My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
I generally hate to be crude (ball faced lie) but I have to say that when I am checking my room these days I get a instant chubbie!!!!! There is some serous budding going on!!!!! I don't have enough experience growing to know if this is just a expected growth spurt but I suspect it is.. either way I FUCKING love it!!!! I know I have way better gratification coming but this to me is very validating!! I love the way they look! ok enough sucking my own----..

I know there are still signs of stress but for my rookie run that is just going to have to be... doesn't seem to be keeping things from budding.. and Im still trying to be diligent in keeping up my rez... Your right grn I do need to start doing some support branches are already starting to sag a lil... The plant I was so needlsy cruel to seems to be doing ok. the leaves show the stress but it is still producing...
ok enough stoned babble

now for the porn

this is the smallest of the three

This is the top cola of the plant I abused

You can see the top cola shooting off to the left in the pic below

When I germinated I thought I was germin one strain but I don't think the plant in the pics to follow are the same... Not for a second do I think their the same... what do yall think? BTW this mutha is a beast!

hows the porn DB?:blsmoke:
deff. looks Tha Bomb

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
wow some serious bud production... wow... your stems are thick, and those limbs are perky as hell... i am impressed, thats all natural- no direct topping right? damn... I hope mine are that good- wow...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
You and your bushy plants make me jealous. My untopped plant is the shape of christmas tree but all your lower buds became upper buds like a menorah, lol. What's the smell like? Mine's still like funky cantaloupe.


Well-Known Member
You and your bushy plants make me jealous. My untopped plant is the shape of christmas tree but all your lower buds became upper buds like a menorah, lol. What's the smell like? Mine's still like funky cantaloupe.
no real smell in there yet.. a lil bit of a herbal smell but no real dankness yet.. of course I do have a GIANT carbon filter in there with a 10 vortex exhaust fan..


Well-Known Member
Cloned Yest. Mister.... Still Finding Hands. G' U Made At, Me Aint Seen U In Me J' For A While, Both Of U For That Matter.... ??? G' Pm Coming At U.!!!
Mary I Would Like To Talk Book With U. I Know Your Time Is Limited So Maybe A Little Pm, Action....we Both Have The Same Book And I Would Like To Pic Your Brain....!!! Db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
I check your journal every new posting db... Just don't always have much add and don't wanna be repetitive.. I consider you to be a teacher and keeper of the know how! So always much respect to you! Enough kissing your ass in my own journal~:twisted:
Ive tried a new way of posting, I used a vid and uploaded to utube... tried to go with photobucket so I could embed it here but its to large. The second half of the vid I talk about my plans for my next grow. I would love to hear all your thoughts and ideas on how to use what I have and the space!

I just tried to upload the vid to youtube and its too large.... Ive scrapped it and will do a series of smaller vids and post them here in about a hour.. I wont have a chance to get back here this week prolly....


Well-Known Member
wait, your a guy? :o

doesnt Google video allow much larger file size? i have seen full length movies on Google... take a look.

those plants look good in their habitat :D


Well-Known Member
lol yea Im a guy, check the sig!! I went with google the first time with the large vid and it was to large, so I made several small ones that is just the first one. Im trying to figure out how to edit the second one now, I gotta cut a flash of my face in the mylar out.. Ill be posting the rest here in the next hour or so.. the last one you will be particularly interested in.


Well-Known Member
i deal with video editing for work... if you want to discuss how you are putting the vids together and see if we can make things fit better hit my PM and we can see if there is anything to be done.


Well-Known Member
here is the second vid. I wish I checked for replys, ive been trying to figure out how to get my mug out in photobucket. got it though, thanks any way bfq. here it is, btw this is the plant I tied up and hurt...
