
Well-Known Member
yeah man, i'm in wales and it is utterly BARE of any greens, you can get squigy black no probs but greens or solids you got no chance, it's mainly because of the airports I reckon, well that's what i've been told... but god damn i've never seen it this dry it's terrible.


Well-Known Member
Shit... completely gone off it there, smoking a mix of cheese leaves and bud.
Anyway the famine is a good thing because it will encourage more people to grow, for far too long we have relied on Dutch imports, oft contaminated with powders, water and even heavy metals. Suddenly there's a lot more cash to be made. Cheese can go for a tenner a gramme. Let's kick the Dutch into touch, say we don't want your poxy weed, shove it up your...
that's the only reason i've just started growing mate, too fuckin dry down here to do shit, may aswell grow your own which is why im going for dem lowryder cunts aswell cuz it's a quick easy solution, should have a smoke by xmas lol :)

Jingle bells :)

Paul out.


Active Member
I think I might try and grow some soon. Gotta do the research first and some links here will help. I managed to only go 1 day without weed thanks to a mate who stockpiles a personal supply but will give it out when needed, and then I managed to score an eighth the next day so all is good. I've seriously tried 20+ people before getting this stuff in and one of my mates who uses a completely diff set of dealers had no luck with a similar number of peeps.

There is a drought on no doubt, but it's still out there, you just gotta persist. And like Skunkushybrid said, once the national crime stats 'go down' we'll see a nice influx of cheese. I tell you what though, ever since I've heard there was a drought on I've smoked nothing but quality shit, so if anything can be gained from this is that I've smoked better stuff because of it :mrgreen:


New Member
Big Z, I can't get shit again now. Just had to buy an 8th for myself. I've got people on the verge of tears coming to my door asking for bud. I suppose it doesn't help me saying no while blowing out a waft of smoke. They don't believe me, they think that I keep like an ounce or two back for personal. Maybe a Q, which I did this time, but now the drought is back.


Active Member
I'm alright at the mo but have started scoring some before I run out so it gives me a couple of days to play with. Scored a Q last night of some alright stuff, the problem is I have about 20 different ways to score ganj at the mo but only one of em is good at the moment. Plus I heard that the rozzas are raiding loads of ganja farms too in a big 2 week op. Aren't there plenty of murderers and paedos out there that need busting?

jacgrass - cheese is good ganj - i.e. The Cheese

It should be a few days before I score some again but I hope I don't hit another dead end.



New Member
Yeah, I read that in the paper too. They are aware there's a shortage of weed, probably because violent crime has risen, and are trying to frighten us into not cultivating.

They've caught Vietnamese men growing in several different locations. The others are probably grassing on their mates and that's where these definite raids are going to come from.

The police are the ones who sent this report to the newspapers, why warn someone you are going to kill next week? Just like CCTV that report is designed to frighten you into behaving yourself.

Fuck 'em. All they can do is lock you up. Then if you got caught through some silly mistake like telling too many people you'd have a bit of time to think about how to rectify that mistake next time.

Charlie. [newb]

Active Member
Mm or maybe there saying its next week to get everyone behaving then wen they realise the police wer bluffing going back to normal the week after.

the police could start doing raids the week after to catch people off guard.

eh i dont know

big buddy

Active Member
cant get smoke anywhere in northern ireland at the mo, most people get the day boat to scotland to pick some up, mainly because the paramilitaries have stopped dealing here and will not take kindly to others trying to start, most people are too fond of their knee caps to try it, count yourself lucky englanders!


New Member
More like count yourself unlucky. I can't believe the para's still have such a grip on your country. I feel for you stoners over there. grow it yourself, but whatever you do, don't get bloody caught!


New Member
Just picked up an oz of cheese. It's a little fresh but I've just smoked a spliff and my head's gone awol. VIVA LA CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
In leicester, dry as hell this week, cant seem to get anything off anyone!! Was fine last week, been three days, am gasping. Think it must be knock on effect from all raids. Bastards! Coz obviously we're all out on the streets scrappin with each other, just like the effing lager louts!


New Member
LoL. Omega. We rely too much on Dutch import and the ports are security tight because of the terrorists. It's all about control, George Orwell is proved more right with each passing year.

Who is it we're at war with now? Who are we supposed to like/dislike now? I really don't know till I read it in the newspaper.

By the way, Omega. Do you like football? Real football, the one where you're supposed to kick the ball with your feet?


Well-Known Member
careful skunky, could be a Narc. I've found you deal with people you know and make sure they haven't been busted lately, as the cops try and turn them into Rats to give them a break. Good friends tend to not be so good if their looking at 10-20 years of jail time. Even better than friends are relatives. Just my opinion and I haven't been busted in 30 years! Got busted once with a mail shipment from a friend of a friend, never again! If I don't know you and have not known you for a long time, no deals! By the way, what the hell is cheeze? A dumb yank! Wait a minute, "real football". Put your guys on the line in an American football game and it would be mayhem, could anyone even catch a forty mile an hour pass over their back without looking, there's a lot of skill to American football, whereas all you brits do is run around the field kicking the ball. No comparisson, you guys need to learn Yankee ball! I'm sure to catch some flack on this!


New Member
Excuse me? You're not questioning my loyalty to the cause are you? Narc? Didn't quite understand that bit.

Cheese is some pucka, dank bud grown plenty in England. It's said that you can't get it in seed form, only clones as there is no male plant. Don't know how true this is but it's listed in the strain review forum on this site. It's the strongest bud I've ever smoked and I've smoked AK47. I remember having a conversation with an American on my chess site, my saying that cheese is the strongest and him never having heard of cheese declared AK' to be the strongest. I'd explain the high to you but it would be impossible to put into words. Maybe the next time I get some I'll run you through how I'm feeling. Just picked up some no.1 and this shit's quite nice too as it goes.

Anyway, one word for you mate: RUGBY. No faggotty pads, just broken noses and cauliflour ears. Football is a game of intense skill and tactics. I also see the skill involved in American football too. I just meant that it's actually called football so you should use your feet. You should have called it American rugby. Then we could really laugh at you.


Well-Known Member
Now thats a different game, plenty of scuffle. Seems to me (opinion only) if the players had any smarts, they'd wear same sort of protection, or otherwise they might as well just go out and duke it out in a gang fight. Come to think of it, thats pretty much what it is anyway, they just throw in a ball and a couple a goalposts. Geeze, pass the cheeze, please. I find the Brits to be pretty violent people (commoners anyway) at sporting events, soccer and rugby for example. They have riots in the streets, sort of like our football fans after a big win, and what was that post about a general protest once in a while, where you all go into the streets and riot and break windows and such. How the hell did we ever win the war of independence?


New Member
you didn't win, we gave it back to you. We had other interests in India and that Napoleon was always a threat. Not to mention the spanish, the prussian, the russian, czec's even the italians and of course the irish. We imagined we could crush your rebellion with fewer numbers, maybe at first and once we realised we couldn't we found that economically at the time it wasn't worth reinforcing.


Well-Known Member
LoL. Omega. We rely too much on Dutch import and the ports are security tight because of the terrorists. It's all about control, George Orwell is proved more right with each passing year.

Who is it we're at war with now? Who are we supposed to like/dislike now? I really don't know till I read it in the newspaper.

By the way, Omega. Do you like football? Real football, the one where you're supposed to kick the ball with your feet?
I know what u mean m8 it really sucks, one of these days UK will turn out just like USA > prisioners in your own country....and yes i LOVE football...Benfica is my team and we just lost 0-1 against ManUtd (wankers):spew: