Club 600


Well-Known Member
We have probably all had our share of nice gaffs, lol. First place I bought was a half mile from one of the biggest football stadiums in Scotland. Was always nice to watch running battles at the weekend and to come home of an evening to a puddle of pish on your front doorstep......I think the guy getting axed to death in broad daylight outside my front door took the biscuit though....that's what happens to grasses in the Eastend of Glasgow!:shock:

The shit I did when I was a kid! My children do not even know what the real world is like. I barely scratched the surface here in LA LA land. I am so glad to be in nice area now. When we started our family we lived in a sketchy neighborhood. One new year's eve a bullet landed on our roof. The FBI chased an armed gang member through my back yard (where my kids were playing). My neighbor would go out in his front yard and shoot mortars out of his shotgun for fun. The other neighbor made soda bottle bombs and set one off on our roof "as a joke" fucker. Luckily one of the neighbors was a bad ass and armed to the teeth. He and I were great friends. The other two neighbors couldn't handle the normal people so they moved away and things were getting better. We almost stayed and rebuilt the house (it had a big lot). But we ended up finding this place and we fell in love with it. Except for the attic :P

When did I become such a bag of wind!



Well-Known Member
Damn what a fucking morning. My best friend is on the operating table right now. Hes been sick for a couple days. Called the vet, and they told us to wait till today. But he was almost out from dehydration this morning. So took him in and they think it is really bad. They open him to see whats going on. I cant be there. Shit i feel so bad. I should have taken him to the doc Saturday :( Aww send us some positive thoughts please!!


Well-Known Member
Took me about half an hour to make it like that. It's dead simple. You grow your plant as normal. Then add a screen to it, move all the branches so they are attached to the screen and flat, then remove foliage from the back of the screen.....I thought the term, "Verticalising" pretty much described it lol..
That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. How much time does it take to train them like that? Is it like doing a ScrOG but vertical?



Well-Known Member
Keeping our digits crossed for you and your pal......

Damn what a fucking morning. My best friend is on the operating table right now. Hes been sick for a couple days. Called the vet, and they told us to wait till today. But he was almost out from dehydration this morning. So took him in and they think it is really bad. They open him to see whats going on. I cant be there. Shit i feel so bad. I should have taken him to the doc Saturday :( Aww send us some positive thoughts please!!


Well-Known Member
Damn - that is harsh! Seen my fair share of mangled bodies in car wrecks but never anybody being killed right in front of me. I am going to have nightmares tonight :P


Well-Known Member
luckily I never saw him being axed, but I have never seen so many white/red sheets lying around on the street.....
Damn - that is harsh! Seen my fair share of mangled bodies in car wrecks but never anybody being killed right in front of me. I am going to have nightmares tonight :P
Nice cuppa hot chocolate before bed Mo!


Well-Known Member
Dude.. I just got assaulted by overzealous security guards at the grocery store. Strait had me pinned against the wall yelling mother fucker this cock sucker that. Never identified themselves. For real I'm a good looking white kid I never dealt with nothing like that before. Shit cops have been more gentle with me and I've been cuffed more than a couple times. I feel like I have a taste of what the other side gets on a regular basis.

not cool to say the least
They aren't supposed to touch you man. You COULD sue them over shit like that. I would take it up with upper management. They would want to hear about it, seriously. I worked in security work and I basically never touched anyone for that very reason, and I could just call the cops to do it...


Well-Known Member
I agree there needs to be some work done on this front. Scientific minds... figure it out for us. :) I think only folks who do vertical grows in tiny spaces can understand each other. That looks like a full cab.

Someone needs to invent a camera that people using vertical set ups can use to show of their grows to better effect.....anyway, it's kind of ramalammadingdong in there.

Is it like doing a ScrOG but vertical?
Did you ever see my attempt? It took forever to train like this, and completely not worth the work (except it looked cool). This was back when I used to take growing seriously. I will be there again soon hopefully.


209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
SAM_4390.jpgSAM_4391.jpg qrazy quake, from breeders boutique. j
ust a killer strain. loving all my

breeders boutique plants outdoors. got 13 plants, that are from breeders boutie, strains and there killer freebies


Well-Known Member
I quite like the sound of Breeders Boutie! lol.....

I really liked the QQ sample I got from Donald! t'was lush.


Well-Known Member
Was just about to ask what the smoke/ high was like, then remembered I could find a full description here: :)

EDIT: Just visited the site and had a funny thought. I imagined when you clicked the 'Tools' tab, pictures of the folks who worked for BB would be there with little blurbs about them. ;)


Well-Known Member
I would love to do that, if I had a company.

...and, on the Tools Page, at the top, would be my
photo, with the caption "The Biggest Tool Of All".

