defoliation? yes/no and techniques


Well-Known Member
don't know if defol technique is any good outside as you are not likely to run out of space
and its used to train the plant to have loads of branches, evenly spaced and a level canopy before you flower

your plant looks topped and stripped of all fan leaves, so you will get a low yield as it has to be done right, but good to see you gave it a go
*I just took the pic, the defol mastery was done by someone else~ I never actually did defol myself, seen enough anecdotal evi tho-- to just skip that technique all together~



Well-Known Member
i was talking to the other guy my english is perfect gee??? i just cant spell??.
I was actually saying that it seems you, to my surprise, actually can spell. Meant no offense, usually quite obvious when I do...

You're missing the point of the rest of my post too while it's quite simple, showing off big buds doesn't prove anything. Comparing to other strains in other grows from other growers is... blah... Individual bud size means nothing, bu yield-wise my limiting factors are the strain and the space I have, not the leaves on the plant itself :lol: while I even try 'not' to grow big buds... (humid climate).

You claim a technique results in more bud, that you are up for a challenge and all that, but you shift the burden of proof. You make the claim a technique that goes against botany and science actually works so you're the one who should prove it. Showing pics of buds doesn't work for obvious reasons (no two grows are the same) so as long as you cannot show at the very least a side by side test with clones you can talk tou about challenges and rivalry but it's just wishfulthinking bullshit based on your own misinformed perception.


Well-Known Member
looks like you chopped them 2 weeks early and there loads of small buds on a plant can't see your point, the canopy is not even level and there's loads of wasted space

its not a bad grow but your not going to prove any point with this plant
I agree.....I was going away for a couple of weeks and had to yank these earlier than I wanted. Fuckin' life too often gets in the way of growing. On the plus side...the weed was strong, and I wholesaled it to someone else and did ok. I don't give a rats-ass what my canopy looks like....and wasted space? The plant was less than 30" tall and I got three ounces dried and cured from it. How much more space could I chunk onto this???? You point out small buds while I point out 24" colas......I win.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2825206

without trying new ways of growing, you only know what others have told you.
just because you don't know how to defoliation a plant, you tell everyone it does not work :wall::wall:

but I am sure you think everyone here is a newbie compared to you and they should do as you tell them, your view are very wrong and there are loads of growers on other grow sites
that use defoliation and get some good yields

I am one of them and I was a newbie many years ago take your own advice....have you tried Uncle Ben's growing methods?


Well-Known Member
I agree.....I was going away for a couple of weeks and had to yank these earlier than I wanted. Fuckin' life too often gets in the way of growing. On the plus side...the weed was strong, and I wholesaled it to someone else and did ok. I don't give a rats-ass what my canopy looks like....and wasted space? The plant was less than 30" tall and I got three ounces dried and cured from it. How much more space could I chunk onto this???? You point out small buds while I point out 24" colas......I win.
you had a few thin long colas and I had 60x 8-9" colas and pull 15oz's

the tray of bud was from 1 plant with 6 main buds and weighed in at 10oz's


Well-Known Member take your own advice....have you tried Uncle Ben's growing methods?
look here a side by side test grow a few years back sorry not the best pictures



1 (2).jpg..........................2 (3).jpg

there not great but you can see there both topped and lst but one I vegged for a week more and defoliation in early veg and again just before flower ( defoliation one on the left)

both plants are from the same mother plant

2 (2).jpg

have no ideal about Uncle Ben's growing methods from what i read its just basic topping and lst


Well-Known Member
you had a few thin long colas and I had 60x 8-9" colas and pull 15oz's

the tray of bud was from 1 plant with 6 main buds and weighed in at 10oz's had more little dicks than I did. I'm not sure I buy 10 ounces from six colas.....but if that's what you say you got....who am I to disagree?

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
this thread just keep getting funnier and funnier.

funny how every time i see a thread on this topic the same false gods of growing are always chiming in with their lackies, right behind them, as if because they came in a pack that what they say is actual fact. what's even funnier, is that i've seen them accuse others (Sir Ganja) of trolling, but in return do the same thing that they accuse others who doesn't see or view things the way they do.

what's even funnier, is that if they were to look around, they would clearly see that they are far from the best growers (only here and only to some at that) and that plenty of others do very well without their techniques and closed mindedness.

fact of the matter is, defoliating is just like any other training technique that people use. some times it works, some times it don't. for an example, a plant doesn't always take well to topping, lsting, pinching or whatever method you use for training, does it means that those techniques as well doesn't work or isn't effective? the answer would be no. all it means is that technique wasn't meant for that specific plant(s).
another fact, some of you just don't grow as good as you think you do. also, a lot of you dudes lack common sense and shouldn't be trying techniques that has proven to be too much for your skill level anyway.

the shit or arguments that i see you dudes bring to the table that opposes defoliating is flat out ridiculous and boring. seriously, who in the fuck defoliates a plant outdoors or a plant that has a low leaf to calyx ratio? kind of defeating the purpose, isn't it? the key to defoliating is to start early and only take off what's needed from that point on.


