Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
The lsd is really a nice pick May, I don't think you would at all be disappointed with the outcome of that lady. Slip always gets really nice dense flowers, and a really nice yield to boot. I'm sorry if I kicked up any dirt earlier that had settled bro, that wasn't my intentions at all. I've known you for a while, P.M.'d in the past, and know you're a solid guy bro. I respect what you, and others say, it just seemed like there was tension that needed to be addressed was all. I think we'll all go back to our silly selves now, at least that was all my intentions on saying anything was. I like low stress environments, and am sure everyone can at least agree on that being best for all of us.

Pinworm, you're friggin hilarious brother, that's all I'm saying about your post man, ROFLMAO!

On the lighter side of things I took a bunch of Peace Porn Pics of my Cindy99, and would like to post them in the organics section, and not my thread, if that's cool? I have to dedicate a large success of these flowers to Gandalf, and the whole organics crew really. You guys constantly remind me of what there is to aspire to, and that you can never go wrong with what the earth provides naturally for us, and our plants. I have to admit though she has some G.O. Bio-Bud in her, and also some R.O. H-P-K in there too, LOL. Anyways, with no further delay, THE PICS:

I've been on a tight shot kick lately, but I'll get some of her perfect structure later as it is impressive how she distributes her efforts so evenly. I can't suggest this strain with a better background than these pics of it, they say everything I can't. One thing they can't give you is the experience of her aromas, and I do mean experience people. This pheno has the most beautiful warm, orange hash smell I have ever encountered. That smell that blasts you in the face when you're hovering over a hot dish of just blasted B.H.O., yeah that's what I'm getting from her. Well, I better get to the rest of my to do list for the day, and take my walk as well.

I hope the the love I've put into these flowers touches you as well. When we come together as a community it only makes us a stronger force to be reckoned with. Divisions, no matter what they are only serve to pull us apart at a critical moment in time in our country. We're finally starting to get respect from outside of our community, and now would be a bad time to show them we can't even get along with each other, you know. Lets move forward into what we all deserve, a future where cannabis is not only free, but us along with it are achieving our own personal freedoms. Peace, Love, and Happiness! It can be achieved!


Well-Known Member
love the LSD, so potent and rock hard Bud`s if you do good (and don't have +30C summer temperatures) and covered in trichomes, a very potent smoke
and a fast finisher, only take 8-9 week`s to finish her, even done it in 7,5 and still got great smoke out of it, and a easy strain to grow and clone, yield is good, not great, but with so potent smoke and so fast to finish, you end up with a good over all yield of some great smoke, I would any day choose 3 runs with the LSD then 2 with some high yielding Sativa strain, but I also love the more indica stoned smoke I get out of the LSD

so if your looking for some potent smoke that finish fast its a great choice even a half good run will get you ok smoke and yield



Well-Known Member
Obviously using comfrey would "meet the organic credentials".

Seems that the ol' RIU tradition of taking shots at people is alive and well! :roll:
Maphyr, I wasn't taking a shot at you. I put quotations around the word "organic" because I think it's a classification that we all tend to get hung up on at times. My focus is on the beasties in my soil. I take care of them, and they take care of my plants. This pro-tekt topic has been booted around many times before on various forums. I have done my research, and when used in proper proportions it is not harmful to microorganisms, and is beneficial to the plant. Having said that, I am always looking to improve and spend less money at the hydro store, so I will be planting some comfrey to replace the bottle next spring.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap Myco. They are all beautiful but a few of them made me literally say "wow". Honestly. Don't ever lose those pictures man. I think you may want to use one or two or ten in anything you may put out there when you get to Maine. Those purples, greens, golden red pistils just jump out. I love it man. You are the man with that camera. :clap: You do it beyond the right way man. That is what I am talking about. Thank you Obi-Wan.

