goverment shutdown

El Tiberon

Active Member
Eating the wrong food is the issue of the individual. If you are poor and have no land to grow your own food, THEN blame the right wing. It is known across this planet the American right wing wants to make the citizens of the US fall to their knees in fear and become dependent upon them. If you allow this to happen without rising against them, you are the only ones who can be blamed. As ugly as it may seem, there is an escape and you may have to be in another civil war.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Right winged what?
El Papanatas is arguing the leftism = good meme.

lefties believe that they know what's best, and any dissent is a sign that the dissenter is a stupid small minded bigot who only opposes their righteous rule because he is racist and afraid.

adopting a leftist position makes you smater, more compassionate, better looking, and makes you smell like roses and jasmine. adopting a hardline insane Marxist position imbues the lefty with God-Like wisdom and power.

as long as you believe this, lefties are always correct, no matter how wrong they prove to be, and everything they espouse is "For Your own Good"

even the stupidest and most bigoted clod (like El Papanatas) can feel good about his hatred and bile as long as he is properly leftist.

El Tiberon

Active Member
El Papanatas is arguing the leftism = good meme.

lefties believe that they know what's best, and any dissent is a sign that the dissenter is a stupid small minded bigot who only opposes their righteous rule because he is racist and afraid.

adopting a leftist position makes you smater, more compassionate, better looking, and makes you smell like roses and jasmine. adopting a hardline insane Marxist position imbues the lefty with God-Like wisdom and power.

as long as you believe this, lefties are always correct, no matter how wrong they prove to be, and everything they espouse is "For Your own Good"

even the stupidest and most bigoted clod (like El Papanatas) can feel good about his hatred and bile as long as he is properly leftist.
You still work for someone. I don't. Be a good little nazi and do as you are told.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You still work for someone. I don't. Be a good little nazi and do as you are told.
and who do the campesinos who grow your coca work for? themselves?

nope. they got totally NOT fascist guerillas with AK's standing over them ensuring they grow their coca for you and your narco-trafickante friends.

colombia is a shithole, and it is a shithole because assholes like YOU want power and authority over others.

That's fascism.

i work as a transaction, my labour for their money. i can leave any time i wish.

thats the opposite of fascism.


Dr Kynes is OBVIOUSLY a progressive Democrat, When all else fails and you are losing an argument , call your opponent racist, The President even does it, Look at what he said YESTERDAY about it, He said racisim was behind the house's actions, Really?

No, people not wanting to push your bullshit socialist agenda are. As for you Dr Kynes, you can go sit on a shit covered cacti. You are Obviously an Obama freak, Must be a Black one to by the way you are throwing the racist card around. Its people like you that fuck up this country for the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
Dr Kynes is OBVIOUSLY a progressive Democrat, When all else fails and you are losing an argument , call your opponent racist, The President even does it, Look at what he said YESTERDAY about it, He said racisim was behind the house's actions, Really?

No, people not wanting to push your bullshit socialist agenda are. As for you Dr Kynes, you can go sit on a shit covered cacti. You are Obviously an Obama freak, Must be a Black one to by the way you are throwing the racist card around. Its people like you that fuck up this country for the rest of us.
Hell I thought Dr. Keynes was just some guy in a stillsuit on the planet Arrakis.


El Tiberon, you haave it backwards, Its the LEFT wing that wants an american version of a socialist state, "Liberal Democrats" are acully progressives . These people support the ideals of people like psaul linsky, gerbles, Karl Marx , it is a known fact Obama has a team of Behavioral Scientists he consults with daily, even more so when he is trying to "upsell" Obama care and the rest of his agenda. Now why would a President need a team of behavioral Scientists? Oh thats right, so he knows how to "Nudge" the American public twards his Neo-Socialist goals and not make it obvious.


Well-Known Member
Politics, and since both sides blame the other and won't talk about it, it is obvious that is what they want. But, what each side wants is not what they tell us.

What gets shut down, is decided by how hard they can hit the users, intentional tourism (state taxes) in order to punish all who dare pay attention. Then the game is to wake up many, many to buy the blame game.

What we fail to understand is over half of the USA voters could not tell you anything about this at all....seriously most will only vaguely have heard of it.....Many not at all! No shit.

It is a way to jack the voters to wake up and sense the impasse, and then to do something about it, in the mid-term election coming up.

But, when we go to sleep, so does Congress and just wants to borrow more money.

When they borrow more money we can just sleep on. The can is kicked down the road. But, now the issue is some don't want to kick the debt can some much without looking closer at the waste.....they say.


Well-Known Member
What an idiotic comment.

Fire the congress and you wouldn't be paying over $200,000 a year + benefits for these business criminals to fuck you and your community and then go work for a lobbying firm making god knows how much a year teaching the next group of business criminals how it's done.
God, how idiotic? If you eliminate all congress peoples paychecks you save about $93 million. If you eliminate 50% of all federal workers paychecks you save $10.4 BILLION. Your idea nets us 1/100th of the savings of Coolman's idea.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Dr Kynes is OBVIOUSLY a progressive Democrat, When all else fails and you are losing an argument , call your opponent racist, The President even does it, Look at what he said YESTERDAY about it, He said racisim was behind the house's actions, Really?

No, people not wanting to push your bullshit socialist agenda are. As for you Dr Kynes, you can go sit on a shit covered cacti. You are Obviously an Obama freak, Must be a Black one to by the way you are throwing the racist card around. Its people like you that fuck up this country for the rest of us.


Active Member
just wondering what this consist of and what is the purpose ?
It means they haven't agreed on a budget, so most people who work for the gov can't go to work, because they don't know what pot of money to pay them from. Some of these people who can't go to work aren't bad gov people ... some of them are on the forum and growing their own.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
And here's the Kicker... A Double Wammy will hit in Mid October, where the government will be Cut off from Borrowing Money... So all the People that Get paid in money that's not the Governments??

There will be Hell Fire

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I went to Safeway today getting some Coke, in the Drink section there was this old dude(looked late 70s) running up and down the section saying "Where the fucks the Root Beer" "Where the fucks the Root Beer"

I said Dude you Passed them, he looked back and looked at the A&W and said, THAT'S NOT ROOT BEER!

I chuckled and said it's pretty damn good filtered. He says I'm lookin for the stuff that comes in the Six Pack....?
I said IBC? the Glass Bottles? He said Yes! That!
So he followed me down the Drink section and I showed him where it was, there, IBC.. he said no not that! They make Beer too... I forget the Name...??

I said, oh Hengry Weinhard and pointed at it. He said Yes! Hengry Weinhard! Took it off the Shelf and turned around to thank me like he was going to Die without it.

Walking to the check out line some chick asked me where the Cottage cheese was, I showed her.

I'm thinking why the fuck is there only one check out line open? And why the fuck aren't I getting paid for helping people find their shit? So the lady who checked me out knows me I'm in there couple times a day, she's telling me that 80% of employees are on strike, and they're demanding a 25% increase in pay.

Over here in Washington alot of people are getting Angry, and they are demanding 12$ for Minimum Wage...(instead of 9$)