1st Grow, multiple strains, learning experience!


Active Member
Powdery Mildew can be devistating. Typically a sulphur burner works everytime. I cant afford it and its not organic. like 100$. I sprayed my plants last time with 10% milk solution at 1-14 days flower. Never saw PM again. But honestly I atribute it more to the fact that I stopped leaving dead leaves around (:

The milk trick is becoming popular though. Like with organic grape farmers.

Good air flow too. My room is tiny, so I can get stagnent air pockets in the corners. That was where I saw the PM show up first. It did only attack the kush though. It didnt touch the sativa.

I used to think mono-cropping was the way to go. But there are more disadvantages in my opinion. Less learning with one strain and each strain has its weakness. I have way more fun with more variety.

I have been trying all kinds of funky shit to get my plants bigger and better. The biggest difference I ever saw was with a bag of organic dirt with microbes in it. The plants grew so fast and happy. But I also used to be the cheapest on dirt, like an idiot. Literally Cheapest dollar amount per yard with the dirt. Just wrong. I really do think that the bacteria and fungus that are sybiotic are a huge missing link in most conventional container gardens.


Well-Known Member
Did you get daniel at the pet store? Thats so cool.
Nope, I got him off the door to the grow room (he wanted in!). He is one of the flying (long winged) variety and it is quite surprising how good of flyers they are, unlike beetles and other large insects that just fly until they hit something. I like that idea with the milk, I will have to read up on that. My grow isn't 100% organic, but I manage where I can. I will be transplanting from these three gallon pots to 5 gallon pots with Fox Farms Ocean Forest in a week or so, right before I start flower.

technical dan

Active Member
your mantis buddy is badass. everything looks good. consider some perlite for your soil it helps lower the substrate density and holds/ releases water esp if you will be moving into ffof. ffof settles as the grow goes and becomes quite packed and dense.... perlite. Im also gonna say that you should mix in 1/4 to 1/3 blackgold into the ffof before transplant. ffof has a lot of nutes in it and could burn your plants at first till they adjust to and use the higher nute content going from a low one in the black gold.


Well-Known Member
your mantis buddy is badass. everything looks good. consider some perlite for your soil it helps lower the substrate density and holds/ releases water esp if you will be moving into ffof. ffof settles as the grow goes and becomes quite packed and dense.... perlite. Im also gonna say that you should mix in 1/4 to 1/3 blackgold into the ffof before transplant. ffof has a lot of nutes in it and could burn your plants at first till they adjust to and use the higher nute content going from a low one in the black gold.
Thanks for the tip on the Fox Farms. I'll have to pick up some perlite this week.


Active Member
I keep a tiny box for long term clone storage. I personally like cfl over long tubes. I also like focusing hot spots and rotating plants. Flouro tubes will very evenly disperse the light. Cost way more. You can build a nice cfl fixture if you hang out in home depot for a bit.
I once built a 350 watt fixture for under 40 bucks with dual red and blue bulbs and cheap aluminum pan reflector I grew a dozen different tropicals in my living room with it. Still using all the pieces.


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'm putting off flowering until this weekend. Going to go with 10 gallon pots instead of five. Merely because they will be easier to transplant into. I also want to figure out what is causing this droopiness. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!image.jpg
The droopiness comes and goes, not sure what keeps fixing it.
Edit: sorry for the rotated pic, on my iPhone.


Well-Known Member
I keep a tiny box for long term clone storage. I personally like cfl over long tubes. I also like focusing hot spots and rotating plants. Flouro tubes will very evenly disperse the light. Cost way more. You can build a nice cfl fixture if you hang out in home depot for a bit.
I once built a 350 watt fixture for under 40 bucks with dual red and blue bulbs and cheap aluminum pan reflector I grew a dozen different tropicals in my living room with it. Still using all the pieces.
View attachment 2829842
you say you keep a tiny box for long term clone storage...how do you keep them from outgrowing it? My clones are skyrocketing...


Active Member
My clones are on 24 hour light.
But I keep them cold (under 70) and with only 36 watts of red cfl light.
They are starting to grow a little too fast. But there is nothing wrong with cutting them back 50-75%.
As long as they have time to recover.
I water them every 10 days or so. They are in 6" square pots.
Never need food really.
I wish I had a veg room But this works.
Once they have been eased into the HID they will explode.
I made it out of a 2' book shelf at walmart for 20 bucks.


Active Member
Looks like I'm putting off flowering until this weekend. Going to go with 10 gallon pots instead of five. Merely because they will be easier to transplant into. I also want to figure out what is causing this droopiness. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!View attachment 2834579
The droopiness comes and goes, not sure what keeps fixing it.
Edit: sorry for the rotated pic, on my iPhone.
I notice excess nitrogen. Dark green claw on lower growth.
It looks like over water to be honest..
It is really hard to say. They are not mine. I dont check them everyday like you do or I do on my own.
The way they change through the day might be your key to figureing it out.
Put some of them directly under light and some away from the light and see how they respond. Or maybe it is colt temps?
Speculation is the devil.
And listening to other people's speculation has ruined my shit a couple times.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted to 15g pots in Botanicare ReadyGrow soilless mix. Got a bunch of reflective insulation, additional lighting and other materials for finishing it off with an attached veg room. Cut clones ready to break in the new veg room. Fimmed clone is doing great (looks like SIX new shoots!). Also, just picked up a PAX vaporizer and so far I am impressed. I started stone cold sober and packed a light bowl. Smoked well on medium heat and got pretty medicated. It was somehow different...happier is how I'd describe it.




Well-Known Member
Turns out the problem was they were really root bound. Didn't think I had to worry about that in 3 gallon pots. Also picked up a Hanna Combo Tester and a moisture meter. I'll review them when I've give them some good use.


Well-Known Member
Got most of the veg room put up, just some finishing touches and it's done! I will take some pics as soon as the lights come on. Here are some random pics in the meantime...

Pistils getting plump on the White Out:


FIMmed clone update:




Well-Known Member
Got some work done on the rooms...

Put up some Reflectix to help prepare for winter and put up the light in the veg room. All I need to do really before I can take a breath is put up a divider to keep out the light. The Gee Love is flowering very fast! Here are some progress pics:
