Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

Did you have to drill holes in the side of your bucket to attach those wires dirtsrufr?

That's a good idea. I'm gonna have to come up with something like that.
Heres some closer shots.
P1000829.jpgmade from this
P1000830.jpgto look like this. Notice the ends are bent to hold it in the 5 gal. bucket.
P1000831.jpgdoes this help??
123 pages later and I'm finally done... I have only been growing/ researching for about a month now, and I must say once I found the organics section... well I've been hooked.

More than anything I want to thank everyone who contributed to this thread. I enjoyed all the discussions/ debates from beginning to end. Now, my whole concept about growing has changed, as organic seems to be the smartest way to grow. Boy am I tired, so THANK YOU ALL. The organic area has opened my eyes to the way we should be growing, and now back to researching.
10 days from 30 daysflowering 001.jpg10 days from 30 daysflowering 002.jpg10 days from 30 daysflowering 003.jpg here's bat guano aact tea fed sea of seeds freebie in 16 days of flower. Obviously a heavy sat dom strain here, lol lost my label off of it somehow so im guessing its one of my sleestacks? Anyway just wanted to share with the soil food web guys my accomplishments using what ive learned here!
What do you guys think about Myco Gro?
I was thinking about innoculating my AACT, (compost tea) with a pinch of this. Think that is too much?
My recipe for flowering tea is:
1tablespoon all natural molasses
20 drops CaMg+ By general organiocs, or cmparable liquid mineral supplement
1 tabespoon dry, all organic, all purpose fertilizer (with N-P-K ratios close to 5-5-5
1 tablespoon kelp meal
1teaspoon dry high nitrogen bat/bird guano (with npk ratios close to 12-8-2)
1teaspoon dry high phosphorous bat/bird guano (with npk ratios close to 0-5-0 or 1-10-0)
1teaspoon liquid fish fertilizer (with N-P-K ratios close to5-1-1 or 3-3-0.3
1/4 cup Big Bloom by fox farm
1/2 to 1 cup fresh compost or earthworm castings

and my veg tea is:
1tablespoon all natural molasses
1tablespoon kelp meal
1tablespoon alfalfa meal
1tablespoon dry all purpose fertilizer
2teaspoons liquid fish fertilizer
2teaspoons dry-high n bird or bat guano
1teaspoon dry soluble kelp or seaweed
1cup of fresh earthworm castings or fresh healthy compost
1/4 cup composted steer( or composted barnyard)manure

any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Medical Guy- Mycorrhizae fungi do not multiply in an ACT. You would be better off adding the Myco Grow to the root zone when you transplant.

As for your teas, I'm sure they will be fine. IMO, you have it backwards though. You would be better off adding the compost (and molasses) first and bubbling for 24 hours, and then adding the rest of your ingredients and bubbling for an additional 12'ish hours. You will get a good jump on microbial multiplication with the compost and molasses before adding other ingredients because the optimal time for an ACT is 36 hours, and some of the food stocks you are adding may suppress this. Check out this website for some good info.....
Medical Guy- Mycorrhizae fungi do not multiply in an ACT. You would be better off adding the Myco Grow to the root zone when you transplant.

As for your teas, I'm sure they will be fine. IMO, you have it backwards though. You would be better off adding the compost (and molasses) first and bubbling for 24 hours, and then adding the rest of your ingredients and bubbling for an additional 12'ish hours. You will get a good jump on microbial multiplication with the compost and molasses before adding other ingredients because the optimal time for an ACT is 36 hours, and some of the food stocks you are adding may suppress this. Check out this website for some good info.....

Thanks man. I am new to organics. I was a hydro grower for some time. It is kind of exiting to be learning something new again.
What do you guys think about Myco Gro?
I was thinking about innoculating my AACT, (compost tea) with a pinch of this. Think that is too much?
My recipe for flowering tea is:
1tablespoon all natural molasses
20 drops CaMg+ By general organiocs, or cmparable liquid mineral supplement
1 tabespoon dry, all organic, all purpose fertilizer (with N-P-K ratios close to 5-5-5
1 tablespoon kelp meal
1teaspoon dry high nitrogen bat/bird guano (with npk ratios close to 12-8-2)
1teaspoon dry high phosphorous bat/bird guano (with npk ratios close to 0-5-0 or 1-10-0)
1teaspoon liquid fish fertilizer (with N-P-K ratios close to5-1-1 or 3-3-0.3
1/4 cup Big Bloom by fox farm
1/2 to 1 cup fresh compost or earthworm castings

and my veg tea is:
1tablespoon all natural molasses
1tablespoon kelp meal
1tablespoon alfalfa meal
1tablespoon dry all purpose fertilizer
2teaspoons liquid fish fertilizer
2teaspoons dry-high n bird or bat guano
1teaspoon dry soluble kelp or seaweed
1cup of fresh earthworm castings or fresh healthy compost
1/4 cup composted steer( or composted barnyard)manure

any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I see someones been reading The Revs recipes for tea, I use the same mix aswell n it works wonders for me!

