The Main-Lining Thread


Well-Known Member
i just think they look as tho they will pull round from being hacked early and small where as i left my first cut to late which is holding me back for my other cuts then less time to veg as i want them flipped for mid october like 3 weeks today and still need to top for 8 will they recover in time
yhman they should with a 400w mh (you are runnin mh???)

spend half an hour lookin at the finishing time on your plant dude (they're not all gonna finish the same time) get your early finishers cut 1st then go from there...

if you try and rush em its gonna slow you down more bro

why dont ya do 1 or 2 of em for a 4 main-line????

is it for xmas shmoke???


Well-Known Member
i been thinking that i could do the 4 of them for 4 tops as i have 5 plants to go in aswell but they are just rooted clones a auto and a white widow fem that i have just topped there under the cfl il get sum pics of them up later


Well-Known Member
rr no haha 5 under the 400mh that have been chopped for the 4 the pics u have seen, but they only been under the 400 since last sunday not even 2 weeks.. i started them in august under the 250cfl i think i should got them under the mh quicker


Well-Known Member
oh lol id say you've got enough time but havent grown under hid's yet so dunno how fast they'll get back on it

if you got 3 week and most topped for 4 already dont worry

heres a little song i wrote.... i gonna sing it note for note ..... dont worry...... be happy .. lol

any1 else wanna weigh in and help assure BUD here


Well-Known Member
I will get them bent over a bit today with summit that will keep them down and see if I can cut for 8 by sunday then if not il go with 4 on each and fill up with a few smaller ones


Well-Known Member
I will get them bent over a bit today with summit that will keep them down and see if I can cut for 8 by sunday then if not il go with 4 on each and fill up with a few smaller ones
or like i suggested do a couple for 4 and the rest when they ready..
have you got a sepperate veg/flower areas????


Well-Known Member
let a couple of you 4's rest and veg a for a bit then whack them fukers in ya flower room
then just carry on for the 8's

stop worrying lol

my final suggestion lolz

my xmas smokes under a 13w cfl lol for fuk knows how long til this big twats done (considerin killin it but i dunno)


Well-Known Member
Haha I will see how the go, I will no how to change next time I still have few pips to try with before I buy 1 strian to do a few of
the first top was too early i think. I topped her when the 4th axial limb wasn't fully formed and she quit growing for a few days, but recovered nicely i think. I would wait until the limb above the one you want to save is fully formed, but that's just what I've experienced so far. The last top i did (3rd) she recovered the next day. i bought a GH GoBox and will start next week. so far nothing but plain water not even ROed.


Well-Known Member
I have stripped them down now and just gona veg for 3 weeks with 4 heads each, i have a few others that will fill up the space round the tent that are only couple inch tall now that i will veg for 3 week under 400 and flower for xmas



Well-Known Member
Lol just wanted to say that I veg my 1 mainline at a time under 2 26cfls and then put her under a 400w for 2 weeks before flowering all of my training is done under those 2 cfls in a 3/4 gallon pot


Well-Known Member
Couple of pics from 9/26

Q2 side and top

Three clones taken from Q1 during the 9/16 trimming

Q1 clone the sexiest one. Top and side

20130926_174526.jpg20130927_085925.jpg So dense and tight.

Peace out,



Well-Known Member
I did most of my veg under CFL's, going to continue this method, as soon as these go 12/12 I will be starting next grow from seed under CFL's.

Here is Q2 that I tied back down today. Did both Q1 & Q2, that should be the last tie down until I get into flowering.


Peace out, GR


Well-Known Member
I used four very long T-8s to light my Veg closet.

This is 128 W but I use the entirety of a long cloths closet
and can Veg as well and sprout and clone. (it could be bigger ;0)

Good luck Buds.



Well-Known Member
I believe so, and the T-8s are more efficient in some fashion, than other tubes, IIRC.

They were a tad expensive, but I already had them for mycological purposes. :0)


P.S. This might have been what I was recalling:
Use linear fluorescent fixtures with T-8 lamps and electronic ballasts. These use 25% less energy than old fashion T-12 fluorescent lamps and electromagnetic ballasts.