2024 Election Discussion & Media Thread – Follow All Guidelines

Being a moderator is a very thankless jobb, if understand correctly basicly on volunteer basis for a job that would pay nicely if done in fb or other social media; basicly the places i avoid due to their nature. I traded them for riu so it would be nonsense to not appreciate people who put their work into keeping the place chugging along.

While people tend to get upset at being modded its important not to develop "internet feelings" about it and respect that somebody got to do the job. Me posting here was probably a mistake; never do so in normal times and have no horse in this race. But id also question the whole point of a politics section on a weed forum? Seems like work for @sunni and mods would be a whole lot easier without it and the benefit it brings to the forum is not really clear, at least to me. Its also one of those things you never discuss with fam or close ones since it always tend to end badly. Food for thoughts... So show a bit of love for the mods cause its hard work keeping the peace - were a rowdy messy bunch. Much love :)
Being a moderator is a very thankless jobb, if understand correctly basicly on volunteer basis for a job that would pay nicely if done in fb or other social media; basicly the places i avoid due to their nature. I traded them for riu so it would be nonsense to not appreciate people who put their work into keeping the place chugging along.

While people tend to get upset at being modded its important not to develop "internet feelings" about it and respect that somebody got to do the job. Me posting here was probably a mistake; never do so in normal times and have no horse in this race. But id also question the whole point of a politics section on a weed forum? Seems like work for @sunni and mods would be a whole lot easier without it and the benefit it brings to the forum is not really clear, at least to me. Its also one of those things you never discuss with fam or close ones since it always tend to end badly. Food for thoughts... So show a bit of love for the mods cause its hard work keeping the peace - were a rowdy messy bunch. Much love :)

We’ve discussed this issue multiple times. If we don't have a dedicated space for politics, it tends to spill over into other parts of the forum. Additionally, it’s a popular topic that many members genuinely enjoy discussing. My intention was to create a space where people who enjoy talking about politics could do so respectfully, in line with the TOS.

The "old folks" here or Political Veteran users were given the choice to follow the TOS and participate in that space, but unfortunately, some couldn't adhere to the guidelines after being allowed to run free and do as they please for so long . I don’t make decisions for people or what they write, I gave warnings but some couldnt follow the TOS.

We’ve worked hard to clean up the politics section, and so far, it seems to be going well. The process has required a lot of effort from myself and the staff to fix the issues that arose, such as doxxing, death threats, and a certain moderator enabling inappropriate behavior without consequences.

It’s unfortunate that things unfolded the way they did. I never understood why one side was allowed to act without consequence, breaking TOS, including death threats, threats of raping people etc, while others were baited into arguments and then penalized for reacting so those.

I think any person would react to someone saying they found them doxxed them and wanted to rape their wives, that is a scary threat that happened on numerous occasions.

I've spent the last two years working to make this a place where people can engage in discussions without constant swearing, arguing, or harassment (as mentioned above)

Some long-time users, who were given free rein to act as they pleased because of their political affiliation, are upset now that they can no longer do so. They don’t like that they can’t break the TOS without facing consequences, and they’re unhappy about the unbiased moderation we now have, they now see it as biased, because they were allowed to do whatever they wanted with a certain admin here.

We do not moderate political opinions; we moderate based on the TOS.

Unfortunately, this shift has angered some users who were accustomed to acting without accountability while others were held to a different standard. I can certainly see their perspective buts its been since September of 2022, so I think ive given enough grace ;)
We’ve discussed this issue multiple times. If we don't have a dedicated space for politics, it tends to spill over into other parts of the forum. Additionally, it’s a popular topic that many members genuinely enjoy discussing. My intention was to create a space where people who enjoy talking about politics could do so respectfully, in line with the TOS.

The "old folks" here or Political Veteran users were given the choice to follow the TOS and participate in that space, but unfortunately, some couldn't adhere to the guidelines after being allowed to run free and do as they please for so long . I don’t make decisions for people or what they write, I gave warnings but some couldnt follow the TOS.

