no set recipe yet. ive recently started mycology, if you will, and havent had that many expendable mushrooms to try it out on.
Ive made a few batches and theyve all be a little weak for my taste but i started with a small amount per amount of alcohol so ill just need to beef it up.
But from what i understand... You want a close to 50/50 mix of alcohol to water, so about 100 proof. Doesnt have to be everclear llike they recommend in green dragon. They actually advise against everclear because one of the chemicals is more water soluble and the other more soluble in alcohol.
Id go with about 3.5-7 grams and 3-5 shots worth of alcohol. Dice finely and mix for a few days. keep in a cool and dark place. fridge works fine but its better not to get it too cold or it lowers the solubility of both the chemicals. strain with a loose strainer so you dont trap any goodies.
now depending on the strength, age, and a few other factors of your raw materials you should be able to drink 1/2-2 shots and get where you want to be. Start off slowly. Then work your way up.