The UK Growers Thread!

The Groke

What's everyone smoking?

Anyone here private renting by any chance? Just wonder what landlords ask for in terms of documents and will they all went refferences?
Aye Aye ninja, I'm in a private renter and I went through a leasing agent, didn't ask for references but they wanted to see bank statements and do a credit check, CUNTS!!


Well-Known Member
my missis keeps asking wen we gonna get marrid...I sed never lol......fuk that shit so she can have half me stuff money ect.........yer rite.........

The Groke

my missis keeps asking wen we gonna get marrid...I sed never lol......fuk that shit so she can have half me stuff money ect.........yer rite.........
Fuck that shit!! that gig aint for me, I've got a kid already from a previous and I'm quite happy sticking it in most things that'll let me!

The Groke


Member that problem I was having, yellow leaves, too much water n nutes? well, I left my bitches alone and they've all come on leaps n bounds! cheers, kudos to you for the info :peace:


Well-Known Member
yer I had same probs with mine lad......just keep giving them waiter here n there not 2 much until they come on......few weeks soon be perking up .....

Member that problem I was having, yellow leaves, too much water n nutes? well, I left my bitches alone and they've all come on leaps n bounds! cheers, kudos to you for the info :peace:


Well-Known Member
well your first little leafs will go yellow and die off anyways...its the new groth u need to keep ya eye on......but yer they will be happy with just water for now...suppose its like giving a baby a fuking full English brekky ...aint gonna like it (same as seedlings with nutes)
Just the last day they've started chucking out new lush green leaves like there's no tomorrow!

The Groke

well your first little leafs will go yellow and die off anyways...its the new groth u need to keep ya eye on......but yer they will be happy with just water for now...suppose its like giving a baby a fuking full English brekky ...aint gonna like it (same as seedlings with nutes)
Great analogy mate! although having seen some of the fat fucking babies round my way I wouldn't be to sure!