Zinc/Iron Deficiency? What else?


Well-Known Member
My girls are on day 45 of flowering. They have developed decent buds (except for a seed here and there unfortunately );). However, every day that I check on them I've noticed that they are starting to lose a lot of leaves.. Mostly lower leaves and fan leaves. Sugar leaves mostly all look good, but they are dropping leaves at a pretty rate. I pull off about 20 leaves/day from all 6 combined. Should I be worried?

My main three issues:

*Yellowing/wilting of many smaller, younger lower leaves along with fan leaves
*Droopy leaves in some places
*Veins of the leaves are green while the rest of the leaf is starting to turn yellowish.

I have a picture of the last issue.

Recently my AC went out and they were in ~90-100 temp for maybe 2-3 days during the day. Could that be a cause? I have kept them well watered.

Please help I am heavily relying on getting a decent yield from this.

Thanks in advance,IMG_3433.jpg


TN Jedeye

WAAAAAAAY TOO HOT!!!!! Anything over the low 80's (mid-70's being ideal) is just begging for a major malfunction. You can run a little hotter if you are supplementing with CO2, but 90-100 degrees simply ain't gonna work out for you, broseph.


Well-Known Member
This should help. IMO- I wouldn't foliar spray in flower.
Cal/Mag Plus would work to mixed in with your water.


Well-Known Member
Mag deficiency may be the problem, but giving them mag isn't going to fix the problem...its not that those nutrients aren't present in your soil, it's that the plant can't reach them.


Active Member
It is very important to maintain a proper pH in order to avoid a magnesium deficiency. Adding more magnesium to a system when there is a pH lock-out will only make the situation worse because the plant will not be able to absorb any magnesium until the pH has been corrected. Flush the system with properly pH'ed water that contains a full set of proper nutrients and see if the new growth starts looking healthier. Good Luck !