Stew's Breeding Project 2013

im solo cup breeding so i could take my lady to the arranged marriage and shake the lil guy on her. seems way too risky for pollinating everything in my room and the dudes next door lol
was thinking of maybe a salt shaker type applicator ... im about to collect pollen by shaking males onto parchment paper...maybe lol still undecided!

Paper and funnel collection works best. I tilt the pot the male is in or bend him over the paper. Falls straight down on paper. I've found some plants are sterile so it might not be you Stew. Don't get upset. I get my males get huge when I collect for pollen. So I get a.good amount.

My breeding goal is to keep it simple work a few lines. Toss the bad ones keep the good ones. Kinda like simon does. Pepper shaker sounds pretty cool.
im solo cup breeding so i could take my lady to the arranged marriage and shake the lil guy on her. seems way too risky for pollinating everything in my room and the dudes next door lol

Try making a mini system for your male or males. I use cardboard boxes. Or build mini pvc panda film setups. I use mostly boxes I'm cheap. With the male no fan what so ever. But I prefer to leave males at seperate locations out door.
i do have em in a box already and wish i put em at a friends house. i love using boxes! my males are just hitting day 20 so about to get a nice pollen bath over here
Yeah man, I would think powder like that would be more successful then crushed sacks, let me know!

That was just day 1 of collecting.... :) That's from 7 pollen sacs total. completely emptied them out.... :)

Tomorrow i'll get more and continue with him till i have enough. by enough i mean next week or so. lol...
Hey fellas. If it's cool I'd like to get your opions/thoughts on STS vs CS. I'm shooting for some fem seeds this run, and am having trouble deciding which road to take. I've heard good things about both, but I'd rather hear it from people I trust. I remember reading that you (Stew) spray @50ppm and then gradually up the dosage, but my crsipy drug-addled brain can not remember if you are using CS or something else.
I'm using CS. My first 2 plants i used 150PPM-500PPM with NO results..

Now I started lower and earlier than before. 9 days prior to flip i sprayed with 50PPM. and continued with it.
tomorrow I will make up a 100PPM to hit them with.

My Blue Dream is mutated a bit. so i know it's taking effect at least somewhat. the Cotton Candy looks the same.
and the Blue Thai is still in Veg.. That's my LAST RESORT for the BB crosses i have planned.

Hopefully both CC and BD turn and give me some pollen to work with. so i can get EVERYTHING done this grow that i wanted to.
If you use STS you want to start spraying a week before flipping and do daily spraying. The research I've done says that the STS complex is more available to the plant than metallic silver (like CS) or a silver cation like silver nitrate.
Lol.. Hell bro, I've done the process over the years, and I have to say that if the "pollen sacks" are picked when not open, they don't work aswell. Although I've had to do (collect) it that way, due to a time frame issue.
View attachment 2833379 GDP pollen. :) Real pollen this time. not the crushed pollen sacs.

So I will be crossing a few extra this grow... I'll let everyone know what they are as they happen.
No more planning. Just doing from here on out. No more fucking around and not getting what i want.
Hey fellas. If it's cool I'd like to get your opions/thoughts on STS vs CS. I'm shooting for some fem seeds this run, and am having trouble deciding which road to take. I've heard good things about both, but I'd rather hear it from people I trust. I remember reading that you (Stew) spray @50ppm and then gradually up the dosage, but my crsipy drug-addled brain can not remember if you are using CS or something else.

Yes. You start out low in the ppm's, tthen increase ppm's. I start around 100 to 150 ppm's to a gln of water.
Then increase over a 2 to 3 day period up to 300, then up to 500, and so on. I max out around 550 to 600 ppm's.
* Important thing to remember is you want to start spraying in vegging. Not flowering. I start around week 3 vegging. I've seen some strains take up to almost a month b4 showing any signs of sex change!!
But its important to start your CS low (ppm). If not, you'll spray, then wake up to a burnt, eurple or brownish plant.. :(