The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
evening all whats everyone on tonite, I got a bottle of wine and 2 spuds in the oven, bit o smoke goin but im fuked for tolerance so not getting to stoned these days, lookin forward to some pure white dmt tomorrow, spoke to Sambo earlier hes good.....shawnys little maccy D trip has cost a few people a few quid...but that's life


Well-Known Member
ah I dunno whats happened to bizzle only got bk of holiday earlier.....
evening all whats everyone on tonite, I got a bottle of wine and 2 spuds in the oven, bit o smoke goin but im fuked for tolerance so not getting to stoned these days, lookin forward to some pure white dmt tomorrow, spoke to Sambo earlier hes good.....shawnys little maccy D trip has cost a few people a few quid...but that's life


Well-Known Member
lol missis was more botherd bout plants.....will they b ok....what if lights have gone off....what if house has burned down or we been raided ect........


Well-Known Member
but as a few ppl have sed bizzle keep positive.....get this shit out the way....lay low for a bit move house ect......then start again shure if u stik round on ere few ppl got a few bits n bobs lyting around to help......


Well-Known Member
looking forward to some nice Soft black & zero zero tomorrow will be a nice change after only weed for the last 2 weeks, not that in complaining got some nice funky fruity shit just now as well as my own dinafem cheese.
imc glad 2 hear u had a good holiday m8 wish it was me but cant afford one this year so just need to make do with a 4 day trip to the dam in november for a certain event (was paid for me :) )
bizzle give it 6 month maybe a year get urself moved to a new gaff and get ur shit set up again, either that or rent a small studio flat and grow there keep it under the radar tho and no dodgy McD runs

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
i just feel sorry for bizzell the only twat he had to tell was me, and im about as consoling as a brick wrapped in crack.


Well-Known Member
Thanks jay man I just hope this happens to no one else I feel like ive hadme heart ripped out cant believe it man I was only 2 weeks from choppin the bubba now ive no job no weed im fucked man but just gotta try n stay positive and keep ke chin up need a a fake id and a flat me thinks I cant just stop I just cajt


Well-Known Member
ah man only went for few nights bit of a brake from kids...but yer was good enjoyed it......
looking forward to some nice Soft black & zero zero tomorrow will be a nice change after only weed for the last 2 weeks, not that in complaining got some nice funky fruity shit just now as well as my own dinafem cheese.
imc glad 2 hear u had a good holiday m8 wish it was me but cant afford one this year so just need to make do with a 4 day trip to the dam in november for a certain event (was paid for me :) )
bizzle give it 6 month maybe a year get urself moved to a new gaff and get ur shit set up again, either that or rent a small studio flat and grow there keep it under the radar tho and no dodgy McD runs


Well-Known Member
will my plants be ok sitting at 25 to 27c?......was thinking bout lowering these hoods a bit.....
they will be fine mate, mine have been up at 30c+ all week and my plants aint seemed too bothered and im using open lights cos im a cheap arse and cant afford an air cooled hood yet