Newbie...harvest is coming, like it or not


New Member
I have to pull due to some work that is going to start on my house in the next week...totally bummed, for I know they could use another week or two.

This girl came shooting up from under the fence that separates my property with another....must have been a discarded seed from my neighbor?



Active Member
They look really close man. I mean no more than about a week to 2 weeks tops to fully finish. Every day now you can spare will be worth it. Even if you harvested in the next couple of days, you are still sitting pretty with this girl. I am in similar situation to yourself in that I have to chop a max 10 days from now. Really got to for practical purposes and some repairs to my place. Mine are at day 64 now in 12/12. They will go another week to a week and a half . Then it is harvest time. Right now I have given up on the countless visits to the grow room to check for progress. Let them do their thing now. A few minutes once or twice a day to see they are looking healthy is about it for now. ...............Anyways good growing and happy smoking when you harvest soon !


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt cut it until the day they show up to start work.
And guaranteed there will be job delay as no construction job starts or finishes on time. Quite neighbourly I must say. You Could have been the crusty police calling neighbour they are also lucky to have you!!


Well-Known Member
I live in the south where it is warm most of the year and I always plant lots of seeds. Sometimes when walking the dog I pop a few in the ground if I see a nice place. Good Luck with your plants they look real good


Well-Known Member
Chances are the crew wouldn't say shit about you having a bud plant. They're there to take your money, and hope for more business. I bet your neighbor has more going on over there, obviously not knowing what their doing though.