The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well get suybbies of me then mg--- worth a rake in ,, butlins! granted i dont have many but for the cause n all!!?? lmao

err wurstion

ducting and venting down a toilet?

wayya think? obviously il empty the water out

as for SR? i blame bizzles laptop, brought the empire down man!
sounds like a good idea mate, outside on top of the soil pipe is usually a vent to off gasses, cant see why air cant be pumped through the u bend, ......but im no plumber


Well-Known Member
livers is gonna yield, is it known for yielding more than exo.......and ill say it again, exo is the most calcium hungry plant ive ever grown.......they are takin being fed with strong tea every day, adding extra molasses to see what it does to the finished product, have to say I am enjoying my grow at the mo and have got two new psychos at 3 week f in perfect health from ACT only, never going back to flowering nutes from a bottle (cept magnecal) as u can do so much bettr for less money.....fukin messy shit tho, bath looks like H block protest......


Active Member
livers is gonna yield, is it known for yielding more than exo.......and ill say it again, exo is the most calcium hungry plant ive ever grown.......they are takin being fed with strong tea every day, adding extra molasses to see what it does to the finished product, have to say I am enjoying my grow at the mo and have got two new psychos at 3 week f in perfect health from ACT only, never going back to flowering nutes from a bottle (cept magnecal) as u can do so much bettr for less money.....fukin messy shit tho, bath looks like H block protest......
im using canna base nutes and topmaxx with a guestimated amount of molassis, half a spoon per 5litres,

the livers are doing 2 litres a day in feed, and already stink, should be a nice yeilder too, only 3 ish weeks in and freisty as fuk, nice bud formation and yeh am happy, already leaning 2,, so got 3 under 650 red spec sonT

yeh gunna vent down the U bend, sems easier than trying to duct thru a door,just empty water out and plonk extractor down the bog lol

Larry an Barry

New Member
im using canna base nutes and topmaxx with a guestimated amount of molassis, half a spoon per 5litres,

the livers are doing 2 litres a day in feed, and already stink, should be a nice yeilder too, only 3 ish weeks in and freisty as fuk, nice bud formation and yeh am happy, already leaning 2,, so got 3 under 650 red spec sonT

yeh gunna vent down the U bend, sems easier than trying to duct thru a door,just empty water out and plonk extractor down the bog lol
hows the bbc mate? there deffo was a different pheno in there you should see em now in comparison, the big one is a sativa dom, looks about week 3 compared to the rest, its slower in flowering, they are all at week 6, iv got buds falling over everywhere, except on my big one, ones gonna be ready week 8 i think looking at it now, the other 3 can take their time, and eventually the big one is gonna have the 6er to itself,cloudy trichs on week 6? theres 1 way ahead of the others right now, and 2 round about the same then the big one in the corner taking its pretty little time...

Larry an Barry

New Member
Afternoon lads.. how is everyones SR hangover 2day?
thats fuckin shyte, still cant believe it, bmr's still up tho, and iv had a few off there so i know its all cushty, still im para out my nut now people have fucked off, most things are falling apart, then i hear sr is off, ahh the end is ni

fucking docs appointment today, for an incident that happened the other week, am shittin it.


Active Member
only 30 post ive done so far and thats me just been allowed to pm and rep ppl, were there not others saying last week they couldnt pm even after 50 posts?


Active Member
No doubt there's someone out there that will want to do one like sr and wanting to do it right but there's goina be a lot of them sites now that are just out to scam I reckon. If only ordering for personal stuff tho I reckon there's not much risk, spend ur coins wen u get them and order small can't really lose much. Ill still give them a go, fuck it. I've a m8 headin away for a while and he's lookin quite a few tabs to take in with him lol
it will happen again mg but not for a while I don't think will you see any get as big as the road was, too much media coverage of it, and lots of custom will go back to the streets rather than the darknet n post now, and what with atlantis shutting down due to ''security'' reason a couple of weeks later the feds take down the road and dpr???


Active Member
I been readin a fair bit bout it, I dunno if either he got too careless cause he thought he was untouchable or its just bullshit that the us gov is releasing to press, some of it is real sloppy and don't make no sense at all.


Well-Known Member
I been readin a fair bit bout it, I dunno if either he got too careless cause he thought he was untouchable or its just bullshit that the us gov is releasing to press, some of it is real sloppy and don't make no sense at all.
Cant believe fuck all the us gov say anyway, fuck knows m8. Do ye reckon he'd have a load a cash hid someway for if he gets out? I doubt they got all his money


Active Member
yeh larry the bbc is wikid bruv, i dident lollipop anything this run on my micr grow, well half of one side of the livers got done, but dint have the heart for the rest LOL,

il do sum pic updates later, im like week 3 ish, full of frist and buds everyware, not small ones neither, but they are getting like 210 watta of sonT per plant! so fucking best do well

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
no mate I wouldn't bother its not a prob just slightly sub optimal, the plant will munch the N itself
wtf you cant say that then nothing! i have plant magic cal/mag.....but no ec, how light is light with this stuff.... i bought it but never used it!...and it has N in it!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
oh yea n sub optimal, is not optimal, so it aint good enough....

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to indikat again.



Active Member
I doubt very much he will get out mg that's some serious charges hes got but sending unencrypted messages bout murder for hire I don't buy it, one minit they are saying the site earnt a total sales of 1.2billion earning him 80million in commission, but all that was seized I say all was 3million in coins so im shore there's a few quid stashed away, a lot of it don't make much sense tho and seems like real amateurville from his part if true??? but like you say how much can you believe of it???

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
just my 2cents skidarmy.....the roads been going for a few years dont keep something like that going just being a ameture...and id say hes fucked good and proper they WILL make an example out of him....

anyone know what happened to that wiki leaks guy that was living in airports? its all gone cold?


Active Member
I agree with you lemon, I personally don't think what the media is being told and are reporting is true yeah there may be slight truths in there but in no way the full picture, you don't run that sort of op for aslong as they did earning what they did, by making the silly mistakes that are being said. Then again you don't generally give interviews to forbes magazine when in that line of work....


Well-Known Member
just had my first ever blast on psycho...7.4 weeks hood dried in 2 days...buuuut....still .fukin ell strong filled the bag with creamy vape...its goin 10 weeks a proper dry so I am lookin forward to it

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
nice one indi we want picks, if turbanantor can lol....turbs grow made me want to chuck some psycho in the bubblers.....i think i could smash it yeild wise....

any info on how to use cal mag??