Pictures of my bebe :)


Well-Known Member
just recently started browning, getting excited to harvest soon! this is my first grow, so how much longer should do you guys think? sorry to post this, seeing as how long 50000 people are posting the same thing around this time lol i figure ive still got atleast 3 weeks to go tho. Honestly, no clue how long its been flowering lolDSCF3081.jpgDSCF3082.jpgDSCF3084.jpg


Well-Known Member
You'll know. You have a lot of swelling to go . I would say three times a fat at least.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is a term used by people who don't understand the micro level of soil growing... No matter how much water you flood your soil with,the plant is still going to uptake what it needs during the process It's in. Quick crash course in organic chemistry might help you understand that flushing is a waster of time. Hense the term "nute burn" .. too much which reflects the Ph and stunts the growth. Plants only take the proper amount to use and functionally break down. So there's never unused nutrients just floating around on/in your buds. If your smoking buds that snap crackle and pop, your first question should be what was sprayed on this plant....