
Well-Known Member
hey email how ya been? I have been so balls to the wall and my garden is getting bigger and bigger i just cant stop. Hope you are well


Well-Known Member
that's icky comparing wikid tackling us with love and rape.. yuck! :spew:
not even in the same neighborhood!
thats why i dont get tackled with love from anyone

i take it to far :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

screaming out rape and crying and cutting my hair off and calling myself ugly in the mirror..


lol I need to get the bong by myside and watch rambo

night fellow americans on the east coast

drive safe fellow mericans on the west coast

rep to the peeps in illinois

fuck the peeps in cuba

ok ill shut up now before i get neg rep from people in cuba..

happy smoking :joint::joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
Continuing the kindergarten songs....

as taught to me by my mother:

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school
We have tortured all the teachers - we have broken all the rules
We're gonna hang the principal until tomorrow afternoon
The school is burning down!

Glory, glory, hallelujah
My teacher hit me with a ruler
Hid behind the door with a loaded .44
And our teacher doesn't teach us anymore! ANYMORE!


Well-Known Member
"On top of Old Smokey, all covered with blood,
I shot my poor teacher with a .44 slug.
I went to her funeral, I went to her grave,
but instead of flowers I threw a grenade."


Well-Known Member
anyone ready for my review of rambo with no spoilers?

Well in that movie, i saw a side of stalone that i didnt think i would ever see..His director side..

Dont bother buying the dvd inless your a rambo fanatic because there isnt really any bonus features.. just both the trailer and the ad for buying the set of rambo films.

the movie would have been great, but after watching the movie, i thought hey! lets see the trailor!! Bad mistake, but it makes me glad i didnt watch it before i started..

IT gave away to much..

plus sylvestor stalone needs a motherfucking catch phrase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I CANT SAY THAT WITH OUT ENOUGH !!!!1one!!!one!!!11!

seriously when he was talking to himself in his little machete building montage I could not help but think of the front page sports story when tiger woods pep talked himself

when he was talking my brain took his pep talk as

"its ok to kill people, war is in your blood..accept that and killIN is as easy peasy"

first off



thanks for tackling me with love, because i need it after my eyes were raped by that movie..


edit: i would rep you, but i rep you to much =D =D =D


Well-Known Member
That movie was ok. Those missionaries got on my last fucking nerve, especially the guy. But I guess they were meant to.

I just watched Mr. Brooks. I didn't think that movie was going to be any good when it came out, but I liked it! Pretty damn goood.


Well-Known Member
That movie was ok. Those missionaries got on my last fucking nerve, especially the guy. But I guess they were meant to.

I just watched Mr. Brooks. I didn't think that movie was going to be any good when it came out, but I liked it! Pretty damn goood.

i should have just barrowed "writing the bucketlist"

i heard that was a good movie

My neighbor is the shit..


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
if you like body parts being realisticly splattered everywhere

then go watch rambo

if your into a good movie with good actors that make you feel like your right there and you can almost feel the emotion

well then thats a different story ;)


Well-Known Member
oh and if your tripping on shrooms(i think im going to do this one day)

I have a ps3 and ff 1.5 is one of the options for fast forwarding..

but theres this scene where Rambo is dreaming in black and whitish..

i acidently pressed the ff button and i had just ripped the bong, and was feelin the buzz..and BAM it was crazy, i could hear the words and everything in the ps3

you'll have to see it to believe it..


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
oh and if your tripping on shrooms(i think im going to do this one day)

I have a ps3 and ff 1.5 is one of the options for fast forwarding..

but theres this scene where Rambo is dreaming in black and whitish..

i acidently pressed the ff button and i had just ripped the bong, and was feelin the buzz..and BAM it was crazy, i could hear the words and everything in the ps3

you'll have to see it to believe it..


I wanna smoke what your smokin...and your sig you need to fix "pot is a drug that is a addiction" to "pot is a drug that is an addiction"... even though it still doesn't make sense either way... We still have to mind our grammar :-D
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
I wanna smoke what your smokin...and your sig you need to fix "pot is a drug that is a addiction" to "pot is a drug that is an addiction"... even though it still doesn't make sense either way... We still have to mind our grammar :-D
pot is a plant. it just grows that way.