defoliation? yes/no and techniques

thump easy

Well-Known Member
I don't know they must have disappeared right?! Where'd all the auxins and nutrients go?!?! Will they ever come back?! That's a pic of a nutrient hog and light blocker. Are you mistaken defoliating with the final trimming? I dont cut every leaf off lol. Defoliating allows more air flow, less shade, and stresses the plant to the point in which she wants to "hurry up and flower cuz the clock is ticking" before I die. I've done SOG, SCROG, top this, FIM that, bend that, DWC, DTW, organics why...cuz I LOVE to experiment and I'm OPEN minded. Just because a grow method works does that mean you should stick with it or try to continuously improve? Point being there are many growth methods, lighting, training, blah blah blah...TO EACH HIS OWN!!! If you don't like the idea than shoo fly. Don't knock it till ya try it. I'm not on your grow threads bashing your 5 node 5' veg plants.
Dude i just read your post you sead it all i should have not posted that last post your BRILLIANT...


Well-Known Member

now i havent taken any leaves off in a long time.
i also have a clone of hers growing and im not going to deleaf her and see how she compares.

also any idea on how much longer for my plant? my loupe is coming soon.
a few weeks left eh?
not tryin to thread jack! sorry!


Well-Known Member

now i havent taken any leaves off in a long time.
i also have a clone of hers growing and im not going to deleaf her and see how she compares.

also any idea on how much longer for my plant? my loupe is coming soon.
a few weeks left eh?
not tryin to thread jack! sorry!
Not bad... Pretty plants..

I do see though that you have similar results to my experience with defoliation... high leaf to flower ratio.. which, isn't really a bad thing... more leaves in your buds means more weight when it hits the scale... it does not help your potency though.

Shit, if you trim around the shape of the bud and leave the many petiole in there...that's significant weight. It adds to mold susceptibility during dry and cure though. Rather than leave the petiole of the fan leaves on outside of your buds, you have many more strong/heavy petiole growing inside your buds. There's many ways to grow, that's one of them.

Ah, yes, I must be a douche bag... of course...
Usually, when name calling starts up threads get closed... just a heads up. As to not speed along the closure of this thread I'll just replay with... :dunce:...


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the rest of you, but some of my clones veg so fucked-up, I have no choice but to remove leaves...bud sites get all crowded.
Here's the bottom line, I want to see pictures of anybodies failure... That's right if you don't think defoliation works, show how you tried it and it didn't work... Cause like they say, "no pictures" then it didn't happen... If you can't do that you have zero street cred, and are not to be believed about anything else...


Well-Known Member
Is that a cfl grow or led?

You know, I bet defoliating isn't too harmful to a cfl grow... the plant is not performing at peak potential anyway due to lack of light.


Well-Known Member
Here's the bottom line, I want to see pictures of anybodies failure... That's right if you don't think defoliation works, show how you tried it and it didn't work... Cause like they say, "no pictures" then it didn't happen... If you can't do that you have zero street cred, and are not to be believed about anything else...
Damn, bro..That works out pretty well for your argument. Damn, I guess you win..
:dunce::dunce:.. two of 'em.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Here's the bottom line, I want to see pictures of anybodies failure... That's right if you don't think defoliation works, show how you tried it and it didn't work... Cause like they say, "no pictures" then it didn't happen... If you can't do that you have zero street cred, and are not to be believed about anything else...


Active Member
Grow Grow Grow.. and if that round doesn't work, modify and try something different..

But keep growing.. never get discouraged.. if I thought bud from non defoliated plants was any STRONGER (or vice versa) than defoliated plants, than we have an argument.

If you are a commercial grower, I doubt anything said in these forums will change your mind.. if you are a hobbyist, and your plants look healthy and you haven't done this a lot.., and your plants look healthy, and you haven't done this a lot.., and your plants look healthy, and you haven't done this a lot.., and your plants look healthy, and you haven't done this a lot.., ............. Then for goodness sake, keep the plant green and healthy and don't second guess them. Later as you have extra grass to spare, more time to kill and a curious mind that can't be quenched, then go for it..

I think what I mean (although extremely long winded) is DON'T try defoliation until you can grow a really nice plant normally. If you are mostly new to all this, skip this section and learn what a plant needs before you try and custom tailor it a suit to wear to the ball.


Well-Known Member
I have been doing perpetual grows for the last 7 years and the last 3 years it have been all about topping, lst, defoliation and scrog, finding the best way to get the that extra yield from my crop.

can you put some pictures up and prove your point, I have just done a lot of grows, all about trial and error

but if you have a better way show me with picture (your grow) and words, but at the same time if you fill I get better results than you, give my way a try
What is defoilation to begin with? is it pinching branch's ? Is it topping in veg and removing lowers? No i think it says what it means..stripping all the fan leaves off.Im not big on that at i said i tried it..It may be OK toward the end of the bud cycle.Its not uncommon for me to strip the fall colored leaves as i like to call them when the plant is in its last week and drawing down.
You will not see a picture of me posting on least not at this time .Many of us do not live in such forgiving areas of the country as far as marijuana growing is concerned so hopefully you have common sense to understand that.At one time i stripped them almost all off my plants to see what it would do.that was around week two.yea..well i got to see what it would do_Other than lower fan leaves and lower branch's i have left them alone since.If you want to increase the lower bud density why dont you all try some orca film..lay it down under the plants and line your sides of plants with it.It will help allot more than taking your fan leaves off.The brand name again is ORCA film.