Well-Known Member
couple of pages back the was a full tray of bud that was 10 oz's

the plant with loads of tops yield ed 5 zips and the Other plant had some realy dank bud on and hit just under 3 zips

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
this thread just keep getting funnier and funnier.

funny how every time i see a thread on this topic the same false gods of growing are always chiming in with their lackies, right behind them, as if because they came in a pack that what they say is actual fact. what's even funnier, is that i've seen them accuse others (Sir Ganja) of trolling, but in return do the same thing that they accuse others who doesn't see or view things the way they do.

what's even funnier, is that if they were to look around, they would clearly see that they are far from the best growers (only here and only to some at that) and that plenty of others do very well without their techniques and closed mindedness.

fact of the matter is, defoliating is just like any other training technique that people use. some times it works, some times it don't. for an example, a plant doesn't always take well to topping, lsting, pinching or whatever method you use for training, does it means that those techniques as well doesn't work or isn't effective? the answer would be no. all it means is that technique wasn't meant for that specific plant(s).
another fact, some of you just don't grow as good as you think you do. also, a lot of you dudes lack common sense and shouldn't be trying techniques that has proven to be too much for your skill level anyway.

the shit or arguments that i see you dudes bring to the table that opposes defoliating is flat out ridiculous and boring. seriously, who in the fuck defoliates a plant outdoors or a plant that has a low leaf to calyx ratio? kind of defeating the purpose, isn't it? the key to defoliating is to start early and only take off what's needed from that point on.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
couple of pages back the was a full tray of bud that was 10 oz's

the plant with loads of tops yield ed 5 zips and the Other plant had some realy dank bud on and hit just under 3 zips
yeah, i see you daddio, you're definitely doing your thing.

earlier in this thread, i presented some links to a grower that uses nothing but teas and likes to defoliate (he even went as far as stating that he's a heavy defoliator) that grows better than anyone on this site, but you don't hear anyone of them talking about it. i guess his huge plants, covered in frost are a poor example of defoliating as well.

from what i've been seeing from this particular crowd here, it's been nothing but bullshit on their behalf. they picked one dude as their leader, hang on to every word that he says, and try to crucify anyone that opposes his way of growing. no wonder most good to great growers don't even bother to stop by or post up here from time to time.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
here's one of them that i speak of. he tried me, lost and tends to find a way to redeem himself. he knows, just as well as i know, that he's nothing but a follower and wish that he could be me.

tell them how i did you in the last debate, Fresh JR.
The one where you got made the fool, Yeah, I remember it just fine.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
haha, nah it was the other way around; i am pretty sure you remember.

could you please be as kind as to digging and linking that thread to this one, so everyone can see. thank you, JR.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i see you daddio, you're definitely doing your thing.

earlier in this thread, i presented some links to a grower that uses nothing but teas and likes to defoliate (he even went as far as stating that he's a heavy defoliator) that grows better than anyone on this site, but you don't hear anyone of them talking about it. i guess his huge plants, covered in frost are a poor example of defoliating as well.

from what i've been seeing from this particular crowd here, it's been nothing but bullshit on their behalf. they picked one dude as their leader, hang on to every word that he says, and try to crucify anyone that opposes his way of growing. no wonder most good to great growers don't even bother to stop by or post up here from time to time.
your right about the link,
lots of growers on here don't want to listen to reason :(

Its a fun when you have a few growers with no ideal and the leader (uncle ben) does not reply to my post or say a single word to me and take the piss out of other grower. I gave him my views and showed my grow and he was off

the point is it works for some growers and everyone should give a go at some point

Uncle ben had a great guide on topping and thats great
I wouldn't go on there and tell him it doesn't work


Well-Known Member
He never said he always did, he said when applicable. And looking down the page its clear that bottom branches and limbs are gone and one plant down to four straight growing tips.

Fresh that is why this forum regrettably gets looked down upon by allot of other sites where everyone that posts actually does grow or breed... ask shanti....simon.....snow....rev....greenman.....sam the skunkman. Ive seen idiots from this site argue with him over the origin of skunk. Thankfully there is the scroll past the bullshit method.

Btw just last night i hacked a bunch of lower growth and shit from a few plants, why? It made everything more difficult to work with and my canopy was so thick they wernt even budding, they are now clones. But im an idiot who cant grow because in my situation i optimized both my enviroment and also my enjoyment working on the plants. Dont like it? go fuck yourself, it did what i wanted it too.