We’ve worked hard to clean up the politics section, and so far, it seems to be going well. The process has required a lot of effort from myself and the staff to fix the issues that arose, such as doxxing, death threats, and a certain moderator enabling inappropriate behavior without consequences.

It’s unfortunate that things unfolded the way they did. I never understood why one side was allowed to act without consequence, breaking TOS, including death threats, threats of raping people etc, while others were baited into arguments and then penalized for reacting so those.

I think any person would react to someone saying they found them doxxed them and wanted to rape their wives, that is a scary threat that happened on numerous occasions.

I've spent the last two years working to make this a place where people can engage in discussions without constant swearing, arguing, or harassment (as mentioned above)

Some long-time users, who were given free rein to act as they pleased because of their political affiliation, are upset now that they can no longer do so. They don’t like that they can’t break the TOS without facing consequences, and they’re unhappy about the unbiased moderation we now have, they now see it as biased, because they were allowed to do whatever they wanted with a certain admin here.

We do not moderate political opinions; we moderate based on the TOS.

Unfortunately, this shift has angered some users who were accustomed to acting without accountability while others were held to a different standard. I can certainly see their perspective buts its been since September of 2022, so I think ive given enough grace ;)
Its nice to hear from your perspective:)
I was never a reader or a poster on the politics section (except for a little on ukraine which is somewhat near to me as it is in the entire baltic region; theres a very real chance we are next...) so all i know are hearsay about it having been a not so nice place and as you stated some where allowed to run wild. Im glad there seems to be a plan in action but i think ill just stick to my leds :)

Sorry if i may be prickly at times but i do respect the work you do - as i said, were a rowdy bunch :) ;)
That helps to hear other countries perspective. I got a few buddies that are from Bangladesh and all over and ask them what they think, interesting to hear. Not political but was talking about my pup and saying needs to go to veterinary again he said they don't have such things there. He said why spend all your money on a dog when it should go to my family he didn't understand the companionship part. Anyways I'm in the middle of the politics see both sides but Democrats pushed me farther to right with alot of crazy spending and such not like Republicans haven't either but spending on stuff that doesn't help us.
Would you care to enumerate this crazy spending that has driven you further right? I'm fairly fiscally conservative so I'm not disagreeing with you that the budget isn't a problem but I'm not really of the opinion that it's one parties fault more that the other so help me understand where you're coming from.
We’ve discussed this issue multiple times. If we don't have a dedicated space for politics, it tends to spill over into other parts of the forum. Additionally, it’s a popular topic that many members genuinely enjoy discussing. My intention was to create a space where people who enjoy talking about politics could do so respectfully, in line with the TOS.

The "old folks" here or Political Veteran users were given the choice to follow the TOS and participate in that space, but unfortunately, some couldn't adhere to the guidelines after being allowed to run free and do as they please for so long . I don’t make decisions for people or what they write, I gave warnings but some couldnt follow the TOS.

We’ve worked hard to clean up the politics section, and so far, it seems to be going well. The process has required a lot of effort from myself and the staff to fix the issues that arose, such as doxxing, death threats, and a certain moderator enabling inappropriate behavior without consequences.

It’s unfortunate that things unfolded the way they did. I never understood why one side was allowed to act without consequence, breaking TOS, including death threats, threats of raping people etc, while others were baited into arguments and then penalized for reacting so those.

I think any person would react to someone saying they found them doxxed them and wanted to rape their wives, that is a scary threat that happened on numerous occasions.

I've spent the last two years working to make this a place where people can engage in discussions without constant swearing, arguing, or harassment (as mentioned above)

Some long-time users, who were given free rein to act as they pleased because of their political affiliation, are upset now that they can no longer do so. They don’t like that they can’t break the TOS without facing consequences, and they’re unhappy about the unbiased moderation we now have, they now see it as biased, because they were allowed to do whatever they wanted with a certain admin here.

