The UK Growers Thread!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
I've got a Kindle Fire HD off my Dad for free cos my stepmum doesn't like the fact that you have to register a bank account with Amazon to download free apps.

The missus uses it for browsing tinternet at home and ebooks unless It can be fucked with.
Fucking Amazon scam they are, why my Dad didn't just buy a cheap Android tablet I'll never know.
The registering can't be that spot on my kids came to me because the card that it was registered to expired I couldn't be bothered to find new details so I just added a few years onto the expiry date, hit enter and it works fine......


Well-Known Member
Plus rep I'f I could again indi but .....

I'm using Dutch pros bloom nutrients and have been for the last 4 weeks, I have no way of easing up on N...they don't even say how much is in it...

I have no signs of cal or mag Def why do you suggest using cal/mag, I also don't use ro water......

I recently upped nutrients and the tips of the leafs have the smallest ever sign of burn on there I'm hesitant.

Pick was taken on a very shit 5megapixel phone cam....

So bearing this in mind were are we at now??

Again thank you for your tiime
yeah mate they are not def in ca but could do with a change in nute ratios...phos and ca uptake is squeezed with such high N levels


Well-Known Member
just had a bowl of bubble cut with pure dmt, lovely stuff v clean and worth the extra almost pure white, haven't ripped into it yet but just spiking the hash to see wha its like, its very good and I put in a tiny amount and am face buzzing feels like my forehead is opening....nice