Here Come the Girls - a First Timer's Adventure

Welcome back! Too bad about the current state of your crop :-(. Sounds like the song: " I was gonna tend to my plants, but I got high . . ."

I did the same thing with smoking too soon out of the cure. I found it harder than wait for them to be ready to harvest. At least with that, you can watch them change. I hope I get enough this harvest so that even if I DO sneak some early, there'll still be plenty properly cured stuff left.

Clone #3 does indeed look pretty bad, but I wouldn't give up until it's all brown and dried out.

Hope you can get back on track!

Yeah, you dont give up on them because they often look stressed before coming good.
Hey Chaps! Thanks for all the feedback.

Just after my last post my Mac died (actually I think I might have deleted something important but don't tell the chaps at the Genius bar that...) and it is still dead...grrrrr...

Anyway, since then I have discovered that LTSally is in fact a boy. Of course she is. Oh well never mind, at least I've had some clone practice.

Re the Clones - they aren't dead yet which has to be a positive! Even #3 is still green and not entirely dead.

So in answer to your assorted questions...

No, I don't have a dome for them. i didn't really plan properly. But I have them under the propagator lid, balanced on bottles as they are too tall, so there is a gap around the side. Does that make sense? I can't post pics. Basically they are covered but not completely.

The humidity in my room is hovering around 56%. I know it should be higher.

I have been spraying them a few times a day with water with 10% blooming nutes.

I'm quite pleased they aren't dead yet. If they are still alive today, which is a week since I sliced them off, then surely they are through the most dangerous period?

As i know they are all boys now, it doesn't really matter whether they survive or not, only from the point of view that I want to know I can clone successfully. Shall I leave them a few more days before uprooting and having a look? What do you reckon?
Welcome back! Too bad about the current state of your crop :-(. Sounds like the song: " I was gonna tend to my plants, but I got high . . ."

I did the same thing with smoking too soon out of the cure. I found it harder than wait for them to be ready to harvest. At least with that, you can watch them change. I hope I get enough this harvest so that even if I DO sneak some early, there'll still be plenty properly cured stuff left.

Clone #3 does indeed look pretty bad, but I wouldn't give up until it's all brown and dried out.

Hope you can get back on track!

Thanks Kroost! I don't know that song but it sums me up....please post! hahaha!
Chopping too soon, smoking too soon, all classics of the first timer grower I would image! get us, next time we will be much more controlled hehehehe...maybe....
#3 still not 100% dead! It's a miracle.
The leaves are too big Lady H, did you trim them?

Are you using a specific technique with a link?

I take it you are using a covering to act as a moisture trap?

I didn't trim the leaves off Herbs, no. I thought they might need them!!!! I read thru a few links, now all on my dead Mac. have you got a specific article / link I should read?
[FONT=&amp]I'm on a perpetual grow now Lady H and am more concerned with learning about my grow environment, soil mixes, cultivation techniques and the like.

So my form of sharing now comes in the form of passing on findings, rather than using the grow thread format.

Although I will do another one at some point, I've got my hands full atm wiith an overflowing tent and plants at different stages, kinda time consuming.

Shame, i really enjoyed your style on your HerbMan In Soil thread. Well as long as you keep sharing your findings here so I don't have to stalk you all over RIU all will be well! When's your next harvest?
Shame, i really enjoyed your style on your HerbMan In Soil thread. Well as long as you keep sharing your findings here so I don't have to stalk you all over RIU all will be well! When's your next harvest?

It's a perpetual harvest Lady H at least 1 plant per month, normally two.

Next on the chopping block is who I call The Stunted Lady.

Findings, your cannabis plant can cope with high temps in veg, but can be expected to suffer with high temps in flowering.

This poor lady suffered high temps in flowering, which A) Stunted her and B) reduced yield.C) She's an Auto (my first and I didn't know you’re not supposed to cut them) I toped her.

So various lessons learnt there, that’s what I like about a perpetual grow, constant learning and opportunities to implement newly acquired knowledge.

What's happening now 038.jpgWhat's happening now 040.jpg
Yeah we talked about it before but since your mac cracked you would have lost the convo.

Ahhhhh, yes, I! Brain like a sieve!
Just as well they were boys and therefore only practice clones.
I sliced them off two weeks ago now.
I pulled #3 out about 4 days ago as although still standing up, he was wilted. No roots on the stem, effectively dead from day 1.
I pulled #4 out 2 days ago as he wasn't looking so great. Only the teeniest, tiniest, whispiest bits of what could have been roots.
#1 & #2 i will probably pull out tomorrow to have a look. They seem fine.

so 50% success rate with basic tools and effort. That makes me feel positive about doing it properly! I will be studying your clone posts carefully before the next attempt. What's your success rate Herbs?
Ahhhhh, yes, I! Brain like a sieve!
Just as well they were boys and therefore only practice clones.

so 50% success rate with basic tools and effort. That makes me feel positive about doing it properly! I will be studying your clone posts carefully before the next attempt. What's your success rate Herbs?


If I had to put a percentage on it, it would be in the 70% region, I would imagine.

That's with rooting gel.