Soil is for Suckers


Well-Known Member
I have to agree, the biggest adjustment for me with hydro, is I stand around saying... what the fuck now? I get bored now because there is little work to do. Oh well I guess I will just have to suffer and vape while I wait.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their favorite way of growing, I have grown in soil and hydro, and allthough soil seems easier and is less maintence, hydro is more forgiving IMO, simply because you can flush if you have anyhting wrong.
The only thing is with hydro you will have a handful of new problems that you arent used to with soil... the main thing is to keep everyone growing, in all types of mediums. THe goal is to "Overgrow" the government. ;)


Well-Known Member
SO here is the deal... as a noob here about to finish his first grow in dwc....that was affected by the misleading posts about sugar...( why didnt they say not to put it in hydro) assholes... anyway. I thought that hydroponics was fairly easy. All you needed was a good ph/tds/ec tester and your pretty much in a no fuck up situation... understand those readings and your set... i think that if i did it all over after my mistakes it would be fairly easy..... I have though however dabled in the oh so great discussion about soil vs hydro when it comes to taste.... and i have to say that the dirt/worm poop mix really brings out the flavors.... with me on this grow..I lost half of my crop and whats left isnt much to look at ....well i mean i love them but they aint no 12 inch colas.... my outside dirt one on the other hand (1st time as well) is doing great... Check out my grow journal and see my horrible experience....

i do have to say that the expenses in hydro are much greater...
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Well-Known Member
SO here is the deal... as a noob here about to finish his first grow in dwc....that was affected by the misleading posts about sugar...( why didnt they say not to put it in hydro) assholes... anyway. I thought that hydroponics was fairly easy. All you needed was a good ph/tds/ec tester and your pretty much in a no fuck up situation... understand those readings and your set... i think that if i did it all over after my mistakes it would be fairly easy..... I have though however dabled in the oh so great discussion about soil vs hydro when it comes to taste.... and i have to say that the dirt/worm poop mix really brings out the flavors.... with me on this grow..I lost half of my crop and whats left isnt much to look at ....well i mean i love them but they aint no 12 inch colas.... my outside dirt one on the other hand (1st time as well) is doing great... Check out my grow journal and see my horrible experience....

i do have to say that the expenses in hydro are much greater...

I say grow to smoke=soil.....grow to sell= dro

I love the ease of soil

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
I spent more time with soil than I do now with Hydro.

It used to take me a long time to water 25 plants. I always checked the soil with a meter first to make sure it needed water. Then I hand watered each pot. It's not too bad when the plants are small but when they get big they really start sucking the water down.

The plants still use lots of water but it's easier to fill one large reservoir than 25 small pots.

I do all my hydro chores in less than 15 minutes (with adjustments). That's with 4 reservoirs. If I had just one res, I could do it all in less than 5 minutes.

Then I just stand around for another 20 minutes in awe at the beauty of the plants. You guys ever go into your room and just set there? I love just hanging out around the girls, touching them, smelling them. You know what I mean? I'm a fukin pot pervert! By harvest time I know each and every one of my plants. I always feel bad when It's time to cut them.

With the right tools and nutrient formula hydro is too easy.
i only do two to three plants at a time in soil, but your right trying to water 25 plants would be a huge pain in the ass:peace:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
i only do two to three plants at a time in soil, but your right trying to water 25 plants would be a huge pain in the ass:peace:
Try managing 96 flowering plants and 10 mums, some which get watered 2x/day, some 3x/day. Without automation and hydroponics, I'd kill half of them every week.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
soil for summer hydro in the winter. i dont see much difference if you use good soil to start with, NFT is the best method iv use in hydro

you tell me whats wrong with these soil grown plants? 16 plants under 1000watt they are starting to fall over they are that top heavy. start to finish 8 and 1/2 weeks



Well-Known Member
SO here is the deal... as a noob here about to finish his first grow in dwc....that was affected by the misleading posts about sugar...( why didnt they say not to put it in hydro) assholes... anyway. I thought that hydroponics was fairly easy. All you needed was a good ph/tds/ec tester and your pretty much in a no fuck up situation... understand those readings and your set... i think that if i did it all over after my mistakes it would be fairly easy..... I have though however dabled in the oh so great discussion about soil vs hydro when it comes to taste.... and i have to say that the dirt/worm poop mix really brings out the flavors.... with me on this grow..I lost half of my crop and whats left isnt much to look at ....well i mean i love them but they aint no 12 inch colas.... my outside dirt one on the other hand (1st time as well) is doing great... Check out my grow journal and see my horrible experience....

i do have to say that the expenses in hydro are much greater...
some times cops will come on the forum and try to miss lead people looks like they got you sugar is bad in hydro and will kill your roots


Well-Known Member
Ya, here are the 3 things I wish I was told for my first hydro and first grow. 1.) get mosquito blocks to put in the res. 2.) No sugars/black strap molasis. 3.) Have an insecticide on hand.

Hydro is by far the easiest and most forgiving for new growers in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Ya, here are the 3 things I wish I was told for my first hydro and first grow. 1.) get mosquito blocks to put in the res. 2.) No sugars/black strap molasis. 3.) Have an insecticide on hand.

Hydro is by far the easiest and most forgiving for new growers in my opinion.
mosquito blocks ?? whats that do never heard of that hotshots work best for bugs no spraying just vapor gotta love that


Well-Known Member
I can't find anything about hotshots... I use triacizide now, I got mites bad too. Haven't seen anything yet since, maybe a nat here and there.

Even thought I had my roots get attacked by larvae, then get damaged with black strap molasis and raw sugar. To finally get attacked by mites in the end. I still came out with about 2 oz of smoke from each plant I am very happy with that.


Well-Known Member
do a search hotshot pest strip buy like 10 and put them in your room when your lights are out turn your ac fans and exhaust off for 10 hrs every day for 3 days straight then i can promise you every bug in your room will be dead the oderless vapor will prevail


Well-Known Member
newbie question I guess, but is that stuff safe (hotshot and the mosquito dunks), also after switching to hydro I have had no bug problems yet, knock on wood.


Well-Known Member
thx for the info on
I just got one at wallyworld for 5 bucks.... i just hope i dont die since i spend allot of time with my plants....


Well-Known Member
good point though.... how many harvests have you been using these for?.... any side effects on the weed?