I have Trichs!!


Well-Known Member
Using a loupe at the end of my 15th day of flower I can see Trichomes.
All of the flower sites have thrown out narrow single leaves amongst the hairs.
I would say Bud Building has Begun!
Man am I Amped!



Well-Known Member
I have photo albums and journal that are open to all so you can see what's up.

heres the flower setup:

I run an ebb n flow setup in a 3x3x6 tent with the resevoir on the outside in an air condition bedroom.

I grow in rock wool surrounded by Hydroton
1- 400 watt HPS in vented hood
2- 95 watt T5 fixtures on either side
total 590 watts
6" fan vent out light hood,
4" fan vent out tent drawn in thru carbon filter.
( carbon filter is unattached until I smell goodness!)
4" passive inlet

two air stones and a four port air pump to keep my res stirred.

Fox Farm Nutes, Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom for flower.

I feed 3-4 times a day, it takes 30 seconds for the water to reach my overflow
( the tray is slightly pitched toward the fill/drain fitting. )
I manually run the pump for 45 seconds then let it drain.

My PPM is set at 650 right now it will go up for in 1-2 weeks depending on growth.

I am using the. FF grow schedule as a rough guide always staying below listed amounts.

i currently have an unknown bag seed in Flower.
Monday will be 16 days in the tent.

I use a SCROG type setup, I also ties my plants to help even my canopy.

This is My First Grow!


Well-Known Member
It's a handful holding the loupe up to my digital camera but it works, I crop them and blow them up for posting.


Well-Known Member
Forgot got to mention the two ten inch fans in the tent for lots of air movement.

Daytime temps 80-82
56-60 RH

night time 72
69 RH

I have photo albums and journal that are open to all so you can see what's up.

heres the flower setup:

I run an ebb n flow setup in a 3x3x6 tent with the resevoir on the outside in an air condition bedroom.

I grow in rock wool surrounded by Hydroton
1- 400 watt HPS in vented hood
2- 95 watt T5 fixtures on either side
total 590 watts
6" fan vent out light hood,
4" fan vent out tent drawn in thru carbon filter.
( carbon filter is unattached until I smell goodness!)
4" passive inlet

two air stones and a four port air pump to keep my res stirred.

Fox Farm Nutes, Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom for flower.

I feed 3-4 times a day, it takes 30 seconds for the water to reach my overflow
( the tray is slightly pitched toward the fill/drain fitting. )
I manually run the pump for 45 seconds then let it drain.

My PPM is set at 650 right now it will go up for in 1-2 weeks depending on growth.

I am using the. FF grow schedule as a rough guide always staying below listed amounts.

i currently have an unknown bag seed in Flower.
Monday will be 16 days in the tent.

I use a SCROG type setup, I also ties my plants to help even my canopy.

This is My First Grow!


Well-Known Member
Congrats on your first trichs.

I'm a first-timer too, and I've been seeing trichs forming more and more for the last couple weeks. This has been a long grow for me, I've been growing outside, started my first seed in March. It's so exciting to see all the work and worry coming to an end.

Good luck with finishing your grow.


Well-Known Member
OMG, I checked out your albums and thought....wow that looks like he's main-lining, then I saw a caption of one and it said mainline! LOL When I first found RIU back in March I came across Nugbuckets' threads and went through every one of them and was HOOKED on main-lining but he grows in supersoil and I plan to grow hydroponics so I never said a word. LOL I plan to do almost everything the same way! I am stoked! Great setup, awesome pics and amazing work brother!!! :clap::-D:peace:


Well-Known Member
I LOVE seeing you do well dog, I saw when we first met that your in dwc but who cares what your medium is as long as you have a love for the plant and the work (that's right folks WORK) it takes to find a rotation and method that mutually beneficial to you and your garden. I can't wait to see you progress into your next few grows and watch you stun yourself and others, tis why I still come here mang!

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
We must have started at the same time, I'm about 2 weeks into flower too. I flipped on 9/11, right after the first pistils appeared. It's nice to see the fruits of your labor start to appear, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
If I am going to main line again I will follow uncle bens technique.
grow to 6th nodes cut off whole plant above first true set of leaves.
He doesn't say it but I will be trying to Clone the removed section.

When branching starts, tie them down.

I saw a great suggestion and I want to expand on it.

someone said drill holes in the rim or to edge of your container so you have an easy spot to tie down to.

Well I currently use tape and it's a pain in the ass!

my idea, is to take the other guys idea of holes and make them big enough for a golf tee.

Use the tees the way they use to hold ropes on the big sailing ships, I believe it's called "dogging".

to pass a line thru a hole then wedge a tapered round dowel to hold fast the string.

Voila holes and golf tees, IMHO the best way to do tie downs that are moveable without tape or knots.


Well-Known Member
One thing,
I have zero odor coming from this plant, it's a bag seed from dank bud but I don't remember the pheno.
Is something wrong or is it just to early?
I hear people say they have smelly plants in Veg, I never did....