When should I start the fan?


Active Member
Hi all,

I have a small grow ten with two pots.

The auto seedlings are only about 5cm tall. When should I start the fan? Can I start it too soon in the grow cycle?




Well-Known Member
Read a book...use the search bar, either here or on google..that's how I found RIU...I googled a bunch of questions, and most of the answers led me here...Do you want us to hold your hand too...maybe you should actually research what your doing before doing it..:dunce:..cuz damn you would know that first you don't put multiple plants in 1 pot, they will fight for root space...hey we got no problem helping a n00b, hell I'm basically a n00b myself...but damn don't come on here and expect someone to grow your plants for you :wall:


Active Member
I think he meant small.grow TENT with 2 pots where is the reference to.number of plants? I hope he doesnt mean he has 5 plants per.pot, yes that would.not be good. You are right tho, dude use a search bar i researched obsessively over each stage of growing for about 6 months before i started growing. But we are all different.and we here at RIU are here to help each other.....what good is our experience if we arent willing.to share it?


Well-Known Member
I think he meant small.grow TENT with 2 pots where is the reference to.number of plants? I hope he doesnt mean he has 5 plants per.pot, yes that would.not be good. You are right tho, dude use a search bar i researched obsessively over each stage of growing for about 6 months before i started growing. But we are all different.and we here at RIU are here to help each other.....what good is our experience if we arent willing.to share it?
My bad..he may have forgot the T on the end of "ten"...BUT...just like you said WE put the reading time in...I'm all for helping a n00b, I do all the time, but they've read and aren't just throwing some beans in a cup and saying "what do I do next"...
Dude...lol...listen to krypto ^^^^...think of it like this, your fan leaves are like solar panels, no panels, no energy...haha...SO YES YOU NEED THE FAN LEAVES....if you're doing a LST or an HST then you may wana defoliate "a little" to get light to the bud sites, but yeah man you need them, they store the sugars an nutes that the buds will need to grow big...good luck..
BTW...I don't need no rep...I'm just here to learn and pass on what I've learned young padawan...lol...


Active Member
OK smarty. Do a search on RIU like "When should I turn on my fan?". If you get any info worthwhile, let me know.

Have a good day.



Well-Known Member
Tip: monitor your Temp/RH in your tent, and never let it get over 83-84 f.... and.... Good Luck! [start your fans already]


Active Member
OK smarty. Do a search on RIU like "When should I turn on my fan?". If you get any info worthwhile, let me know.

Have a good day.


Just google it then. If the info isnt here on this site it is definitely available elsewhere. Plus the fan situation doea depend on humidity, temps and co2levels i grow outdoor but somehow i know.more about growibg.indoor.than you, and if i didnt i would find the infornation myself and.only ask as a last resort.

"when should i turn on.my.fan" is the not the best way to word ur search. if u need help with wording a search, then you my friend are beyond.help when.it.comes.to growing lol

im startin To think ur a troll.


Well-Known Member
the living plant`s need fresh air/co2 all the time, so run it 24/7

beside fresh air/co2 circulation for your plant`s it will also lower the risk of mold/mildew in there and you also have a chance to keep the temperatures on track

Mr John

Active Member
It's great to share experience but really... when do I turn on the fan. This only the beginning of more basic questions to follow, I mean if the OP asks about a fan, what is next, water, nutes, ph, temps, RH etc...

I believe in researching first then asking, but that's me.


Active Member
Just google it then. If the info isnt here on this site it is definitely available elsewhere. Plus the fan situation doea depend on humidity, temps and co2levels i grow outdoor but somehow i know.more about growibg.indoor.than you, and if i didnt i would find the infornation myself and.only ask as a last resort.

"when should i turn on.my.fan" is the not the best way to word ur search. if u need help with wording a search, then you my friend are beyond.help when.it.comes.to growing lol

im startin To think ur a troll.
If you had bothered to review any of my my previous posts, you would know why I am I'm starting to think you are a juvenile idiot.

Have a good day.


Well-Known Member
OK smarty. Do a search on RIU like "When should I turn on my fan?". If you get any info worthwhile, let me know.

Have a good day.

Google is MY friend...lol...that's how I found this place...it WILL give you the answers you're looking for..


Active Member
If you had bothered to review any of my my previous posts, you would know why I am I'm starting to think you are a juvenile idiot.

Have a good day.
i shouldnt have to search through your other posts to figure out if you are a general idiot, or just being silly with this question. You have given no details whatsoever you cannot expect everyone to go reading through your profile to find out about your specific situation. I refer you to your original question, and the ingenious search term "when.do i turn my.fan on" any search of.this nature is likely to illicit a response along the lines of "whenever you get too hot" or "when you start sweating" or more specific even to growing, "which fan", whi,h by the way you still have not specified.

I started off defending you to some degree in this post, gave you the advice i.could obly assume you were asking for due to lack of detail. Juvenile in mind , yes a little bit. I do know that im not an idiot though. If i were an idiot id be asking questions like when do i turn my fan on duhhhhhhb
Read a book...use the search bar, either here or on google..that's how I found RIU...I googled a bunch of questions, and most of the answers led me here...Do you want us to hold your hand too...maybe you should actually research what your doing before doing it..:dunce:..cuz damn you would know that first you don't put multiple plants in 1 pot, they will fight for root space...hey we got no problem helping a n00b, hell I'm basically a n00b myself...but damn don't come on here and expect someone to grow your plants for you :wall:
Rude!!! Don't listen to the above cranky bastard!! Most peeps are on here to help one another n learn from each other!