Active Member
Ok I understand there are still some white pistols they come and go in spurts, the trics are damn near all cloudy with some clear/amber mixed in below will be a crap ton of pics, I dont have anything but 2 androids (GPS Location is off btw) and 1 camera so there is a mix of different pics. Also if they are or are not ready what do you guys think of my first grow? I germinated this bagseed May 4th, planted it May 6th. I switched to flowering June 21st. Its all under 100% CFL's 138 watts total directly on her, 92 watts on another plant close by maybe 8-12iches away so not much but a little extra light from that. In MG Soil (I understand its MG but havnt had many issues) I also used MG ferts on her feeding her every or every other watering, just depended on what the plant looked like it needed.