Who think bong water would be good to water with???


Active Member
I have been tryin to come up with several new ideas and creative ways to grow and it crossed my mind that bong mater might have extra THC in it that would be good for the plant. Because we all know it aint the same water when your done with it, it taste like shit and stinks in a small way. Anyone tried it yet???? Any advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I have been tryin to come up with several new ideas and creative ways to grow and it crossed my mind that bong mater might have extra THC in it that would be good for the plant. Because we all know it aint the same water when your done with it, it taste like shit and stinks in a small way. Anyone tried it yet???? Any advice would be appreciated.

does this answer your question?:peace:


Well-Known Member
Why would THC be good for the plant? Sure it get YOU high, but its not like it takes THC to make THC. Its A LOT more complicated process than that. Just treat your plants right, and they will reward you.

I've heard lots of crazy suggestions about increasing yields / potency, but the crazy ones never work.


Well-Known Member
Fertilizer doesnt smell good either, it dont gotta be pleasant to work. If you can use piss in your organic fertilizer then bong water might work too.
Piss had Nitrogen in it which is why you CAN use it as a fertilizer, but its not suggested. Your logic is flawed. It seems that you think fertilizers work cause they smell bad, therefore other stuff that smells bad must work too.


Well-Known Member
bong water is a filter to trap unwanted nasty sheit just don't think you want to put watse of that type back into the soil. but if you get bugs you can use some tobacco to get rid of them.


Well-Known Member
bong water is a filter to trap unwanted nasty shit
Exactly, bong water contains ZERO(0) THC. THC is NOT water soluble, the water filters out the rest of the plant for a cleaner hit(usually why you cough alot more), like carbon and what not. The bong water is full of things the plant doesn't need. In other words, don't do it.:leaf: