ice / crystal grow update


Well-Known Member
grow 384.jpggrow 383.jpggrow 382.jpggrow 381.jpggrow 380.jpggrow 379.jpggrow 378.jpggrow 377.jpggrow 376.jpggrow 375.jpggrow 374.jpgan update people
Plant leaves were starting to burn again so i LST them even more to get them down.
Crystal buds are growing nice
Ice buds are just starting to show
Do you like pic 3 of Ice bud growing weird?
That branch had 4 secondary branches coming of 1 node (if that makes sense?)
What do ya think ?
grow 373.jpg


Well-Known Member
A branch of more than two can be genetic, and can be created by FIMing.

I had a plant (a nice, very strong Sensi Jack Herer, but it turned male)
that had three cotyledons....three "seed leaves".

It popped three leaves, and then again at every juncture.

Keep an eye on the ladies.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
A branch of more than two can be genetic, and can be created by FIMing.

I had a plant (a nice, very strong Sensi Jack Herer, but it turned male)
that had three cotyledons....three "seed leaves".

It popped three leaves, and then again at every juncture.

Keep an eye on the ladies.

Good luck,

Hi JD thanx for dropping by
will def keep an i out
Is the brown leaf def burn from light or could it be nute issue ?


Well-Known Member
I saw that it. It is hard to tell.

It does look isolated and limited. Just report if it spreads.

They looked nice and green otherwise.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
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Update people !!!
watching those burn marks like a hawk
Is that a ball on my Crystal baby???
please no
other wise what do ya think ???
grow 394.jpg


Well-Known Member a ball.

Note that that little structure has no hair(s) coming out of it,
and that it is on a little "stalk"? Testicle!

Sorry bro. This is part of growing.



Well-Known Member a ball.

Note that that little structure has no hair(s) coming out of it,
and that it is on a little "stalk"? Testicle!

Sorry bro. This is part of growing.

So i gather its a hermie then as it has a good amount of bud growing?
Do i keep it growing?
Or will it pollenate my ice plant ?


Well-Known Member
Pull it, grow it out in isolation to take its pollen, or leave it where it to pollenate
your other plants.

(Choose option #1 ;0)

The first statement does not entirely is a male, not a herm.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Pull it, grow it out in isolation to take its pollen, or leave it where it to pollenate
your other plants.

(Choose option #1 ;0)

The first statement does not entirely is a male, not a herm.

Good luck,

thanx JD
I will maybe put it outside and see what happens
Down to 1 plant then
i cant win


Well-Known Member
Put my Crystal outside yesterday , i checked on it today and its loving the sun
leaves are starting to stick straight out catching all the suns rays
I also picked the 2 balls off that were in last pics and 1 had a pistal coming out of it
I might leave it outside and see how he/she goes
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Well-Known Member
Update everyone
Day 47 of grow
Day 28 of flower
This is only my ICE plant
buds are starting to grow pretty fast now
I only hope the Ice didnt pollinate it
Brown leaves are not getting any worse
over all i think she looks ok what do you think ?
grow 430.jpggrow 424.jpggrow 429.jpggrow 428.jpggrow 427.jpggrow 426.jpggrow 425.jpg


Well-Known Member
Those nuts were no where near mature. You should be safe.

That lady has very nice and dense structure. This will still end well.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Those nuts were no where near mature. You should be safe.

That lady has very nice and dense structure. This will still end well.

Good luck,

Thanx JD
I so hope your rite
I also have some shade leaves yellowing on my Crystal outside
They did start yellowing before i put it outside
Any ideas what this could be ?
grow 440.jpggrow 436.jpggrow 435.jpggrow 439.jpggrow 438.jpggrow 437.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wow....a deficiency I can identify.

A N def shows as yellowing from the bottom up.

Give them a dose and see what they do.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Wow....a deficiency I can identify.

A N def shows as yellowing from the bottom up.

Give them a dose and see what they do.

Good luck,

Thanx JD
do you mean give them some extra nutes ?
Is that where i get extra N from?


Well-Known Member
Thanx JD
do you mean give them some extra nutes ?
Is that where i get extra N from?
Give them Nitrogen. N is the the first number in fertilizers you buy ( ex: 10-5-5) so you want one with a high first number if you have an N(itrogen) deficiency. Good luck, and I hope you get a ton of bud.


Well-Known Member
Give them Nitrogen. N is the the first number in fertilizers you buy ( ex: 10-5-5) so you want one with a high first number if you have an N(itrogen) deficiency. Good luck, and I hope you get a ton of bud.
This sounds good.

Top dressing with some earthworm castings is a nice thing to do too.

You can add some blood meal for a fast/hot N boost also.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Thanx for your help MidwesternGrow
I looked at my nutes and the Growrite i use for veg is high in Nitrogen
and the budrite i use for flower is high in Phospherus
Surely i wouldn't give the Crystal Veg nutes again in week 4 of flower


Well-Known Member
Is there anything else i can use if i dont have those things at the mo JD
I have natures own liquid gold that i use for four weeks of flower then stopi was told
It is Organic and has everything from guano to seaweed
i have tried finding info about what exactly is in it but cant find nothing on it