N.Y.C. Topdawg grow and more to come.


Well-Known Member
Happy B-day or belated prolly now. I forgot to ask you this query earlier. Did you happen to take representative cuts from your sexy stardawg? If so how is its rate of growth from clone? Thanks in advance.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Its always hard running a new strain at first, got to work out the kinks and shit. You know like figuring what it can and can not handle. Hope you have a great weekend WB!

Geez ain't that the TRUTH. The Tahoe is NOT digging the coco, everything else doing superfukinwell, but if I had to dose the Tahoe with more CaMg+ I might as well bloody dip them right in it. Really been busting my balls. almost want to scream at them 'So what bloody pH do you really like then, HUH?!' I'll get it. I'll get it. Loving he speed and ease of coco but the soil is really looking so much better. Wet-and-forget kinda stuff. But I NEED to figure out what they want in the coco man. It has become a quest of epic proportions, I won't give up until I find it. I never cook enough soil, rely on coco quite often to make up for that...
Happy B-day or belated prolly now. I forgot to ask you this query earlier. Did you happen to take representative cuts from your sexy stardawg? If so how is its rate of growth from clone? Thanks in advance.
She is on her 3rd gen of cuts and growth is explosive.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit, Happy B Day Bro!!! Hope you had a great one and many healthy more for you!!!

Damn Giants are killing me this year, 0-3, WTF???


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
when i tried coco i had major calmg probs, lost my og clones due to it.
I'm getting tired if the stuff by now... Just need to cook double batches of soil. Coco also holds onto N after a couple of weeks. Total soil convert for my indoor and not looking back.

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
I had a hard time keeping up with calMag issues in Coco as well. I assumed a medium you treat like Hydro would pump out the results I wanted, apparently I wanted Organic feed in a soil medium....