Will do not too sure about how attitude is going to work out :'( one of my orders still says the same shit and has been stuck at processed through isc since the 4th. Sent the tude an email about the order I did receive and havn't herd anything back yet.great news. That sounds like a fine cross.
Let us know how the Attitude thing works out.
Good luck,
Yeah I'm sure they will,not in any rush now. I just remeber reading another post of a memeber who was warning about the tude and seizures, but I said fuk it and Orderd anyways. Sucks they are having these problems now as I really like the tude.Keep in mind the vacation that Attitude took this month.
I am sure that they are working to get back on track.
Good luck.
Yeah in the thread it mentioned DIY, but the ppms might be to low. 20 dollars ain't shit for the right stuff already made.no i meant bug porn... http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7093/7168288399_135a7aae02.jpg
oh and you couldve just used collodial silver spray, it does the same thing.
Let's hope so, still havnt herd anything regarding my order that got pinched, and I believe my other order got the big guy treatment also.Herbies stealth is way better s@h was one week to the day, and the customer service was awesome. I have a reship from the tude just got the email I wonder if they fixed there stealth problem.
That you Sunny?Herbies stealth is way better s@h was one week to the day, and the customer service was awesome. I have a reship from the tude just got the email I wonder if they fixed there stealth problem.
And it begins!