Well-Known Member
What is defoilation to begin with? is it pinching branch's ? Is it topping in veg and removing lowers? No i think it says what it means..stripping all the fan leaves off.Im not big on that at i said i tried it..It may be OK toward the end of the bud cycle.Its not uncommon for me to strip the fall colored leaves as i like to call them when the plant is in its last week and drawing down.
You will not see a picture of me posting on least not at this time .Many of us do not live in such forgiving areas of the country as far as marijuana growing is concerned so hopefully you have common sense to understand that.At one time i stripped them almost all off my plants to see what it would do.that was around week two.yea..well i got to see what it would do_Other than lower fan leaves and lower branch's i have left them alone since.If you want to increase the lower bud density why dont you all try some orca film..lay it down under the plants and line your sides of plants with it.It will help allot more than taking your fan leaves off.The brand name again is ORCA film.
so your saying the true meaning of defoliation is to remove every fan leaf, not sure about this, I thought the word defoliation meant, the removal of leaf, by hand, to be rid of shading of any other buds, nodes, or growth in crowded situations.

and no I would never cut every fan leave off a plant


Well-Known Member
Not bad... Pretty plants..

I do see though that you have similar results to my experience with defoliation... high leaf to flower ratio.. which, isn't really a bad thing... more leaves in your buds means more weight when it hits the scale... it does not help your potency though.

Shit, if you trim around the shape of the bud and leave the many petiole in there...that's significant weight. It adds to mold susceptibility during dry and cure though. Rather than leave the petiole of the fan leaves on outside of your buds, you have many more strong/heavy petiole growing inside your buds. There's many ways to grow, that's one of them.

Ah, yes, I must be a douche bag... of course...
Usually, when name calling starts up threads get closed... just a heads up. As to not speed along the closure of this thread I'll just replay with... :dunce:...
:p thanks for the complement. her name is alice. its cfl and led. i have her clone growing in a diff grow box.
her clones name is lyra and im not going to touch her leaves and see what one was better.
i love learning and trying new things!
i have journal entries that show how the growth has been going!
i want to add a cheap uvb light to the clones flowering box when i flower her and see if that makes a difference too!


Well-Known Member
I just stripped at least 75% off of an auto Lowryder diesel that never auto'd. Had to switch it to 12/12 after 6 weeks. Its now three weeks into bloom with a 400W CMH. Let's see what happens. Anything I get out of it is just extra anyway...IF it lives. Disclaimer: this ISN'T an example of proper defoliation!!! These pics are for experimental and entertainment purposes only! Sorry don't have anything to side by side with.


Well-Known Member
:p thanks for the complement. her name is alice. its cfl and led. i have her clone growing in a diff grow box.
her clones name is lyra and im not going to touch her leaves and see what one was better.
i love learning and trying new things!
i have journal entries that show how the growth has been going!
i want to add a cheap uvb light to the clones flowering box when i flower her and see if that makes a difference too!
I was just reading a study in advanced growing section.One guy who seemed to really know what he was talking about and had the analysis to prove it said you have to use the right bulb..i think from what i remember one that hits ten nano meters of UVB..the bulb must be applied all the way from veg through flower.The scientific data indicated a increase of around 3% in thc potency with UVB over not using it.The man said there are only a couple of types of bulbs that will increase UVB enough to where it is noticeable and usable one is called a zoo bulb for reptiles.If i were not so concerned about keeping my power under control i would add the UVB for sure.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben....

I've wanted to ask you a somewhat non-related question about growing, but you do not accept PM's. So while this thread has your attention, I'd like to ask your opinion of light-movers.

While I like the fact that I can cover more plants with my lights, I get the nagging feeling that a light-mover slows the flowering process. Have you read or experimented with light-movers?

I apologies for going off-subject.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
That's a mighty fine Mexican you grew...
lolz actualy its death widow i dont know her components some SAMOAN cat brought it back from hawii about 20 seeds thier is a big AND I MEAN BIG SAMOAN COMUNITY in LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA its been growing thier for a long time its pritty racey its so strong people get scared its so racey i stop growing her people get scared of it i guess i smoked a lil shit i felt like a fucken tweeker i thought the gorverment had a Satalight on me and i turned of the lights like a fucken mad man i thought they had acwaired new technology and could read into my mind and i was constantly looking out the window way to much for me man and everyone that smoked it sead way to strong so i stoped it.. made you sweet and your heart beat out of rithm... the only thing mexican in that pic is me!!! lolz.. as for the other big ass nug that is a strain i think out of holand i could be wrong its cherry bomb an old school strain it was like methol its was like smoking that vick vapor rub it was a cool as plant but the OG took over the seen long ago and the demand for these strains were just obsolete..