Slipon...I never have had the honor to smoke the LSD strain. (sounds better that way ;-) ) Those look frosty. Pat yourself on the back for me. The green lush in the second picture tells me one thing, you are doing everything perfect on your end. It's up to the genetics to do the rest. When I see pictures like yours and Pros's I laugh and think to myself that LEDs really kick some ass. Those are sick flowers. :clap:


Well-Known Member
Maphyr, I wasn't taking a shot at you. I put quotations around the word "organic" because I think it's a classification that we all tend to get hung up on at times. My focus is on the beasties in my soil. I take care of them, and they take care of my plants. This pro-tekt topic has been booted around many times before on various forums. I have done my research, and when used in proper proportions it is not harmful to microorganisms, and is beneficial to the plant. Having said that, I am always looking to improve and spend less money at the hydro store, so I will be planting some comfrey to replace the bottle next spring.

I could not have articulated this anywhere close to how wonderfully you did. Think about it. That is one of, if not the most intelligent, posts I have read on RIU or elsewhere. Wow.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to st0wandgrow again.



Well-Known Member
Ultimately everyone is looking to be nice here. I hope any misunderstandings take this into account. You're not going to find a thread full of guys wanting to share and help. I'm glad to be part of it.

I think alternative truly natural sources of Silica is a worthwile research project, so that's what I'm doing also.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Nice One Slipon! I ADORE the LSD. Spent a lot of money on it last year, and I had my own homegrown too. Yours looks BRILLIANT!!!


Well-Known Member
REALLY? you think gandlaf stow and Rrog are theonly ones here WHO KNOW THERE SHIT? maybe if you focused more what folks are doig instead of kissing ass everywhere you go you'd notice ALOT of people are doing shit right that don't post every fucken day here. for fucks sake ive seen enough at this fucken site, grown ups (they claim to be anyway) and they sit here and play grab ass like high schoolers on a bus. pathetic! I don't care who I offend with my opinion fuck yerself!
Whoa, brother. I honestly can't even carry Rrogs jock where this stuff is concerned. I am student of organics ... which is what excites me most about all of this. There is just so much still to learn and try. That fire under my ass is still lit!

There are many great contributors here on RIU. I have picked up wisdom from countless peeps on here and other sites, including you. This thread alone is a wonderful resource. I was putting together a watering schedule last night and left a couple slots open for a good nutrient tea for later in flower. I will be going back to page one of this thread and reading it in it's entirety again. So much good info here that my noggin won't absorb (too many pucks to the head), so I have a pen and a pad of paper beside me. I could sit and read this shit all day! :-)

I hope you're doing well VTM.


Well-Known Member
Question for you guys...

I try not to get too hung up on NPK values knowing that if my soil was built properly, my plants will have all of their requirements met. I still like to think that I can tinker a bit and play with teas that may get me even better results. So, what do you guys do specifically for a source of P once you've transitioned to flower? I know that bone meal is the obvious answer, but I want to avoid that if possible. I believe it was Hamish that mentioned vegan organics, and I'm kinda down with that too. I've cheated a bit with the inclusion of crab shell meal in my soil, but ideally I'd prefer to use plant-based sources if at all possible.

Any thoughts?

edit: I'm thinking eaither teas, top dressing, or both


Well-Known Member
It's all good. I take notes every day. Literally. We're all learning and that's why we're here. It's better when more participate, not fewer, so I hope everyone is OK and continues to contribute.


Well-Known Member
Corn Cob ASH is 0-0-25. Who would have ever thought, eh?

EDIT: I changed this from Corn Cob to Corn Cob Ash


Well-Known Member
Ultimately everyone is looking to be nice here. I hope any misunderstandings take this into account. You're not going to find a thread full of guys wanting to share and help. I'm glad to be part of it.

I think alternative truly natural sources of Silica is a worthwile research project, so that's what I'm doing also.

one great thing about one of the few negative things of smokers is that we tent to forget fast, so agin what misunderstandings are you referring to ? if its not as the same pages its already old history in my book, and since I guess all can agree its childish and plain stupid to "fight" on a online forum Im sure all can agree to forget it and look forward