The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

How well do you think Gilfman's grow season will turn out?

  • Awesome! BIG yields with grade-A buds!

    Votes: 42 16.0%
  • Good season .. Great for a begginner

    Votes: 102 38.9%
  • Ehh.. Average

    Votes: 54 20.6%

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Gets busted and has no harvest time to enjoy.. Poor Gilfman... :(

    Votes: 43 16.4%

  • Total voters

Guerilla Grower

Active Member
you need to fix that bug problem now
it looks like the same problem mine had before they got wrecked
bugs eat the shit out of the leaves and it just slowly dies off
i think a couple of mine will survive, but seriously you need to kill of those bugs


Well-Known Member
I'd lend you the cash if i could.
Seems like it would be a worth while investment
thanks bro .. as soon as my friend gets off work i'm gonna get get some cash from him .. and go get my soil .. and he's gonna help me transplant them .. so it's just a waiting game now .. i'll report back if there is any further plant damage when i go up to transplant them today .. thanks for the concerns and support :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ok i got all but 4 transplanted today waiting for them to be bigger .. i couldnt get any bat guano ... not too worried ... i mixed in peat moss, the top soil i dug up, perlite, bone and blood meal .. then watered .. and comments or ideas thanks! .. picks will be put up tuesday after ran comes


Well-Known Member
Sort the bugs asap and hope its not spider mites.
Try companion planting and find out what the mites in your locality prefer and plant them 10-20 metres away from your crop.
Planting garlic amongst your outdoor crops is a good idea to.
Best of luck with it:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Sort the bugs asap and hope its not spider mites.
Try companion planting and find out what the mites in your locality prefer and plant them 10-20 metres away from your crop.
Planting garlic amongst your outdoor crops is a good idea to.
Best of luck with it:peace::joint:
yeah the creepy crawlies are only affecting some of my plants .. and number 2 is looking really good .. almost perfect IMO almost no defects .. some are worse than others ... number one is getting butt raped by shit which im trying to fix .. ill check tomorrow .. no time today .. also ill borrow a better camera so you can have better pics at YVP (your viewing pleasure)


Well-Known Member
ok i took some pics for you all today .. but i dont think anyone looks .. lol oh well i enjoy looking at them .. enjoy and criticize .. :D



Well-Known Member
I am looking:mrgreen:
No.2 is looking good man and i have no crits,just looks fine to me:blsmoke:
i know .. number 2 is perfect .. like no damage on it at all .. it better be a girl lol .. but number 9 looked awful in the beginning and its started to take off since being in the ground .. if you cant tell i have 2 different types of seeds growing .. and 9 is from the first batch of seeds which look like a dominant sativa and others look more indica (correct?) little ones need to grow a little more .. i gave weaker nutes to all the plants today hoping to boost the growth of em .. one isnt looking too hot but i have seen great growth on it lol


Active Member
his grow was started in the third week of May (started seeds)

I germed seeds in paper towels til cracked then i sprouted them in Miracle-gro moisture control potting soil in 16 oz cups.

When they grow about 6 inches tall I will put them in the ground with a mixture of peat moss, perlite, bone & bl:twisted::twisted:d meal, and bat guano.

My site is a clearing in the woods (some cleared natural other by me)

I placed them in cinder blocks to help keep them concealed.

Weather started off has been absolute shit flash floods for last 3 days and hardly any sun .. slow start for my plants . but hopefully the sun will come out and help them.

I have about 12 plants that i will be trying to grow from mid-grade bagseeds.

Here are some pics :mrgreen:

First pic is from the edge of the woods .. no plot noticed :mrgreen: .. one is where i fell down the hill into a small stream:neutral: .. next are my plot where the magic happens .. and the opening in middle of woods where my sun shines through (sometimes) .. rest of are my little plants in their hiding spot.. The growth hasn't even began yet .. watch these monsters grow!:blsmoke:

PS .. pics were taken with a video camera .. its not meant for still images .. thats all i have that is mine right now ..[/q

you started too late for them to grow like monsters......for my outdoor plants i started about 3 months ago


Well-Known Member
i had a really bad bug problem at the beginning of this season as well. Hope you rid of those leaf eatin bastards. :twisted:

haha anyway looking good! imma watch this grow