The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yaaass got a nice money makin plan going on been away from the thread for a few weeks, just ripping it up here in jokeland, never had so many texts in me life, all off 1 fairy hehe

shawn i took 2 blues last night, was absolutley fucked phone ran outa battery thats why it hung up matey, polished a bottle of whisky between 2 an 2 blues wtf, not hapening again, girl i was banging flipped on me, accusing me of using her blahblah, cant be arsed with that, specially when i offered her a good amount for some shit she was selling for me ffs woman.


Wtf why ginga you've asked and been told h2o2, by someone that says they've used allot of products. Your 2weeks Into flower and want them gone asap. You can't afford to keep spraying you might have to do it for a while your way.

You could brew a ewc tea or buy bennies to add to replace after you've used h2o2,

I've heard pissing in the pots is the most organic method, depends how organic u want to get....

A thick layer of potatoes raw and sliced will work, it traps the baby's in the soil and prevents any more being laid.....time to get the peeler out son!!

Duck me anyone would think this was a thread on a weed farmers forum....
Potatoes ey, well fuck me thanks for that wasnt hard was it, you southern cunts are all the same lol:finger:


Well-Known Member
You was shagging it and getting her to run your gear.....and she thought you was using her......women eh!!
the thing was she was well payed for it so i dont see no problem with it, mind you she did pop a few blue ones, and turned into a completley different person + the 70cl bottle of black grouse we polished.

just to let you know she fuckin came like 5 times in one night, id see that as commission ontop of the cash yaknow.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dont you worry bout em tho don? and i know your no fucking noob when drugs are concerned just suprised me your intrested in them kids drugs was all.
fella i've bigger things to worry about. and fyi i'm looking to make some cash fast. many fingers many pies man.
Appreciate everyone taking the time to be so helpful, will give some plus reps guys. Will go with the pest off spray first then h202 as last resort. Thanks g&t will await them pics..and in the meantime :finger::lol:
lmao lick my bullet ya ginger wheelspin. good luck


Just as a point here, i am only on my second grow. Try to remember when you were here, theres enough to take in as it is. Talking to people like they know what you know when they know fuck all if you know what i mean :wall:. H202, brewing fukin tees, bennies wtf isnt that a hat? Its enough to give me the shits man.


Well-Known Member
fella i've bigger things to worry about. and fyi i'm looking to make some cash fast. many fingers many pies man.

lmao lick my bullet ya ginger wheelspin. good luck
i fucked up with the mkat, just before they where gonna ban it could have got a key for 2k once banned that went to 15k!!!!


Well-Known Member
Appreciate everyone taking the time to be so helpful, will give some plus reps guys. Will go with the pest off spray first then h202 as last resort. Thanks g&t will await them pics..and in the meantime :finger::lol:
Also, if it helps, a lot of people on this site swear by Diatomaceous earth or whatever its called for killing bugs in the soil


Well-Known Member
hello .......someones pissed......fukin h2o2 like u bin told............MG the fairy is on her way with a beautiful rooted clone of psychosis, packaged with thought, should be there tmrw b4 1 my friend......My ACT is lookin bubbly and the exo, livers, psychosis amnesia haze (soma) and another will get it later, then ill be brewin some more, these EWC from bibizz are cool, the bag is warm from the bacterial soil organics is where im heading....slowly

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just as a point here, i am only on my second grow. Try to remember when you were here, theres enough to take in as it is. Talking to people like they know what you know when they know fuck all if you know what i mean :wall:. H202, brewing fukin tees, bennies wtf isnt that a hat? Its enough to give me the shits man.
as it's only your second go you should probably try being a bit more receptive to advice man. just a thought. when you start out it's all about reading and learning the basics, asking for pointers once you know the basics. read loads of advice then make your own mind up, a bit of trial and error will teach you a lot more than you think.
i fucked up with the mkat, just before they where gonna ban it could have got a key for 2k once banned that went to 15k!!!!
i got fucked up on that mkat mixing it with other drugs really wasn't good for me. memory of a bout 3 seconds.


Well-Known Member
hello .......someones pissed......fukin h2o2 like u bin told............MG the fairy is on her way with a beautiful rooted clone of psychosis, packaged with thought, should be there tmrw b4 1 my friend......My ACT is lookin bubbly and the exo, livers, psychosis amnesia haze (soma) and another will get it later, then ill be brewin some more, these EWC from bibizz are cool, the bag is warm from the bacterial soil organics is where im heading....slowly
is this your first grow with the soma amnesia mate? i'd love to try growing it but i dont like the prices lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
RIP bill but the man was full of shit, spose your gonna tell me he sells real goldseal too lol

im talking literally days before the ban was 2k a key online and totally legal.
He may well have been full of shit aye but I know what it is and it's big business round here, if I'd have had the cash and wanted to buy it the gear would have been on my doorstep the next day.

The boyf of a colleague was knocking out shit loads and he would have done the deal, you can't punt bunk when the man is doing babys fingers in front of you.


Well-Known Member
WTF??? Shawney is IC3, who is actually someone else but yet is still married to Yorkie who is not what he appears to be...fuk me it's like a Soap Opera in here....
For our more ''elderly '' patients .........[video=youtube_share;1rUxKq7w6ec][/video]

....will Ice run off into the sunset with Yorie ?...will Sambo suvive another night of drug cocktail endused maddness ? ..these questions , & more will be answered next time ,on the UK growers thread ..


Not pissed off whatsoever guys, its yorkshirman looking to be a twat at every opportunity. instead of being constructive, hes just being critical. I was just explaining in my last post im a newb at growing, but a BA Honours graduate nevertheless. Ive allready given several plus reps out and got more than enough info to keep me going which is much appreciated, as ive previously mentioned. i was just adding some sarcasm to my last post, easy fuck me like a bunch of fukin marys easily offended lol again i say :finger: