Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
legalize it (i mean gay marrige)

i do NOT see ANY reasons not to, they wanna get married? let em.
its not like ill ever know or actually be harmed by it in any way?
i can see why people don't like gay people, but the issue here is not about if theyre aloud to be gay or not, its if theyre aloud to get married...

marriage is when 2 people decide to legally bond... thats it...
has nothing to do with "religion"

so why would it bother anyone? its not like you know...

as for the people on here that are against gay-marrige.
the weed situation is actually not much diffrent so why cant you understand?


Well-Known Member
This is the first article I've ever seen on a church backing same sex marriage.
If I see more and more of this happening across the globe, then I would change the way I think about same sex marriage, and agree. But that's only one church.

Maybe that's what homosexuals should do is to try to get churches to accept gay marriage. If homosexuals can get religion to support same sex marriage. Then the govenment would probably accept it and legalize it.
and that's why modern religion is so fucked up. you don't follow the church, that's what christ revelations and enlighten yourself as to what happens to the 7 churches in the christian end times..just stick to your scriptures, not your preachers


Well-Known Member
and that's why modern religion is so fucked up. you don't follow the church, that's what christ revelations and enlighten yourself as to what happens to the 7 churches in the christian end times..just stick to your scriptures, not your preachers
And the scriptures are perfect and set a wonderful example for the world at large.

Whether or not the words were inspired by God, the Bible was still written by people ... and people are flawed in thought, word and deed. Not to say they didn't have the best of intentions ... but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Fuck Revelations. I'm with the Jews on this one.


Well-Known Member
OK Before i start,im not slamming anyone its just my opinion.Most women have bi sexual tendencies,awesome.Ive always held women on a pedestal Ultimate beauty.Two women are even better.But c-mon two dudes.A fucking swordfight lol.And of course the desease thats spread multiple deseases.Read that the aaverage homo dude ingests pounds of human shit in there lifetime.Thats just fuckin gross.Just my opinion [dont be hatin]:blsmoke:


Active Member
I am so glad to read such positive posts regarding this issue...... Most people have so much hateful negativity towards the gay community it's sickening! Well as most gays and their supporters already know, those who have to judge, those are the biggest closet cases goin. They want to take the focus off themselves, so no one knows they are. If everyone would just allow people to live their lives-"LIVE and LET LIVE' -this world would be a much better place. People just focus on how someone else is living their lives, when we really should just be focusing on our own.... and what's in our own closets....We have more important issues in this crazy ole' world to deal with, than to worry about who loves who, and sleeps with who.....
I pray for that day when we can live in peace, and not discriminate on others choices and who they are. :peace:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I have to disagree with the unnatural thing. I had two gay cats...not by necessity, but by choice. They loved each other very much. It does occur in nature.
I really feel homosexuality is an unnatural thing, and the more I grow up, the more I see that. Homosexuality is a psyche response to abuse, peer pressure, or some other form of traumatic event in a person's life. Coincidentally, every gay person I've ever known has had an event like that in their past (one of my best friends strips at a gay club in my hometown, so I've met & befriended more than a few.)

I'm not against gay marriage, because marriage is nothing more than a process in the judicial system that ties one spouses bank account to the other, henceforth multiplying the couple's misery. Let people do what they want.

But homosexuality is NOT natural as far as the Human genera goes, and I've yet to read any tests that prove this. Goats, on the otherhand, are the ultimate fudgepackers. Let them get married!


Well-Known Member
if gay marriage is legalized. why not legalize incestual relationships. if a mom and son are in love, and she cant have babies, (tubes tied etc...) and they are both adults, shouldnt they have the same rights as anyone else. this is the logic that has been put forth


Well-Known Member
And the scriptures are perfect and set a wonderful example for the world at large.

Whether or not the words were inspired by God, the Bible was still written by people ... and people are flawed in thought, word and deed. Not to say they didn't have the best of intentions ... but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Fuck Revelations. I'm with the Jews on this one.
I was speaking to BongJuice in a Christian rebuke; I was not declaring the Bible inerrant or the authoritative word of God--I don't believe that. The Jews are wrong and so are the 7DA, the Mormons, etc etc.

