de-leafing during Flowering help with mold?


Active Member
Hey guys,

I noticed some of my buds have a mold on them.Which happens a little when you grow outside. I don't mind a little mold here and there.

My question is do you think if I trimmed a bunch of leafs away if it would help to limit the mold even more. Without sacrificing the overall health of the plant


Well-Known Member
My question is do you think if I trimmed a bunch of leafs away if it would help to limit the mold even more. Without sacrificing the overall health of the plant
What's causing the mold? Rain, high humidity (poor air circulation), bugs (worm shit, in particular), or??? If you can't keep the plant/buds dry then maybe increasing airflow would help. It you got bugs, trimming won't help. And I agree with your point that if you grow outside, you will most likely see some mold. Not that you will smoke that shit, at least not intentionally, it's just a part of doin' bidness. Have you considered any of those fungicide/moldicide sprays? I've never used them myself, but would consider them if the need arose.

Good luck with your grow :mrgreen:

R2T :peace:


if you've ever smoked brown marijuana you have smoked mold. it happens every great once in a while if you buy commercial weed. now if that shit has visible fuzziness, toss it!


New Member
I have seen bud mold starting at the small single blade leaves that protrude from the buds after the leaves have died. I have also seen it beginning at dead leaf stem stubs if they are left on buds. Large clumps of browned pistils is another place it can start.

I quit misting my plants with water when the buds are getting dense and fat. If I suspect mold, I pull some of the buds open a little to inspect the inside for grey crap.

A pair of the botanical scissors with big loop grips and long skinny points come in very handy for getting down between the buds to remove the dead stuff. Plus they work about the best for trimming later.


New Member
Reading about people spraying for mold (etc) and or smoking it, is one of the main reasons that I grow my own for over the last 25 plus years. I wonder at times what the growers spray on the stuff they sell to the dispensaries.
I believe the lack of control on what is being used, is one excuse that the Fed's are using to keep from letting everyone grow.
I know of one grower here that imports a bug killer from back east because California has made it illegal here. DOH!