Wild's 1000W Brainstorm Grow


Hi guys thought i would share my current grow with you all.

Plants: Dutch Passions Feminized Brainstorm 15 plants from seed.

5x5x7 Secret jardin Dark Room tent
18 Site hybrid DWC/Drip table
Silverstar 4XL air cooled Hood
4' Fan and Filter
6' Fan to cool hood
1000W Lumatek HPS Bulb on Lumatek Air-cooled Ballast

AN Micro,Grow and Bloom
AN Big Bud
AN Bud Candy
AN Piranha
AN Voodoo Juice
AN OverDrive

Currently i am at day 22 of flower, Plants Exploded&stretched in week 2-3 so much that after i took the following pics i had to cut some of the tops off to make room so the light can still be raised/lowered a bit. Thats what i get for flowering a XL in height strain at 12 inches...also since they are all from seed their growth was uneven, about 5 of the plants didn't grow a whole lot while the rest took off. I also have included a pic of my Mother plant which i will be taking clones from for the next batch after this ones done, that should solve the uneven growth for the next crop.

I changed the water yesterday and took these pics then. Nute amounts as follows

135ml each of Micro,grow and bloom in 9 Gallons of water.
70ml of Big Bud
70ml of Bud Candy
ppm is approx. 1100
Ph stabilized to 5.8 without adjusting in RO'd water.

Sorry for the poor quality pics, all i have is my Iphone4's camera atm.
I'll try to update every Wednesday or Thursday.
Cheers! :)


Well-Known Member
Slick Setup M8. :weed:

Many thanx for the share. :eyesmoke:

Peace and Great Grows


PS - Welcome to the Madhouse bongsmilie



Day 28 of flower
Seems i got a little leaf tip burn over the last week, so i dialed back the nutes a bit this week. Flowers are starting to get crystals, and they smell really nice, sorta citrus,cotton candy kinda smell...They seemed to have stopped stretching, though a couple tops had hit the light and were getting burned so i can to cut them off. :( Still all in all its looking good. Though my next round will be much better as now i know how they grow.

115ml each of Micro,Grow and Bloom
70ml of BigBud
70ml of Bud Candy
ppm is at 850
PH is 5.6

Sorry for the poor pics, still need to get a good camera.

Till next week!


Active Member
Wonderful set up man!
How are you liking the Secret Jardin? Im on my first grow using my 3x3 Twin and its a beast.
I noticed you got your plants somewhat tied down but If I may suggest; Put the largest plants on the outsides/corners and put the smallest in the middle of the tent. It assures they are the ones getting the most light and the big ones stay out of the way but still get good light.


that is one nice looking grow!
thanks man! :)

Wonderful set up man!
How are you liking the Secret Jardin? Im on my first grow using my 3x3 Twin and its a beast.
I noticed you got your plants somewhat tied down but If I may suggest; Put the largest plants on the outsides/corners and put the smallest in the middle of the tent. It assures they are the ones getting the most light and the big ones stay out of the way but still get good light.
I love my SJ Darkroom, its a great tent, i've had it for four years and its still going strong! As for the plants, they cannot be moved, they are in a dwc/drip hydro table and once there in it would be too much of a shock to the ladies to try to move them around as all their roots are tangled together in the res. None are actually tied down either,just a trellis there to give them support if they get too top heavy. i started from seed and some just took off while others didn't after they where put into the table. I kinda knew this would happen, it happened the last time i started from seed as well. I'm doing one more batch of Brainstorm after this is ones done and they will all be clones from the same mom so that will solve the uneven growth.

I'll be doing a pic update tomorrow night! keep an eye out!



Sorry i haven't updated lately, had some serious nute burn couple weeks ago and its depressing. lol The following pics are from the 9th, day 35 of flower, you can see my ladies are in pain, i flushed the table and refilled with 1/2 strength nutes, the following week they seemed to be doing better, though the burn definitely added a week or 10 days to flower time. Seems this strain is very nute sensitive, i did a water change on the 16th and dialed back the nutes to 1/3rd strength until they fully recover. I'll post proper update on wed the 23rd with more pics, finally got a decent camera.


Nute burn :(

On a side note i decided to upgrade my system to a slightly larger Aeroponic setup for my grow after the next one, just ordered a Botanicare 4 tray, 24 site aerojet...really pumped to get this baby running, though it could take up to a month for it too arrive since it has to be shipped by freight...


Well i went to my grow space today, plants are doing better, though still recovering, but atleast there was noticeable bud growth this time, they still look rough, but are growing again, and are probably 3 weeks away at best. I still am considering just chucking them and waiting for the clones i just took to root and start over. I took a pic with my phone, forgot my decent camera. as for the nutes i dialed them back some more so the ppm is around 300, next week i may bump it up some if they have continued to improve.


Oh heres a pic of the 34 clones my Brain Storm mom gave me, i also cleaned out my mom's DWC unit and started to germ a Next Gen's Grape God seed for a new mother. I stocked for the GG herd so many good review of this strain...


10/30/2013 Update
Sorry no pics with this update, forgot my camera when i went to my grow space. Plants are looking better, more growth, but the flower time did suffer a bit from the nute burn. I'm guessing 10-14 days left, but we will see. All my clones have started to show roots, well 33 outta 34, one got crushed when my cfl fell onto them. Still using 1/4 strength nutes, water ph'd to 5.7 without adjusting. Pics next week i promise!


Buuuump! how's it looking?
Won't know till i get there tomorrow or sometime this weekend, though my friend who i am partnered with for this one says they are doing better, should only be a week away from finishing, but the nute burn slowed things up. On another note, i got my new tent, a 4.5x9x7 footer setup in my place with my new aerojet in it, just finished testing the plumbing, its all working so i'm real happy. I sold my buddy the table we are using right now, 18 site DWC and my 5x5x7 tent so as soon as this crops done i'm bring my hood and 1000w back here to put into my new tent. I'll update with pics by this weekend for the flower tent. Heres a pic of the new system...



Well i went to look in on the plants today, not alot of fattening going on, which is disappointing, since we can only let them go until next Wednesday and then they HAVE to come down. This round had problems from the start, mostly logistical, then the outta control stretch, and finally the nute burn slowed flower by at least 2 weeks. Unfortunately because my clones need to be put into a system by next friday we have to chop these down on Wednesday. Its a shame, but in truth they might never have fully recovered from the burn. So we decided to chop next week, i'm going to take my half and probably make hash outta it. Disappointing, but i'd rather get focused on my next batch, i should have the new tent fully setup by Friday and my clones in and going. I took a couple pics today and i will post those now, i'll take a few more next week b4 and after we cut them down.



Ok well we chopped them down, even though they needed another 10 days, timing just didn't work out and need to start the next round. Anyways they turned out better than i thought they would, so thats a plus. Heres a pic of a bud i brought home with me the other day and have been drying it out in a paper bag. I'll post some more final pics and thoughts on Sunday when i go to collect my share.


Well-Known Member
Hola mate ....

See your going with a more Sativa strain ......

have ver you grown it before ?


Hola mate ....

See your going with a more Sativa strain ......

have ver you grown it before ?
Yep, i grew it a number of years ago, i prefer sativas myself, though i'm switching to GrapeGod, a mostly indica strain after my next run of brainstorm.


Well-Known Member
Yep, i grew it a number of years ago, i prefer sativas myself, though i'm switching to GrapeGod, a mostly indica strain after my next run of brainstorm.

Hi mate ...

sorry that post was meant for your other journal, I like my Indicas but not to heavy .....

Hows your baby's getting on ?