Club 600


Well-Known Member
Just gone 8am here and it looks like about 9pm at night it's so dark....super duper charlie cooper!:finger: to the weather.

Hope everyone is looking forward to a nice weekend.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I broke down and harvested a outside plant last night. We've already have had 2 pretty heavy frost but they made it. Thankfully the next 10 days is suppose to be nice. Next weekend I think half of my girls will be read. Here's so pics of the one I chopped. I took about a z for a tester last week.001.jpg002.jpg007.jpg


Well-Known Member
I spent the early morning watching different videos on bubble hash making. Out of 9 videos only 1 showed rinsing the hash off and his looked the best. I remember D mentioning a pump spray bottle works the best. This guy had a litter bottle with a hole poked in the top to create a cheap pump spray bottle. Just thought I would share. I'm getting used to getting up real early and doing homework in the peace and quiet. Today I'm all caught up so I'm researching more refined on bubble hash since I've got the bags and I have a shiet load to harvest outside.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Jimmer, there's a sticky for Matt Rizes bubble, I think his tech and Frenchy's are not that much different....except the end handling and curing, etc. But I reckon it's all swings and roundabouts, once you have extracted the trichomes, then you are going to get a good buzz from whatever you do with them. But yeh, everyone likes to think their way is best.:)


Well-Known Member
Hmm have a good amount of buds i put in quarantine or threw out cause of mold. But now checking on them it seems like the mold has moved on?! Some still have mold but some seem fine or at least mold free. Does look like it made damage to some leaves but im thinking water extraction on em and it will be okay? This bud had mold. Now i cant find mold just some nasty colors. Broke it apart.


Well-Known Member
I broke down and harvested a outside plant last night. We've already have had 2 pretty heavy frost but they made it. Thankfully the next 10 days is suppose to be nice. Next weekend I think half of my girls will be read. Here's so pics of the one I chopped. I took about a z for a tester last week.View attachment 2828561View attachment 2828562View attachment 2828563

Yeah best to let all that frost melt off then take pics again ;-) Fuk I couldnt even imagine frost right now it still hits mid 90s,,, crazy.

Hmm have a good amount of buds i put in quarantine or threw out cause of mold. But now checking on them it seems like the mold has moved on?! Some still have mold but some seem fine or at least mold free. Does look like it made damage to some leaves but im thinking water extraction on em and it will be okay? This bud had mold. Now i cant find mold just some nasty colors. Broke it apart.
View attachment 2828702

Looks good but if you say it was molding/rotting Id stay safe and not smoke it,,, Iv hear peroxide washes before hashing moldy buds works,,, maybe?


Well-Known Member
We've already have had 2 pretty heavy frost but they made it.
Really?! Wow. We still might have a hot patch, though it looks
like we are in Fall. I cannot imagine dealing with a frost now.
(I am going to have to haul in some outdoor plants that I have
worked too hard to raise from seed. (all my berries for example)

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
My big Jack (the chair in my pic in the comp) has a little more bud rot in the 1 section I just took down so I'm going to pick up the GF and come home and harvest it. This actually is pretty much done anyways. I love growing in this unpredictable From what I've already seen I won't be crying. I'll update later tonight. peace


Well-Known Member
Hey there six double O. I just received a gallon of blackstrap molasses I ordered. It's way watered down to the point it has the consistency of water, the picture on their site shows real molasses nice and thik like, I feel like iv totally been ripped off... Suggestions on what to do about it?



Well-Known Member
Hey there six double O. I just received a gallon of blackstrap molasses I ordered. It's way watered down to the point it has the consistency of water, the picture on their site shows real molasses nice and thik like, I feel like iv totally been ripped off... Suggestions on what to do about it?

I hate being ripped esp when I cant go in person and deal with them!
Call or email, and tell em you want a refund and return ship label.
Hopefully the y do it, or at least a partial refund.


Well-Known Member
This might make it easier to mix, but would only make sense at
a discounted price....and really not even then.

Make sure that they know that you will evangelize against them.



Well-Known Member
Off subject but I sprayed last night, and I don't use gloves like I am supposed to do. The oils don't bother me much. This morning I went and pressure washed a house. The detergent however did not prove to be a good mix. I had my hands feeling like the skin was going to melt off. Still dosn't feel just great. It is tuff ganja farming at times. I do believe one more treatment will be the end. Can not find any after last night.


Well-Known Member
Crossing fingers!

I am not really tested, bug-wise, but for gnats. Brrrr!


Iv never had a gnat problem before, Im guessing my soil is full of beneficial nematodes. I think simply letting the medium dry a bit a few times in between waterings can have an effect.

"Your comment is awaiting approvalThe picture is not an accurate depiction of the product received. “Thick as molasses” does not apply here, it has the consistency of water. Very disappointing. I would not recommend this product."

Will see what happens with this. Email sent as well.

Hornedfrog, I would do that but in was in an order with multiple other items (which Im completely satisfied with)

Be careful DocD, you need those hands for growing!


Well-Known Member
Been feeling better today so i went to do some work in the grow. Wanted to take all my big buds, and do the stalk in water flush, i did a couple grows back. So that i could get good lighting on the smaller buds further down in the plant. Got everything ready, cleaned the cloner to use that, distilled water. Then i start to chop and bang i felt like shit. Had to go in and pop a pill and lay down for an hour. Tent still open and cuttings on the floor. So dropped that idea and just harvested the buds that i had cut. One of the buds being the "Burning Man Bud" :) Shit so freaking ugli! Now with nanners lol! Keeps getting worse. I knew from the first time growing this something was off. But i grew it all over anyway. Jerk. GHS Pure Kush over and out! Just broke the neck on three clones.
Much more positive is the autoflower, that turned out not to autoflower. Ultra Lemon Haze. 130 days old. Stalks an leafs are filled with crystals. Girlfriend says it smells really amazing, Sweet Fruits on sweet fruits with a hint of sour/lemon. :( Cant smell to sick ): Looking real awesome through the scope. Big glands, small glands, red, yellow, cloudy, clear.
Did not get a clone. All my other clones are killed. Got my Lemon Skunk revegging. So that means im starting something new :). But bomb cleaning my grow room when this is over! Summer growing gave me some nasty surprise this time. Almost looking forward to spending extra money on heat :) BB Dog sounds so awesome ill have to grow it! Will it be available in fem anytime soon? Or should i just go ahead with reg?
Nuff babbling.