small rust spots on leaves help!!!


Well-Known Member

not sure if the pic is going to work since I'm on my phone but these spots are only on fruity chronic juice(new plant to me). They look like Spider mite spots and are freaking me out but I can't see any mites with my 60-100x on the back of the leaves so it's making me think it's not that. I sprayed as a precaution. ... it was on the one I grew from seed and now it's on the 2 clones I took in veg but not on one of the other 20 or so plants I have. ..

The plants in veg showing this are less than a foot tall... its this some kind of deficiency? I hope this plant just wants something I'm not giving it. .. I use house and garden and I'm no rookie. In ffof/happy frog mix

thanks!!! Eitherway im killing the clones, either they want something none of my other plants have shown me they need or they are like candy to invisible bugs


Well-Known Member
Also on the mother that's been harvested the leaves progressed from that to full on crispy leaves (only on some....)

Going to spray with mighty wash again tomorrow just incase... Never had mites and I only grow from seed so I don't have that problem


Well-Known Member
Also on the mother that's been harvested the leaves progressed from that to full on crispy leaves (only on some....)

Going to spray with mighty wash as a precaution



New Member
I have the same problem on two of my mob. I have tried treating with mighty wash, epsomIMG_20131130_164018.jpgIMG_20131130_164112.jpgIMG_20131130_164130.jpgIMG_20131130_164035.jpg salt mix with baking soda and dish wash. These rust spots start small and continue to spray onto other leaves from top to bottom. I was told last that this was a fungal infection any thoughts will help. thank you.


Also on the mother that's been harvested the leaves progressed from that to full on crispy leaves (only on some....)

Going to spray with mighty wash again tomorrow just incase... Never had mites and I only grow from seed so I don't have that problem
When u spray Mighty Wash you need to rinse it off well after 20-30 mins or it will leave spotting like that and burning, it will still leave little marks even with a good wash. If you dont have mites then you dont need to use it, unless you see damage of microscopic mites.

And those marks are generally characteristics of either Calcium def or Manganese. yes manganese not magnesium.