what to do with the foot as I broke seven bones in it about 12-13 years ago and never let it heal right. They want to "fuse" it to help eleviate pain but no gaurantees and a lengthy healing process afterwards that I can't do just now.
Sooooo....... yes lots of excersize as they're about 500 or more from the nearest hosebib.
The LR's should help though or at least be much appreciated.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thats good news about the check up man glad to hear it! The foot sounds painful, thing with ops and recovery time like that is at some points in life you simply cant sit around you have stuff to do, money to earn, cannabis to grow :P Hopefully the pain eases up a bit particularly with your crops :P :)


Well-Known Member
hey bigguy glad to hear about the hip doin better but the foot sounds not very fun at maybe if hauling all that water were to get to be "too" much for ya maybe u can at least lug it to a closer spot with the riding lawnmower just dont take the same path everytime or just go somewhere near the plants enough so u dont have to lug them so far...thats my two cents hopefully you can figure sometin out though becuase im sure your gonna be cussin this summer when its hot as shit out and your shirts stickin to your body from sweat, blah o well its worth it, peace out bigguy