  • Hey if I am making teas, which looks like I need and want to do for I am tired of buying organic tea in a bottle and cal/mg, kelp, fish and other similar bottled organic nutrients.

    I really want to get away from buying anything I need to feed my plants that is marketed in a plastic bottle for me to overpay for! PERIOD!

    So anywise I came across this and was thinking.... YEAH BABY YEAH had me a ORGANICISM vision of a tremendous bloom of beneficial microbes nestling comfortably in my soil web...

    Grow On My Friends Grow On

What do you guys think about Myco Gro?
I was thinking about innoculating my AACT, (compost tea) with a pinch of this. Think that is too much?
My recipe for flowering tea is:
1tablespoon all natural molasses
20 drops CaMg+ By general organiocs, or cmparable liquid mineral supplement
1 tabespoon dry, all organic, all purpose fertilizer (with N-P-K ratios close to 5-5-5
1 tablespoon kelp meal
1teaspoon dry high nitrogen bat/bird guano (with npk ratios close to 12-8-2)
1teaspoon dry high phosphorous bat/bird guano (with npk ratios close to 0-5-0 or 1-10-0)
1teaspoon liquid fish fertilizer (with N-P-K ratios close to5-1-1 or 3-3-0.3
1/4 cup Big Bloom by fox farm
1/2 to 1 cup fresh compost or earthworm castings

and my veg tea is:
1tablespoon all natural molasses
1tablespoon kelp meal
1tablespoon alfalfa meal
1tablespoon dry all purpose fertilizer
2teaspoons liquid fish fertilizer
2teaspoons dry-high n bird or bat guano
1teaspoon dry soluble kelp or seaweed
1cup of fresh earthworm castings or fresh healthy compost
1/4 cup composted steer( or composted barnyard)manure

any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You can brew fungi dominate brew. The best way you can do this is to start with a small shovel of soil from a nearby forest or acquire fungi dominant compost.
When you use soil from fungi dominant resource such as a forest as mentioned this will increase diversity and give you a boarder range of beneficial fungi. The soil will act as a biological catalyst an organic activator.

Ensure temps when brewing are 68-70 PERIOD! H20 sans Chloride. Therefore bubble your 5 gallons h20 24 hours prior to adding fungi dominant soil \ compost.
Also you want to give the fungi a head start before adding fungi dominate soil\compost for it will have bacteria in it as well competing in your brew. So moisten some of that fungi dominate soil compost say 1/2 cup in a clean torn up white tea-shirt (pardon the tea pun) or sock, sprinkle fungi food on it, that would be baby oatmeal(simple protien) no dyes in cloth! Sit this in a container in dark no light room temp for 3 to 5 days. Fungi will build bubble this first with
Also when straining tea use 400 micro or paint strainer from hardware store. Do not use pillow cases or other clothing items for they will strain out the good stuff too!
You can also add soluble packaged mychorrhiza when watering with tea as well to add to the number that you obtained by pre growing them with the simple protein. As long as they have food and initially outnumber the bacteria that will outgrow them and compete you should be able to add a good number in your tea.

I would try to keep the receipe very very simple when trying to promote fungi dominate or balanced tea.

So to recap for Fungi Dominate.
Locate and obtain fungi dominate soil\compost
Have a tailgate party with fungi prior to going to the bowl game with bacteria (this is where you pre grow bacteria as described above)
5 gallon h20 sans chloride bubbled 24 hours before adding ingredients.
Add compost to water that was in damp cloth that has fungi growing on it .. It should appear as a white web.
Add 2 ounces humic acids
Add 1 ounce Kelp
Add 2 tablespoons baby oatmeal
Add 2 teaspoons yucca extract no additives or preservatives (optional)

Note this is FUNGI Dominate recipe, you should shoot for balance fungi\bacteria
Therefore when it comes to soil\compost selection something from garden mixed with forest?
Also you will need to add 1 ounce molasses to feed bacteria. Remember your fungi are pre grown and your just continuing to feed them in solution till you apply it!
Don't let it go longer then 36 hours for you will lose fungi to ever growing bacteria.

