Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Haha.. sitting here smoking bud,eating "nacho cheese bugles" and watching Friday the 13th part 1, missed it the last time the series was playing. ;)


Well-Known Member
dank.. back one page. Spidermites.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Good thing it never entered the tent. lets just hope nothing jumped off while i was on here and it was alone in the room.........
Will your spray do anything to kill them? Or am i throwing this thing out?? it's taped up in a box right now. lol No chances.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2825899
Inspect all plants before putting them in your tent....... Like i do........ I didn't NEED this plant lol.... Glad is was JUST given to me.
Ooohhh hell NO!! You'd better get that 1 the hell out of there, and super quick! If youdid infact inspect before just sitting her in there, great job!! :clap:

That little shit would had TONS of little friends, and your grow would turn 2 shit! I hate those type of bugs!! I swear, I think the "goverment" is the ones that came out with all the cannabis plauges!! :fire:


Well-Known Member
Throw that fucker OUT! I wouldn't even take 1 chance when it comes to those little shits!
And "change clothes after you do get rif of it".. they'll cling to your shoes, clothes, and even on "us", then they jump right off when you happen to enter your grow area!

dank.. back one page. Spidermites.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Good thing it never entered the tent. lets just hope nothing jumped off while i was on here and it was alone in the room.........
Will your spray do anything to kill them? Or am i throwing this thing out?? it's taped up in a box right now. lol No chances.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, I'm out. I will answer any other :??: in the morning. Sorry to drop out so soon, but 6 am comes sooner then later. A lot sooner!!
I will be back round noonish.. hope 2 see/talk 2 all you guys/gals then..
You guys take er easy..


Well-Known Member
Later. I'm going to check and make sure nothing spread into the tent......... I fuckin hope not........
Damn Stew, you aren't having good luck with pests lately are you? First the thrips now those little shits?

Sometimes I get all bummed that I can't get the Cool Clones these Cali Cats can, but then I look at the threads of people bringing in grow destroying shit into their homes and rooms, makes me kinda happy I have to start from seed and sad for them.

What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
Gsc = trash...........
It was the GSC that had them? Hope you didn't pay through the teeth for it like some of the other guys on here.


Well-Known Member
Damn Stew, you aren't having good luck with pests lately are you? First the thrips now those little shits?

Sometimes I get all bummed that I can't get the Cool Clones these Cali Cats can, but then I look at the threads of people bringing in grow destroying shit into their homes and rooms, makes me kinda happy I have to start from seed and sad for them.

It was the GSC that had them? Hope you didn't pay through the teeth for it like some of the other guys on here.
Yeah, my grow is only Thrips. the Mites were in the GSC plant my friend brought over. I inspected it before going to put it into my tent. and found spidermites. YUCK! lol


Well-Known Member
Oh, just threw the 3ft tall GSC into a box and out by the trash for now. Not risking them getting into my apartment. Not saving the plant. It was free. because it was unhealthy looking.... I now know why it looked unhealthy. lol....

Later today she gets a nice modern looking black plastic dress with handles...... and duct tape the bitch closed.
Fuckin sucks to throw a plant away. especially when you know the garbage men will rip the bag open because of the smell leaking out lol..


Well-Known Member
Did the math last night for the money spent on this grow.... $1350+....
plus about $100 for seeds.

So i would have to make a minimum of $104 per strain after harvest to break even. lol.
seems easy enough


Well-Known Member
Damn Stew, you aren't having good luck with pests lately are you? First the thrips now those little shits?

Sometimes I get all bummed that I can't get the Cool Clones these Cali Cats can, but then I look at the threads of people bringing in grow destroying shit into their homes and rooms, makes me kinda happy I have to start from seed and sad for them.

It was the GSC that had them? Hope you didn't pay through the teeth for it like some of the other guys on here.
Well, you're not missing out on much. Most of the clones you'll find here are really shitty. There are some good ones out there, but it's really just a gamble.
Also, whenever I get clones, I always spray them down with pyrethrin and a soil drench if they're in soil.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
man, i've been wanting some gsc. I can see you not wanting to infect your gro tho. 3 ft tall would be a bit difficult to quarantine.

tell your buddy to get the abamectin and get rid of those fuckers. Also mites thrive in high humidity low air movement areas.

Sulfur burners are pretty effective for mites as well.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 fans in my tent right now. about to add a carbon scrubber, inline, and boosters tomorrow.... :)
I love when my plants move around. builds strength. :)

Usually cut the movement down a bit near the end. when they swell they tend to fall over if in direct contact with the fan.. lol
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