How is greenhouse bud inferior?


Well-Known Member
I've heard people say that outdoors-grown weed is not as good as stuff grown under lights inside. I can only assume that it's because you lose some resin outside due to wind and rain. But I noticed one dispensary in Cali seemed to be knocking down the price of flowers grown in greenhouses. So is there some reason why greenhouse reefer isn't as good as the stuff grown in those "tents" indoors?


Well-Known Member
Its a stereo type. Alot of out door growers have a large number of very large plants. Do not care for them like they care for their indoors. In northern Cali, Humboldt. Most outdoors are shitty strains. They don't cover them when it rains, don't shake them off after rain, more bugs, they don't get rid of the bugs. They use location as a selling point to peddle their crap

also there is more nitrogen in the air outdoors and plants take that in causing leafier buds.

imo if you treat outdoor like indoor. The outdoor will be better than indoor. The sun is the best light of all. At midday its 2000 umole/s at the surface of the ground.

dispensary weed is usually crap.. Chemy hydro crap thats not even grown right.


Well-Known Member
easier to trim a pound of indoor than 10 pounds of outdoor probably has something to do with it.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
It's cheaper to produce so people aren't willing to pay as much for it. It's sometimes not as pretty looking in the bag also. There is also a lot of shitty badly grown outdoor going around so people just assume indoor is always better.

Personally I think the sun brings out the potency and flavor better than lights do.

There is a lot of very pretty indoor around these parts that won't get you very high. I'm not entirely sure what the growers are doing wrong but the potency just isn't there. My best guess is that they're not using enough lights or harvesting too early but I'm not really sure.


Well-Known Member
I don't really care. The look,sniff and taste is all I need to judge good smoke. IDK man, I never find my self asking or wondering if it was outdoor or indoor. If it's good it's good.

I also stop in the clubs now and then. Nothing was great and nothing looked real bad. Just by looks anyway. I have noticed most all was purple or blackberry darker color buds. Sucks for I was looking for something white and skunky. Been stopping by for a few months now and really find nothing that fits the white looking buds. You know the type that shoots crystals all over the place when you break it open?

Last strains I bought at club were Cin-X and some Cheese plant. Both were good smoke.

Seems the darker buds have taken over in my area as far as selection goes. Then again I am not at all the clubs in my city. Also it's amazing how fast an 1/8th goes when you actually buy one.


Well-Known Member
You'd think greenhouse grown would be the best of both worlds. You get moderate protection from the elements and bugs plus the growing power of the I missing something?

I just don't get people...


Well-Known Member
Outdoor is just as good as indoor...if you take the time to grow it as such, like hyroot pointed out. There are difference, but a great outdoor grower has no problems keeping up with indoor. It may look leafy but my outdoor tested higher than the same ran indoor.
There has been many times where I see my best outdoor on the shelves unmarked(meaning indoor, after they gave me an outdoor donation) but the obviously outdoor is labeled as such and cheaper.

And on that note most of the best outdoor from norcal is being pushed all across the county as "cali" danks. Any that doesn't get moved at ridiculous out of state prices ends up on the bargain shelf at your local dispensary. Just the way it is.

And being that in dispensaries it is a "recovery" cost less to grow outdoor(Still cost a pretty penny, trust me)

Green house should be the happy middle but good outdoor and greenhouse really isn't a difference at all.


Well-Known Member
reason . , indoor environment controlled, no rain . bugs. heavy wind. dirt . dust. indoors can make the temp any we like . put the temp down to a steady 60 to 65f last 2 weeks of harvest. dense buds. any out door stuff I seen , was nothing special . indoor . you know there is shit. low budget indoor grows and the best. medical grade, grows. with added co2 , there is a reason . why out doors stuff sells for 500 a pound. and indoor sells for 2000 lower quality prices. other wise . if out door was soo great. every one would buy out door, and get it cheap. the thc always seams to be about 5 to 8 % out side. thc indoors is 10 % and higher. average indoor thc is 10 % sence 2011. who knows the highest. 24 . 27 . my opinion only been around the block . a few times.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor can be better than indoor. Nothing beats the sun and a plant growing in its natural environment. Most of the reason indoor is pricier is because growers need to cover the cost of the lights, electricity, etc etc. Outoors you aren't limited by root space or size constraints and don't really have the financial investment indoor growers do, basically food, bug sprays, maybe soil or soil amendments

Only plus IMO to indoor growing is you do have a better control over the environment. But far as quality, outdoors done right, assuming decent weather and critter control, can be as good or better than indoors


Well-Known Member
indoor growers typically spend more money on the overall setup.. easier to spend time on just a few small plants... most outdoor growers aren't growing just a few small plants and so some of the plant get neglected because the outdoor grower doesn't have time to worry about every little detail like the indoor grower.