As for you Stoney, it is completely natural for homosexuality to happen amongst the lower cognitive species, like sheep. This usually is a reaction to population problems, mental deficiencies, or similar issues. Homosexuality is not necessarily natural in Men; they've discovered a possible Gene related to it, but this is more in line with what we are attracted to, and it's passed down to us from our mother. I forgot the name of it, I think it's Qx128 or some shit. Usually it gets messed up w/ hermaphrodites or some other mutational product of replication


Well-Known Member
As for you Stoney, it is completely natural for homosexuality to happen amongst the lower cognitive species, like sheep. This usually is a reaction to population problems, mental deficiencies, or similar issues.
thats really interesting, this actually relates to the thread about nature and efficeincy that was around a couple of days ago. In nature animals need to be efficient as possible to survive, wasting any energy means genetics wont be passed on. two males or two females mating is ineffecient from a natural perspective, and animals who do do this will quickly die off or their genetics will die off. its natural selection in its purest form. food for thought

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
No, they were perfectly healthy, normal male cats...both of them had plenty of exposure to females.Felix had even bred some females, he just preferred Tu.Tu followed Felix about like he was a god, and yes, I caught them having sex plenty.When I gave Tu away because he would not be housebroken, Felix ran away and never came back.As for lower cognitive species.. there was a study done recently that says cats have the same emotional center in their brain as we just because they don't go out and build towers and try to pretend they're NOT a mammal doesn't mean they can't understand "higher emotions. Most of the things we humans do that we make us believe we're a better,or more cognitive species, if you will, is just arrogance.We are just another part of the food chain.:peace:
I was speaking to BongJuice in a Christian rebuke; I was not declaring the Bible inerrant or the authoritative word of God--I don't believe that. The Jews are wrong and so are the 7DA, the Mormons, etc etc.

As for you Stoney, it is completely natural for homosexuality to happen amongst the lower cognitive species, like sheep. This usually is a reaction to population problems, mental deficiencies, or similar issues. Homosexuality is not necessarily natural in Men; they've discovered a possible Gene related to it, but this is more in line with what we are attracted to, and it's passed down to us from our mother. I forgot the name of it, I think it's Qx128 or some shit. Usually it gets messed up w/ hermaphrodites or some other mutational product of replication
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Well-Known Member
if gay marriage is legalized. why not legalize incestual relationships. if a mom and son are in love, and she cant have babies, (tubes tied etc...) and they are both adults, shouldnt they have the same rights as anyone else. this is the logic that has been put forth
There's that "floodgate" argument again ...

If you legalize marijuana, why not cocaine or heroin? If adults want to do coke or heroin they should be able to ... whether or not it's physically and mentally harmful.

Your likening of gay marriage to incest has seriously offended me. Go back to fucking your mom and keeping your mouth shut.


Well-Known Member
I was speaking to BongJuice in a Christian rebuke; I was not declaring the Bible inerrant or the authoritative word of God--I don't believe that. The Jews are wrong and so are the 7DA, the Mormons, etc etc.

As for you Stoney, it is completely natural for homosexuality to happen amongst the lower cognitive species, like sheep. This usually is a reaction to population problems, mental deficiencies, or similar issues. Homosexuality is not necessarily natural in Men; they've discovered a possible Gene related to it, but this is more in line with what we are attracted to, and it's passed down to us from our mother. I forgot the name of it, I think it's Qx128 or some shit. Usually it gets messed up w/ hermaphrodites or some other mutational product of replication
Sorry for the mix-up there. ^^; I often say "I'm with the Jews on this on this one." in religious debates. My personal religious beliefs are a far cry from Judaism or Christianity of Islam...

Once again, it's not whether it's right or wrong from a genetic standpoint, it's the LEGAL issue here ... the other debate was bound to spring up, but religious/personal beliefs aside...