Sativa Sea Of Green


New Member
hey guys, im new to roll it up and pretty new to cultivating. so i'm in need of advice on my upcoming sea of green grow my total height is going to be 36 inches before lights and soil, i was hoping to grow some sativa dom hybrids or hopefully a full sativa does anyone know of any strains that would make this possible? thanks

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
That's cutting it really fine in SoG. Straight from clone even. I can have plants stretch 36 inches in 2 weeks of flower straight from clone. SoG leaves little margin for error, you need quite a bit of space to get in there and work with the plants constantly (at least I do)... If you are new to cultivating don't even attempt it. Get a few mainlines or some LST under your belt first, start with a pure Indica to help with your height restrictions. You can tie down a mainline till 2 weeks into flower, SoG you have to just let 'em go. Have a look at HSO's Blue Dream. Not a pure INdica but a great mainline/LST plant.


Well-Known Member
Im in the same boat as the OP, sort of.

so I have 2 Sativa Dom bag seeds (females) in my veg and one in my tent on its 8 th week of Flower.

(((I hope it finishes right about 12 weeks.)))

the bag seeds were all germinated in July.

All 7 month old Girlie plants, I heavily trained two and left the third more natural, it's my Mom.

like I said one of the same lot of seeds is at 8 weeks in flower and is looking awesome,
it was heavily trained and has wires pulling down the branches, I count close to 50 tops of various sizes on the one plant.

in 4 weeks I will cut down the First Plant and hang my first Sativa.

Since it's an Unknown Bag seed I may name it after my Mutt, "Keema Sativa" .

I will rotate the 8 month old plant from my Veg into my flower keeping my Clone Mom and Clone Army in Veg.

Six cuttings taken today are under a dome with 95 watt T5.

They will have 12 weeks to grow while the Tent is full of #2 trained plant, lucky my veg is bigger than my flower tent.

then I want to fit 2-3 at a time with a 4 week rotation.

12 weeks to be trained for my clone Army of 6.
The LST by pulling down the branches with wire will be a definate.

I want to eventually get to a 4week SOG.

I want to run 2 - 3 plants in Hempy buckets on a 4 week rotation.

I plan to clone and raise , using LST wire bondage to control height and train plant till room opens in flower tent.

(((Hopefully 4 week old ))) goes into tent under 12/12 in Hempy buckets with all branches pulled out and down to the rim of the bucket by wires.

I have 6 cuttings taking root, I plan to put one into flower at 12 weeks old.
And add a plant to my tent every 4 weeks, hopefully fitting 3 hempies buckets.

Then its a 4 week Rotation with 8-12 week old Clones from my veg depending on size of 1st run of clones.

Am I leaving anything out?

3x3x6 tent with 400 watt HPS and two 95 watt T5 fixtures for side lighting.

2x6' closet with T5 lighting and an Ebb n Flow setup

here is a shot of the current plant in flower at 8 weeks.
"Keema Sativa" !



Well-Known Member
Try pure power plant from nirvana.

hey guys, im new to roll it up and pretty new to cultivating. so i'm in need of advice on my upcoming sea of green grow my total height is going to be 36 inches before lights and soil, i was hoping to grow some sativa dom hybrids or hopefully a full sativa does anyone know of any strains that would make this possible? thanks


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about multiple small pot type sog with popsickled plants? I'm thinking Satori might work good for that. I had a sativa leaning White Widow that I did sog veg and plants topped out just over 2'.

But if you're looking at a full on 100% sat...then you might want to consider scrogging them. It's a hassle running out of headroom in flower.


Well-Known Member
I never liked the phenos of satori I grew a few years ago. The leaves were giant, and it was very resilient and high yielding, but I found it to be weak compared with most of the non-landrace strains.

Are you talking about multiple small pot type sog with popsickled plants? I'm thinking Satori might work good for that. I had a sativa leaning White Widow that I did sog veg and plants topped out just over 2'.

But if you're looking at a full on 100% sat...then you might want to consider scrogging them. It's a hassle running out of headroom in flower.


Well-Known Member
i grew a greenhouse seeds thai plant last winter into spring/early summer. i have a 4x4x2 mothers tent that i veg and flower in using on 4 foot 4 bulb 75 high output fixture and several cfls to supplement. i lst'd and supercropped the plant. i have not really read up on sog but the thai grew into as much space as i'd let it. the smoke is really nice thought the yield is not what a lot of folks consider acceptable. i think i got around 75 grams. here is a link to some of my pics.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a saliva Dom hybrid that was really anything like a pure sativa. I think you'll have to go indica or hybrid given your height restrictions.


Well-Known Member
btw - my plants was no more than 2 and a half feet tall including the 3 gallon felt pot. i had to bend the shit out of her but it is possible though i doubt you can use hps bulbs...
Agree with above comments. I manage to grow sativa dominant Thai Lights and a Haw x Cotton Candy in my micro grow but only via a scrog type setup. Easy to finish them under 30 in. especially if you start 12/12 when they are quite small. You know tough love stuff.