Note to self thread


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
NTS try to find a better way to secure the water hose before you turn it on so it doesn't flop out of the tray and spill all over :(. It couldn't been worse I guess, atleast I heard it hit the floor and shut it off before it was too bad.
LOL Us old guys were given a hose and told it was a toy. We called it a water wiggle :) They finally made a clam shell cover for it so it acted like a jet with reverse thrusters deployed. Great fun when it was hot, nasty nuisance if you put it on it and didn't tell an adult and say just left it in their garden and all. We HAD to be creative, there was no youtube. So if you wanted to view something more than once it took a bit of obfuscation.


Well-Known Member
I never played with the water wiggles but I've seen them. I grew up in the country and we had a lawn sprinkler and a scrap piece of plastic we used as a slip and slide :). I actually think I'm gonna grab some wire ties and make a place to attach it to a pole right next to my tray. Should work well.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Note to self: Never talk about music, hermaphrodites, defoliation or midgets on RIU. Somebody is bound to get all butt-hurt. ROFL...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I never played with the water wiggles but I've seen them. I grew up in the country and we had a lawn sprinkler and a scrap piece of plastic we used as a slip and slide :). I actually think I'm gonna grab some wire ties and make a place to attach it to a pole right next to my tray. Should work well.
I remember going off the edge of home made 'slip n slides' and getting grass-burns like a million times. And once setting it up going into our neighbour's pool learning a valuable lesson: The little curve going up at the end of the paving might be small, but it is indeed quite significant. Biggest bruises EVER.


Well-Known Member
Note to self: Engage in conversations about music, hermaphrodites, defoliation, and midgets on RIU, people will love you,


Sector 5 Moderator
LOL Us old guys were given a hose and told it was a toy. We called it a water wiggle :) They finally made a clam shell cover for it so it acted like a jet with reverse thrusters deployed. Great fun when it was hot, nasty nuisance if you put it on it and didn't tell an adult and say just left it in their garden and all. We HAD to be creative, there was no youtube. So if you wanted to view something more than once it took a bit of obfuscation.
We were so poor when I was growing up, my mom would cut big holes in my pants pockets so I would have something to play with.

Hey Pie, how's the little pie pet doing?


New Member
We were so poor when I was growing up, my mom would cut big holes in my pants pockets so I would have something to play with.

Hey Pie, how's the little pie pet doing?

we were so poor me and my brother would have to give eachother a bj just to get something warm in our stomach at night.
not really but my old boss used to say that


Virtually Unknown Member
Note to self: Pat self on back for adding another grow site:) Abnormally wet Spring/Summer and increased deer foraging decimated grows:(