Let me know how it goes....
Grow On My Friends Grow On
I look for twigs/bark/etc in my compost that are covered in mycelium when I am brewing a fungal dominant tea.

Then I blend my organic gluten free oats in a blender with some aloe and un chlorinated water, and moisten my mycelium laden compost with the fungal food (oats and aloe). This gets set somewhere warm (75-82) and dark for 3-5 days in a bucket with a loose lid.

Once it is covered in new mycelium, I throw it in a paint strainer and brew it along with a little kelp. This happens in a counterclockwise vortex brewer for about 18 hours.

  • Hey if I am making teas, which looks like I need and want to do for I am tired of buying organic tea in a bottle and cal/mg, kelp, fish and other similar bottled organic nutrients.

    I really want to get away from buying anything I need to feed my plants that is marketed in a plastic bottle for me to overpay for! PERIOD!

    So anywise I came across this and was thinking.... YEAH BABY YEAH had me a ORGANICISM vision of a tremendous bloom of beneficial microbes nestling comfortably in my soil web...

    Grow On My Friends Grow On

Very cool got a link? I bet it is just ascorbic acid with a filter on it . They use it to remove chlorine/chloramine from showers.
I look for twigs/bark/etc in my compost that are covered in mycelium when I am brewing a fungal dominant tea.

Then I blend my organic gluten free oats in a blender with some aloe and un chlorinated water, and moisten my mycelium laden compost with the fungal food (oats and aloe). This gets set somewhere warm (75-82) and dark for 3-5 days in a bucket with a loose lid.

Once it is covered in new mycelium, I throw it in a paint strainer and brew it along with a little kelp. This happens in a counterclockwise vortex brewer for about 18 hours.
This is how I used to cultivate and brew, but to my understanding hyphae don't like being broke up and ran through the ringer. Would it just be better to transplant with the fungi cake, rather than brewing it?
This is how I used to cultivate and brew, but to my understanding hyphae don't like being broke up and ran through the ringer. Would it just be better to transplant with the fungi cake, rather than brewing it?

Most definitely. "No till" is the way to go, but sometimes there's no getting around having to pick up a shovel and move some dirt. When this happens it just makes sense to me to do everything I can to repair the microbe colony. In this method a new raised bed/smart pot/etc gets set up in your ideal environment and given a series of teas. Get that colony boomin' well before Miss Marry steps foot into this new home. First I do a nematode/protozoa tea, then a fungal, and finally a bacterial. Meanwhile clones in a different location have been getting seed enzyme teas, coconut water, aloe, kelp, alfalfa, neem, aact, etc.

I tried talking to my plants for years. They never really heard a word I said. Marry just didn't follow orders quite perfectly enough for my standards.

Me and them microbes started hangin' out, and we got to bull shittin'... You'll never guess...

MJ is an eavesdroppin' ass bitch. She took what me and microbes were talking about and fucking ran with that shit.

MJ still doesn't take orders from me. I take orders from her.

Now I boss the microbes around. They know how to follow some god damn instructions I'll tell ya what.
Most definitely. "No till" is the way to go, but sometimes there's no getting around having to pick up a shovel and move some dirt. When this happens it just makes sense to me to do everything I can to repair the microbe colony. In this method a new raised bed/smart pot/etc gets set up in your ideal environment and given a series of teas. Get that colony boomin' well before Miss Marry steps foot into this new home. First I do a nematode/protozoa tea, then a fungal, and finally a bacterial. Meanwhile clones in a different location have been getting seed enzyme teas, coconut water, aloe, kelp, alfalfa, neem, aact, etc.

I tried talking to my plants for years. They never really heard a word I said. Marry just didn't follow orders quite perfectly enough for my standards.

Me and them microbes started hangin' out, and we got to bull shittin'... You'll never guess...

MJ is an eavesdroppin' ass bitch. She took what me and microbes were talking about and fucking ran with that shit.

MJ still doesn't take orders from me. I take orders from her.

Now I boss the microbes around. They know how to follow some god damn instructions I'll tell ya what.

Love it :clap: Nematode tea sounds interesting. Do you just use native land? This is why I'll be making the switch to living mulch. I'm also starting to read more about AACTs that have a higher F:B ratio. IMO seems like living mulch is the easiest, cheapest, and most effective way when your Mary is big enough. I think a balanced tea is fine for a seedling and clone as they takes what they wants.
Pray Tell Dear boblawblah421,

How does one make a...... "....First I do a nematode/protozoa tea"

Grow Organically My Friends Grown On!