We do not moderate political opinions; we moderate based on the TOS.

Unfortunately, this shift has angered some users who were accustomed to acting without accountability while others were held to a different standard. I can certainly see their perspective buts its been since September of 2022, so I think ive given enough grace ;)
I understand,sympathize,gotta be thankless,if the work you do is voluntary and uncompensated you deserve kudos surely and hope good karma results for your precious time spent doing this,glad you shared your perspective.
Its nice to hear from your perspective:)
I was never a reader or a poster on the politics section (except for a little on ukraine which is somewhat near to me as it is in the entire baltic region; theres a very real chance we are next...) so all i know are hearsay about it having been a not so nice place and as you stated some where allowed to run wild. Im glad there seems to be a plan in action but i think ill just stick to my leds :)

Sorry if i may be prickly at times but i do respect the work you do - as i said, were a rowdy bunch :) ;)
Putin's military is gutted,I don't think he could even handle the addition of Poland's armed forces intervention in Ukraine at this point never mind NATO's full commitment. Russia's pop. is too small now and he won't live long enough to rebuild his forces to threaten a invasion of Europe even if it were possible,not to mention the corruption embedded in Russia's military.
Putin's military is gutted,I don't think he could even handle the addition of Poland's armed forces intervention in Ukraine at this point never mind NATO's full commitment. Russia's pop. is too small now and he won't live long enough to rebuild his forces to threaten a invasion of Europe even if it were possible,not to mention the corruption embedded in Russia's military.
Yea but he has nukes and a lot of them,if he's not going to live long enough who is to say he just goes crazy and starts something then no one wins.
Yea but he has nukes and a lot of them,if he's not going to live long enough who is to say he just goes crazy and starts something then no one wins.
If Putin was going to go that route, he would have done it by now.
Besides, who needs the Russia military when you’ve got the “leader of the free world” in your pocket.
Vlad will be just fine.
Yea but he has nukes and a lot of them,if he's not going to live long enough who is to say he just goes crazy and starts something then no one wins.
Agree,well aware of all his "Sarmats",I just don't think he's insane,I've ALWAYS worried about nukes,on one hand humanity is always at risk w/the number of warheads out there,yet on the other they've probably prevented some big conventional wars between state actors. Maybe it's naive to hope the "big boy's" are deterred given the sure to follow the counter strike they'd receive if they'd used nukes,my biggest fear is that some sick FKN rogue organization (terrorists,cartels,etc) detonates ONE in any major city,the world would NEVER be the same. So far so good,fingers crossed.
I guess the Trump administrations disfunction begins in earnest today. I don't blame Trump for trying to distance himself from a debt ceiling fight now and potentially later after the mid-terms where he could possibly pin it on a democrat lead congress.

While I may not agree with the GOP on a lot of issues I think it's nice to see some of them have a developed a spine.
Almost a respectful conversation, next time try not insulting the poster you are trying to have a conversation with, remember we are abiding by TOS. Thank you
I invested time and thought responding to his post and wasn't insulted by him in my mind,I think I respectfully countered his opinion w/some known facts,my response was also bereft of any insults or obscenities, OH WELL.
I invested time and thought responding to his post and wasn't insulted by him in my mind,I think I respectfully countered his opinion w/some known facts,my response was also bereft of any insults or obscenities, OH WELL.
“Tiptoe through the tulips” comes to mind lately :(.
I invested time and thought responding to his post and wasn't insulted by him in my mind,

The TOS isn’t about whether or not you’re insulted; it’s not based on your personal tolerance for insults. If we moderated based on that, it would make 0 sense

“Tiptoe through the tulips” comes to mind lately :(.
I'm not sure why this needs to be said. We have rules that everyone is aware of—if they’re broken, the post is removed. It’s not about tiptoeing, so there's no need to be dramatic.

You're treating this like it's some form of terrible censorship. Please stop directing passive-aggressive comments towards the mods.