The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Is there a password on your phone? Know they can get into them but my boys been nicked and they couldn't have bothered cause he had bait texts. Wouldn't wanna grow in the same house have read online a few times they come back. You have the weed bagged up or baggies and scales in the house?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your bust Shawney, how did they smell weed outside ur house, was it from the outside plants, must have been a weird one getting chased by the cops for some traffic? violation and pullin up outside your house (!) and bustin u grow, bit unlucky there man....


Well-Known Member
What cuts are for sale? Strains and prices please. Won't be needed till a few weeks but just tryin for get a good selection of strains as mums. Got some on the way already, blues and agent orange. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
What cuts are for sale? Strains and prices please. Won't be needed till a few weeks but just tryin for get a good selection of strains as mums. Got some on the way already, blues and agent orange. Thanks.
hahaha wtf are u hoping for? you'll get nothing but cheek if u come here asking like that


Well-Known Member
@bizzle sorry to hear about ur shit with the old bill mate

out of interest though were there any e-mails in your inbox or anything from any of the members on here or anything? if so might be worth giving em a heads up


Well-Known Member
Condolences Shawny , you got to be on yer fucking toes if you grow !, I never carry anything on my person, car is always clean , or v well stashed, delete all names , numbers ect, THINK !, laziness will get you caught ! Things will get better m8, hold on in there, you got plenty of grows in you yet !


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your condolences no I never had weed on me I went to get a mcd's for the missis n kids coppers turned there lights on so I carried on lost me tucked behind a hedge then got cocky and thought if I make a run for it now they'll now see me and they did the scummy fuckers . I'm fucked no job no money no smoke ans me bubba Kushan awas nearly done 2weeks max :( I wasn't at home when they trashed it so I haven't a clue what they got if any one has received a txt or anything off me phone calls post anything smash your phone up and river it I don't want my shit landing on anyone else sorry guys


Well-Known Member
No dimmer no emails in my phone just a couple of txt off people think I'm lookin at prison mate either that or do a runner with no money which ain't a good plan they found 11 plants indoors and 9 outside which weren't gonna make it anyway I just need a flat to grow in now and 1500 to get the fucker up and running I'm in what we call shit street


Well-Known Member
They took me grinders roach books rizzlas me Sind birthday Money all my missis money all our phones me nutrients all me pots absouloutly everything I'm gutted lads I was crying last night when I first walked in me bedroom that's when it hit me hard !...... If the missis just went to mcd's herself I'd still be looking at my buds now arrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
No dimmer no emails in my phone just a couple of txt off people think I'm lookin at prison mate either that or do a runner with no money which ain't a good plan they found 11 plants indoors and 9 outside which weren't gonna make it anyway I just need a flat to grow in now and 1500 to get the fucker up and running I'm in what we call shit street
Could be a slap on tha wrist mate u was only growin percy like u sed, remember that fukin pain in your back with your job u need cannabis too ease the pain.of layin floors...cant get on with anti-inflammatories cos of yer stomach...u know...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
you got previous shawn? if not you'll be fine, no jail. worst case plead social supply. could be a lot worse, you weren't fiddling the leccy, that's the fraud charge and those fuckers view that as worse than the plants. get a decent brief and chin up man. feel for ya but how daft can you be leading the bizzies to your fucking door?


Well-Known Member
@bizzle sorry to hear about ur shit with the old bill mate

out of interest though were there any e-mails in your inbox or anything from any of the members on here or anything? if so might be worth giving em a heads up

I cant ant give anyone a heads up they've got my fuckin phone the only way they'll now is when they come on here it's Rambo I'm worried about I was talking to him yesterday or the day before.bassically they now it's all personal and I don't deal ... The copper said it was the best small set up he's ever seen lmao. They had me right outside my house then the missis came out left the door wide open and then all the pigs are like we can smell weed we can smell after about 6 hr in cell he opens it ans said oh your been charged with cultivation of cannabis as well words can't describe how I feel right now but fuck it


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about this Shawny, not sure what your previous is like, but from watching that guy in Hull get grabbed on the TV and getting a 2 year suspended, he had about 50plus plants and previous. As Indi said, get your thinking cap on, get a good lawyer, the courts are not going to send you away for 11 plants plus a few runts outside. Any judge that does would need his head seeing too......

And you need to stop the "if only's...." that's what drives you insane. I know, easier said than done, but keep busy, keep yer mind and body on the go. This is the time to get all those things done that have been sitting on the back burner (and I don't mean anything to do with growing). You just got to start doing positive things to get your mind right. Even if that's just mowing the lawn, or cleaning the house, or hoovering, or whatever.....

Take it easy, time will make this all better.

Peace, DST
They took me grinders roach books rizzlas me Sind birthday Money all my missis money all our phones me nutrients all me pots absouloutly everything I'm gutted lads I was crying last night when I first walked in me bedroom that's when it hit me hard !...... If the missis just went to mcd's herself I'd still be looking at my buds now arrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
If anyone got sambo number tell him what's happend I what I said I don't wanna bring anyone into this I can't see it happening but I need stories strait n shit


Well-Known Member
Cheers dst but I'm literally fucked I can't do the job I used to cuz me backs fucked. Just gonna get a flat a kit that out when I got some cash . Everything was going so smooth as well. And it's all my fault for driving the fucking car well the missis made me get her a mcd's u don't understand how much I wanna blame her but it's all my fault I'm a prick a big fat hairy smell prick