Well-Known Member
reason . , indoor environment controlled, no rain . bugs. heavy wind. dirt . dust. indoors can make the temp any we like . put the temp down to a steady 60 to 65f last 2 weeks of harvest. dense buds. any out door stuff I seen , was nothing special . indoor . you know there is shit. low budget indoor grows and the best. medical grade, grows. with added co2 , there is a reason . why out doors stuff sells for 500 a pound. and indoor sells for 2000 lower quality prices. other wise . if out door was soo great. every one would buy out door, and get it cheap. the thc always seams to be about 5 to 8 % out side. thc indoors is 10 % and higher. average indoor thc is 10 % sence 2011. who knows the highest. 24 . 27 . my opinion only been around the block . a few times.
Where do you get your statistics? i'm having trouble finding anything in this whole paragraph that I agree with.


Well-Known Member
The way I see it. Outdoor<greenhouse<indoor . I don't think indoor is any much more superior potency wise, rather just bag appeal wise. Color and smell really is usually the signs. I can spot sungrown a mile away. Sometimes dispenseries don't advertise it. You gotta know the difference.

I seen some sungrown that goes for top shelf price. I agree with other post about "depends on how its cared for" . I've seen some nasty ass indoor. But the dude looked nasty as hell too. I'd rather get my weed from the nice smelling, good looking, outdoor grower chick opposed to the grimmy ass , fat and greasy , dirty finger nailed dude that has a dirty house but indoor shit.

The way you take care of yourself and family is the way you care for your girls. That's what it boils down too. That's just MMHO. I've been smoking since 1992 and its always been the same. Except now its more mainstream.

Watch out for the budlets tho. I'm starting to think they probably had worms and had to cut out the bad shit. Pun intended. My measly 2 ¢ idea.


Well-Known Member
It's cheaper to produce so people aren't willing to pay as much for it. It's sometimes not as pretty looking in the bag also. There is also a lot of shitty badly grown outdoor going around so people just assume indoor is always better.

Personally I think the sun brings out the potency and flavor better than lights do.

There is a lot of very pretty indoor around these parts that won't get you very high. I'm not entirely sure what the growers are doing wrong but the potency just isn't there. My best guess is that they're not using enough lights or harvesting too early but I'm not really sure.
Thank you for posting that. I was wondering if anyone had any common sense on this thread!


Well-Known Member
I'm very clean. But my grow tends to be dirty sometimes. That's just soil on the ground though. Or teas spill and stain. I'm to lazy to move out all the plants and clean. Plus my vacuum took a shit a while ago. All i have is an oversized shop vac which the filter keeps falling off. But my buds are more sexy than me. I'm damn sexy... Lol ( hippy status)


Well-Known Member
kind of a complex question if you want it to be. safe to say that inferior greenhouses produce inferior buds. cheap, plastic- covered hoop rows that are covered up for 12 hours a night make ideal environments for powdery mildew and botrytis. at the other end of the spectrum, there are super pimp greenhouses that would outperform any comparably sized indoor grow room that just run lights. admittedly these are often "hybrid" affairs that utilize 1000 watt lamps to supplement the sun, but they are the supplement, not the staple. in theory at least the greenhouse should create the ultimate nugget, one whose life remains free of the abuses (wind, rain, low temps, high humidity are just a few)of the outdoor world. in practice, it takes smoking a ton of ganja to get to the point where you'll appreciate the difference and even then... I wouldn't turn my nose up at a strain that I had never tried but wanted to because it was grown hydro with chemicals, even though I'd prefer outdoor organic. Haha here's one for you guys that have ever sold to a club: when you show it to them, they go, "is it indoor or outdoor?" shit if you have to ask, then it's indoor! (its what everybody wants, right)?


Well-Known Member
There is more to getting dank bud than growing it.... Curing is a crucial step to turning good weed into good smokable weed... you can ruin perfectly good weed with a shitty cure or shitty trim job.


Well-Known Member
Kinddiesil i am not sure if you are being serious or trolling but wtf all of my outdoor last year tested over 18% with my highest being 27% kosher kush and my indoor ranged from 18 to 24% and the go to smoke for me is my outdoor.The dispenseries here all have meds in the 14 to 20 plus range so maybe you should buy your meds somewhere else bro or if you are the grower get some better genetics and step up your game.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Kinddiesil i am not sure if you are being serious or trolling but wtf all of my outdoor last year tested over 18% with my highest being 27% kosher kush and my indoor ranged from 18 to 24% and the go to smoke for me is my outdoor.The dispenseries here all have meds in the 14 to 20 plus range so maybe you should buy your meds somewhere else bro or if you are the grower get some better genetics and step up your game.
I'm curious, what does it cost you to get your stuff tested? What size sample is required?


Well-Known Member
I am friends with the tester at the local dispensery and it is 50 dollars per test and a 1 gram sample is needed.I have everything tested that i grow or make we just had some butter tested and it was at 40% thc at 4ml whitch i guess is about in the middle range for infussed butter we are going to try to tweak our method alittle try to get that number in the 50% range.