Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
yeah I'd say you are most likely ignorant ;) whether or not its nature or nurture that cause homosexuality doesnt matter, as a JO already clarified its a legal issue, and legally homos should be allowed to be married, personally I think its nature that causes homosexuality mostly and that most people that argue otherwise are most likely being influenced by religous beliefs
You entitled to your opinion, however misguided it is. Its not nature that generally spurns it, its mostly some type of abuse or trauma.


Well-Known Member
There are two sides to this argument and one is the legality of it and the other is the moral issue. As for the legality of it, it's obvious that the Govt in America is as fkd up as a soup sandwich and anything goes these days (except herbs)..... The religious side is another subject all together. I bartended for many years and went to hundreds of hours of schooling and etc... anyways the two things that were never to allow to be discussed at a bar were politics and religion.....why ? it will cause a major argument. I think we all know each others stand on what we all feel. Like I say, this should have been a poll and not a forum. This forum could go on forever...back and forth. To each their own. Now smoke some dank and forget about it :mrgreen:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
You entitled to your opinion, however misguided it is. Its not nature that generally spurns it, its mostly some type of abuse or trauma.
And you are entitled to your opinion, however misguided it is. You can't say that because some kid had a traumatizing event that he became gay. I know a lot of kids that had normal lives and are gay. It is wired in their DNA...just like us liking a girl with a nice ass is wired in ours. No one knows what makes people or animals gay. They say it's different chemical structures in the brain and that it is a chemical inbalance...but no one REALLY knows. So technically we are all misguided in our beliefe in the cause of homosexuality. It is what it is. If they want to get married...well then let them. Who the fuck are we to tell anyone else anything different..because a book written by old nieve fools says so? Fuck that. Do what you want, when you want. You breathe the same air. Doesn't that makes us one in the same? Religion is a bullshit lie anyway.


Well-Known Member
You entitled to your opinion, however misguided it is. Its not nature that generally spurns it, its mostly some type of abuse or trauma.
and what exaclty makes you say this, do you have study to back this are just pulling this out of your ass and have nothing to base it on


Well-Known Member
And you are entitled to your opinion, however misguided it is. You can't say that because some kid had a traumatizing event that he became gay. I know a lot of kids that had normal lives and are gay. It is wired in their DNA...just like us liking a girl with a nice ass is wired in ours. No one knows what makes people or animals gay. They say it's different chemical structures in the brain and that it is a chemical inbalance...but no one REALLY knows. So technically we are all misguided in our beliefe in the cause of homosexuality. It is what it is. If they want to get married...well then let them. Who the fuck are we to tell anyone else anything different..because a book written by old nieve fools says so? Fuck that. Do what you want, when you want. You breathe the same air. Doesn't that makes us one in the same? Religion is a bullshit lie anyway.
There is genetic attraction (pheromone connection), and then there is psyche induced attraction (upbringing related--often connected to familial relations, societal interaction, etc). Sorry, we are not hardwired to be homosexual. It happens, again, through some event. If there is a solid stable of testing that has scientifically proven otherwise to a rather almost-non-reasonable doubt, I'll shut me trap.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
There is genetic attraction (pheromone connection), and then there is psyche induced attraction (upbringing related--often connected to familial relations, societal interaction, etc). Sorry, we are not hardwired to be homosexual. It happens, again, through some event. If there is a solid stable of testing that has scientifically proven otherwise to a rather almost-non-reasonable doubt, I'll shut me trap.

I am not saying we are all wired to be gay. I am saying people that are gay are gay because it is what they are attracted to. It is how they developed in the womb. You cant say because a kid was smacked in his face with celery a few times as a child that he grew to hate celery. His taste "buds" just send signals to his brain that he doesn't like it. There was no event that put that into motion...except evolution. To be one knows shit about anything relating to the cause of homosexualuty. Everything is specualtion at this point. We have no evidence to back up yours..or my point. Kids are gay when they are younger it's just that they just don't have anyone to be gay with at 8...except Michael Jackson of course! ZINGER!!! They just don't know what it is or how to express it till they age and mature and develope an understanding as to what their likes and dislikes truely are. Your born gay...or your born straight. Ask any gay person as to why they like what they like...the don't know..they just do. The same reason you like bitches. You just do. Who gives a shit as to why. It happens. Life goes on.
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Well-Known Member
well i tell you what...

our rights are interconnected into a big chain. you take one persons rights away you just open the door for the government to take even more of yours away.

whats next

blacks arent gonna be able to vote anymore?
lets send arabians into concentration camps.
lets exterminate some jews while we're at it eh chief!


Well-Known Member
You entitled to your opinion, however misguided it is. Its not nature that generally spurns it, its mostly some type of abuse or trauma.
Perhaps a lot of it is spawned by trauma (as you said in an earlier post, extreme fetishes are influenced by it) ... but in my case, it wasn't. I've been drawn to women for as far back as I can remember. Kindergarten, even.

The point of this thread wasn't to fight about what causes homosexuality or whether it's nature or nurture or whatever... it's mostly about whether or not the government has any right to deny people the right, and if they DO deny the right ... who or what influences that.

In this case, it's an influence of religious parties on the government (for the most part).

Funny thing is ... I don't want to get married. XD But if I did ... I don't think the government should tell me I can't.


Well-Known Member
well i tell you what...

our rights are interconnected into a big chain. you take one persons rights away you just open the door for the government to take even more of yours away.
THAT is exactly my point. ^^ Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.


Well-Known Member
I'm a lesbian and i rather see my state legalize marijuana than gay marriage. Marriage is overrated period.


Well-Known Member
yeah I'd say you are most likely ignorant ;) whether or not its nature or nurture that cause homosexuality doesnt matter, as a JO already clarified its a legal issue, and legally homos should be allowed to be married, personally I think its nature that causes homosexuality mostly and that most people that argue otherwise are most likely being influenced by religous beliefs
Hey! Don't call ZenMaster ignorant. ;) Ignorance plays a big part in the initiative to make it illegal, but ZM is definitely not ignorant for holding the belief.

Even though the phrase makes me roll my eyes and want to punch infants, the chant "We're here, we're queer, get used to it!" has some merit. Homosexuals won't go away if you try to oppress them and deny them rights. They'll just get louder and increasingly annoying. So ... let 'em have their cake and eat it too. Maybe then we'll STFU. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm a lesbian and i rather see my state legalize marijuana than gay marriage. Marriage is overrated period.
It's illegal in my state already. >.>; Marriage is overrated in many ways ... but I'm not gonna stop willing participants from taking the plunge, ya dig?


Well-Known Member
It's illegal in my state already. >.>; Marriage is overrated in many ways ... but I'm not gonna stop willing participants from taking the plunge, ya dig?

ya i totally dig that. i was speaking for myself. im not against other gays wanting to take the plunge, i just hope they dont abuse it. like get married just because it's legal. divorces can't be fun or cheap. ahh im baked.

im on your side. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think anybody who wants to get married should be able to,although I can't fathom why anybody would want to.:roll:


New Member
i was watching the news:

they performed 200 weddings an hour in san fransico from 8am to 8pm today.

they showed 4 couples. all men. 17 years together, 23 years together, 27 years together and 35 years together.
YOu would think two men would have more sense.


Well-Known Member
This is the first article I've ever seen on a church backing same sex marriage.
If I see more and more of this happening across the globe, then I would change the way I think about same sex marriage, and agree. But that's only one church.

Maybe that's what homosexuals should do is to try to get churches to accept gay marriage. If homosexuals can get religion to support same sex marriage. Then the govenment would probably accept it and legalize it.