The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I delete allme emails through me phone I only left 2 on there which were from local bc so fuck knows!! Justletting u all know ifeel bad enough but dont para the thread again sae they need hard evidence and proof that anything happend and it never did so they aint got shit on any1 but me ok
It was a simple question mate not me stirring things up, chill out a bit

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
No removed from trash fuckin ell imna computer noob but not that bad.i tried to get tor on me phone but woulnt run for sum reason? And my lappy was wiped and reset about a month ago???
If you've got Android.

Orbot (Tor).

Gibberbot (encripted Tor txt).

Orbot on Android works perfect on here (I use it), it's faster than the desktop Tor browser.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Windows desktop also has Pidgin for secure chat over Jabber/XMPP for OTR chat, I think those in contact should get on it for the greater good.

5 mins reading about the software and most will understand what I mean.


Yeh soz if that came across a bit bitchy but I am highly strung at the moment cant relax or fuck all I shouldnt even be on here so ill see ya later lads take it easy. Oh and I aint gonna try and reset cuz u have to put another address in and theyll only crack that fucker aswell the wanking scumbags what hurts the most is what they took from me it kills me inside :(


Well-Known Member
Hope that anyone with any pms email addys or proper addresses has already deleted this info from ther lapptop, if not take a min and do it now. Just saves the fucking hassle don't it. I keep fuckall and I don't think anyone should ave anything of mine so I'm sweet

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Easy lads just a quick one all my email accounts have been taken over by the filth they changed all my passwords n shit the wankers.
Biz if the filth have managed to change your email passwords because they've read your browser history and you've used the "remember my password" thingy (logically the only way they could have changed them), are we safe to assume that they could have read this thread too by doing the same thing?

Have you tried the other account?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
so hows anoob to this shiz go about emailing n msging stuff? do i need a hushmail or similar?
You install Orbot first, that's your Tor browser in effect. With that installed on it's own you can surf the net anon just like desktop Tor browser (little globe in the top right corner).

Then you install Gibberbot, that's the gadget that encrypts your txt/email traffic from your XMPP compatible account (Jabber,Google).

After you've installed those two programs (10 mins tops) you just start Orbot then start Gibberbot, link your account and you're good to go.
It only works if the person you are communicating with is also using the same software though, so all parties who need to communicate anon need them installed and linked too.


Biz if the filth have managed to change your email passwords because they've read your browser history and you've used the "remember my password" thingy (logically the only way they could have changed them), are we safe to assume that they could have read this thread too by doing the same thing?

Have you tried the other account?

Naaaa theve changed em thru my phone there always logged on and u just switch between the 2 accouns so it was so easy for them once they had my phone and just logged into old account so thats all good and all me skype and a copule of otjer things are sound so it looks like its just me emails which is nothing to worry about for anyone..fuckin smart phones

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Naaaa theve changed em thru my phone there always logged on and u just switch between the 2 accouns so it was so easy for them once they had my phone and just logged into old account so thats all good and all me skype and a copule of otjer things are sound so it looks like its just me emails which is nothing to worry about for anyone..fuckin smart phones
Lol, yeah I've got the same thing on mine......:roll:

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Right then I've sussed it (got to double check I've done it proper).

On Android.......

Install "Orbot".

Install "Gibberbot".

Go here and register for an account (through desktop Tor browser).....

Start Orbot, then start Gibberbot, log into Gibberbot with the account details from above.

Job done.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Then how do you send a txt?
it has a send button lol
You install Orbot first, that's your Tor browser in effect. With that installed on it's own you can surf the net anon just like desktop Tor browser (little globe in the top right corner).

Then you install Gibberbot, that's the gadget that encrypts your txt/email traffic from your XMPP compatible account (Jabber,Google).

After you've installed those two programs (10 mins tops) you just start Orbot then start Gibberbot, link your account and you're good to go.
It only works if the person you are communicating with is also using the same software though, so all parties who need to communicate anon need them installed and linked too.
i'll fiddle with it later then i'll look at gibberbot:razz:
I've got a Sensation XE, is your keypad not the same with a bent arrow in the bottom right corner?
just giving me a web page unnavailable bs


Active Member
still haven't finished up with breaking bad had it on the comp for a while now too, just watched episode 13 of this final season, gripper.........

lol how many eppisodes in this season i didnt realise there was 16.