Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow

Hello everyone,

Take a look at my grow closet. The plants are exactly two weeks old today.

I need some advice on lowering the temperature in my closet. --
There are 7 100w eq. CFLs.
I usually keep the door open during the day to allow air to circulate and whatnot and it usually stays between 83-85 which I don't think is too bad, the plants are growing well so far.
When the door is closed at night however the temp goes up to around 95.
On the inside of the door is durable black plastic and emergency blanket (for reflection of light). it's velcroed to inside of door frame.
Three good-sized fans in total: There is one oscillating fan, one standing in front of them, one hanging right above directing air down on them.

I am watering the plants with Fox Farm's soil nutrient trio twice a week. Misting them three times a week with nutes as well.
Using Fox Farm Happy Frog soil as well as some perlite & vermiculite.

Also was wondering when I should start topping my plants. -- I count 4 nodes not counting the first set of leaves on both plants. I want them at least 2ft tall before flowering.wondering if I should wait a couple more weeks and let them grow up more or if I should start topping now?

Any suggestions, tips, or comments on the set up would be nice. Let me know what you think!

The following 2 pictures are of Lemon Skunk from

These 3 pictures are of Afghan from

Set up


Staff member
id move your clothes and shoes for a few various reasons one being smell. goodluck on your grow, be careful with the electrical set up


Active Member
looking healthy! You can start topping from the 4-5th node without problems.

85-88* should be the hottest in the room, having 90+ for long periods of time isn't the optimal conditions for them. Right now you are running 7 x 23W (100W equivalent e/a as you mentioned) depending on the size of your plants you will need to add some more for flowering. Don't want those temps to reach 100* then.
any tips on how to lower the temps when i close the door? right now im running them 24hrs so i keep it open when im home during the day and close it at night... so its 95 for like 8 hrs.


Active Member
switch to 18/6... 6 hrs OFF when you close the grow area. That way you only have 2 hours of 90+


Well-Known Member
yea cause my shoes and clothes are gonna catch fire from my 7 cfls?
Not only from the Cfls, but you got the electrical plugins right there... All it takes is a little bit of moisture to make a spark...

Not to mention... Your misting them 3 times a week. There's your moisture right there... Don't listen I really don't care it's up to you.

2 feet before flowering? Your going to have 4 foot plants growing with 7 Cfls...? Your going to get MAYBE a half ounce out of all.


Active Member
more than welcome... are you going to be updating? if so, in which thread? (you got like 2-3 threads of the same, use only 1 and you will get all the help that you need)
do you really have nothing better to do than lurk on my forum and talk crap find somewhere else to let off your lonely steam


Well-Known Member
do you really have nothing better to do than lurk on my forum and talk crap find somewhere else to let off your lonely steam
I'm not talking shit, I'm giving you advice but if you don't want to take it that's on you. Don't post 6 different threads if your home burns down...

And this is Rollie's forum... Your thread ;)
more than welcome... are you going to be updating? if so, in which thread? (you got like 2-3 threads of the same, use only 1 and you will get all the help that you need)

Thanks I know that now lol I didn't know they were all linked somehow. I just thought it would be better to have more opinions but ok one thread :D I'll use this one.
Thanks md97 for your positive and helpful criticism feedback!


Staff member
2 people tell you becareful with your electrical set up, you might wanna rethink your electrical set up
dont get defensive when constructive critizem comes into play


Well-Known Member
id move your clothes and shoes for a few various reasons one being smell. goodluck on your grow, be careful with the electrical set up
LOL, learned this the hard way by leaving my leather jacket in the flower room...and leather retains the smell for days even weeks. I didn't notice until I went to the health club and opened my locker, then the whole room smelled like kush. Hope all is doing better on your end.

To OP: You'll be needing to add a few more CFL's as they progress, 2700K or soft white for flowering later on.


Well-Known Member
I say fire waiting to happen with all that shit in there.
Not only from the Cfls, but you got the electrical plugins right there... All it takes is a little bit of moisture to make a spark...

Not to mention... Your misting them 3 times a week. There's your moisture right there... Don't listen I really don't care it's up to you.

2 feet before flowering? Your going to have 4 foot plants growing with 7 Cfls...? Your going to get MAYBE a half ounce out of all.
I'm not talking shit, I'm giving you advice but if you don't want to take it that's on you. Don't post 6 different threads if your home burns down...

And this is Rollie's forum... Your thread ;)

Still being negative,huh......dude your a buzzkill.


Well-Known Member
Still being negative,huh......dude your a buzzkill.
im being negative? im trying to help him... but obvisoly people dont see that....

for one, with electrical near clothes, and misting near electrical just isnt a good thing but whatever....

and its true.. 2 feet plants before flowering will easily turn into 4 foot bushes... with 7 cfls thats just not going to yield alot...

and the last... well i wasnt talking shit i was helping him but again, i guess people dont see that. whatever.

and if your buzz ends when reading posts... you really should quit smoking.